All information and assignments on this page are © 2003 by Professor Daniel B. Good.

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Assignment No.3

Well, welcome to yet another Good assignment!
In this exercise you will examine topics we have discussed in Chapter 3.
Go to NETSCAPE. Click on the Net Search button in the top center of the screen. Choose a search engine (either Infoseek, Yahoo, etc.) and click on it. In the white box underneath the search engine name, type in some topic we have examined in Chapter 3. (For instance, you might type in a place like Newfoundland, Grand Banks, Kaskaskia, Sable Island,or things like fisheries, tobacco, rice, cotton, etc.) Once you do that, click "Seek" or "Go Get It", etc.
Locate six (6) sites that deal with any of these things and do the following:
1. Give the address (http://)
2. Give an abstract of the article/web site.
3. Relate it to what we've covered in class.
4. Also, might mention how many "hits" (how many sites came up) you got when you typed in a topic.
So, how did you like this type of assignment? Not bad, easy, time consuming, etc.? Let me know. Send all answers to