Christmas bird count 2004
Christmas Bird Count 2004
Our area was the same as in previous years, a little woodland but mostly housing estate.We looked for birds in the area bounded by 6th Avenue and 15th Avenue and Marquis Road to 22nd Street, which is the estate that we live in in Prince Albert. It was an overcast day at -1C although the sun came out at 3.45. We started at 2pm and looked until 4pm which gave us enough time to patrol every street in the zone. We drove a total of 35km. Prince Albert Nature plans to publish the full list from Prince Albert and when they do we will put in a link here.
Christine and I saw:
21 rock pigeons: together in a group on an electric power line.
3 crows: in three different areas of the estate.
2 ravens:scavenging in the High School car park.
7 black capped chickadees: three locations, all within one block of the golf course in old woods.
2 blue jays: together in a tall tree-over the past week they have been all over the estate.
3 house sparrows:near but not on a feeder.
This gives a total of 39 birds of six species.
In addition, my parents who live in the same area, saw a downy wooodpecker today, and I saw a magpie on the previous day.
John and Christine Rye