Leeds Alternative Technology
Dedicated to Renewable Power Generation
Leeds Alt Tech are a non profit making organisation based around Leeds,
Yorkshire, England. We are a group of like minded people whose aim is to
raise the awareness of and demonstrate small scale sustainable power generation
systems. We have available for demonstration in the U.K. at this time a fully
equipped vehicle carrying the following items:
- 1 x Whisper 600W Wind Generator
- 230W Solar Panel array
- 1000 A/h deep cycle battery storage facility via
- our own home made control panels providing 12v Dc and 240v Ac power via a 1500W Trace Inverter
- 1 x 100w static bicycle powered alternator
- Our super duper new festoon low voltage big top lighting system designed by Nick
We will be attending this year - Newcastle Green Fair, Kingston upon Thames Green Fair, Glastonbury Festival,
The Big Green Gathering, Northern Green Gathering
Links to other sites on the Web
Northern Green Gathering Dates
Stonehenge Campaign
List of UK renewable energy resources
The campaign for dark skies
Greenpeace International
Didjeridus and music
To get in touch write to:
- Leeds Alt Tech
- The Crow
- 535 Meanwood Road
- Meanwood
- Leeds
- England
- U.K.
- LS6 4AW
- Or call:(Outside U.K.+44 113 224 9885) 0113 224 9885
- Or e-mail j.l.stroud@leeds.ac.uk
- Please feel free to E-mail if you have any comments/suggestions
connected with these pages or Alternative Sustainable energy
- Special message: Hi to Leeds alt tech'ers, welcome Josh to the team
© 1997 aed5pmdm@leeds.ac.uk
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