Go to Good's Homepage at http://geocities.datacellar.net/rainforest/1894
Once there, click on Miscellaneous Links and then click on Galileo.
Now, in front of you, you should see a big blue looking menu. Click on Databases. This lists all the different databases you can go into. We will go next into the Social Science one. Click on Social Sciences. The next screen shows all the different places you can go under the Social Science Index. Click next on Periodical Abstracts.
Here at this next long white box, type in Latin America, and click "Start Search".
1. How many results did you get?
2. Click on LIMIT at the top of the screen. This function allows you
to narrow down your search to more specific areas. Type in history at the
subject box and then click the Start Limit box. How many "hits" did you get this time?
See how wonderful the LIMIT button can be?
Now that you all have a general idea of how Galileo works and what you can do and where you
can go with it, I want you to try some things.
Pick 3 topics that were discussed about Middle/Latin America (you can use Middle America, as one)
and find two articles for each.
Do the following three things:
1. Give the author(s), the publication information
2. Summarize what you found
3. Relate it to class
4. Rate the site according to this scale:
1=Outstanding, a must see; 2=very good, well above average; 3=helpful, fuctional; 4=would seldom use, nothing special; 5=wouldn't recommend under any circumstance. Might want to say why for each of the above.
Ideas for topics include Costa Rica, Honduras, Belize, etc. As always,
e-mail answers, suggestions, etc. to dangood@gsvms2.cc.gasou.edu