1-Erosaria spurca -Tabarka (northern Tunisia)
This  "tropical" atlantic   species is only present in the northern  part of Tunisia where it lives under stones on  non polluted rocky shores.

 2- Oxynoe olivacea  - Kerkena islands (south eastern Tunisia)-
This little olive green  species lives on the  green  "paratropical" alga  Caulerpa prolifera where it feeds. On the photo, we can see  the animal and its shell.


3-Turitella decipiens - Gabès gulf- 25 mm in length- This gastropod is strictly limited to the southern Mediterranean area , and, specially, to the Gabès gulf where it lives between 50 and 35 m depth.
4-Pirenella conica- Bizerte lagoon- 14 mm in length- This is an inter tidal species who tolerates a large range of salinities and can lives in sea water with more than 50 gr/l of salt. It prefers eutrophic medium but cannot lives in water polluted by industrial water wastes.
Photos by J. Zaouali 1