3492 Wood Avenue
Eugene, OR 97402
(541) 689-3121



Ecology of native and invasive species, response of native species to invasive species, restoration ecology, grasslands ecology, and invasive species control.


Analytical Laboratory and Consultants, Eugene, OR, 6/9/2008 - Present.

Perform microbiological and chemical testing of drinking water, wastewater, and soil samples. Manage quality assurance tasks including calibrating and maintaining small equipment, managing technical documents, and ensuring accuracy of finished reports.

Grain Millers Inc., Eugene, OR, 1/25/2007 - 6/18/2008.

Perform quality control tests on grain products to ensure that products are safe and meet customer specifications.

USDA ARS, Burns, OR, 6/14/2004 - 8/4/2006.

Develop weed management systems as part of the USDA ARS Range and Forage Management Research program. Educate local agencies about how they can benefit from using adaptive management in their management plans. Develop adaptive management projects in collaboration with personnel at other agencies (e.g. Fish and Wildlife and BLM). Engage in public outreach to educate the public and instruct land managers about practical use of adaptive management.

Doctoral Research, UC Davis, 10/1998 - 06/2004.

Measured competitive interactions between the native perennial grass, Nassella pulchra, and the non-native forb, Centaurea solstitialis. Surveyed populations of grassland functional diversity, water use, and invasion using the native perennial Aristida ternipes var. hamulosa and Aristida oligantha to describe the ecology of both species and their restoration uses. Dr. Kevin Rice, Department of Agronomy and Range Science.

Research, UC Davis Natural Reserve System, 5/1999 - 6/2000.

Described the effects of Transline herbicide on plant diversity and relative cover of grassland species and its target, Centaurea soltitialis, at Jepson Prairie Preserve.

Field and Lab Assistant, UC Davis, 08/1998 - 09/1998.

Analyzed stem density and seed production of Bromus hordeaceus, Bromus madritensis, and Lolium multiflorum in an annual grass competition study. Dr. Emilio Laca, Department of Agronomy and Range Science.

Data Management Assistant, Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research Project, 08/1996 - 07/1998

Prepared EasyEntry Forms and UNIX Shell and Perl scripts for entering and archiving field data. Designed and created the Virtual Field Trip to Niwot Ridge educational web site. Dr. Timothy Seastedt, Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research, Boulder, Colorado.

Undergraduate Research, University of Colorado, Boulder. 02/1997 - 06/1998.

Studied the use of carbon amendments to reduce soil nitrogen and how this impacted invasive species. Dr. Timothy Seastedt, Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research.

Consulting Botanist, Bureau of Reclamation, Boulder, Colorado, 06/1997 - 07/1997

Collected specimens of all plant species in restored wetland at Coot Lake. Identified and prepared herbarium sheets and a species list for specimens.


Teaching Assistant, UC Davis, 04/2001 - 06/2001 and 04/2003 - 06/2003

Collected grasses from throughout Northern California for use as course materials in Grass Identification and Ecology course. Identified all grasses to species or subspecies, prepared quizzes and lab practical exam, and assisted in class instruction.


"Ecologically-Based Invasive Plant Management" Workshop speaker. USDA/EOARC, Burns, OR, April 7, 2005.

"Grassland Restoration" Workshop speaker. Santa Clara County Weed Management Area, February 10, 2004.

"Using Grasses in Rangeland and Open Space" Workshop speaker. Solano County Weed Management Area, September 25, 2003.


Reever Morghan, K. J., J. D. Corbin, and J. Gerlach. 2007. Water Relations. Pages 87-93 in M. R., Stromberg, J. D. Corbin, and C. M. D'Antonio, editors. California Grasslands: Ecology and Management. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Sheley, R. L., M. F. Carpinelli, and K. J. Reever Morghan. 2007. Effects of Imazapic on Target and Nontarget Vegetation during Revegetation. Weed Technology 21:1071-1081.

Reever Morghan, K. J., R. L. Sheley, and T. J. Svejcar. 2006. Successful adaptive management - the integration of research and management. Rangeland Ecology and Management. Rangeland Ecology and Management 59:216-219.

Reever Morghan, K. J., and K. J. Rice. 2006. Variation in resource availability influences the negative impact of an invasive thistle on a native bunchgrass. Ecological Applications 16:528-539.

Reever Morghan, K. J., and K. J. Rice. 2005. Centaurea solstitialis invasion success is influenced by Nassella pulchra size. Restoration Ecology 13:524-528.

Reever Morghan, K. J., R. L. Sheley, M. K. Denny, and M. L. Pokorny. 2005. Seed islands may promote establishment and expansion of native species in reclaimed mine sites (Montana). Ecological Restoration 23:214-215.

Reever Morghan, K. J. 2004. The Ecology of Aristida ternipes var. hamulosa and Aristida oligantha in Northern California and Oregon. Grasslands 14:1,8-11.

Reever Morghan, K. J., E. A. Leger, and K. J. Rice. 2003. Clopyralid effects on yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) and non-target species. Weed Science 51:596-600.

Reever Morghan, K. J., T. R. Seastedt, and P. J. Sinton. 2000. Frequent fire slows invasion of ungrazed tallgrass prairie by Canada thistle (Colorado). Ecological Restoration 18:194-195.

Reever Morghan, K. J., and T. R. Seastedt. 1999. Effects of Soil Nitrogen Reduction on Non-Native Plants in Disturbed Grasslands. Restoration Ecology 7:51-55.


Reever Morghan, K., and R. Sheley. 2005. Local agencies try adaptive management. Burns Times-Herald, 25 May, page 19.


Reever Morghan, K. J. 2004. Centaurea solstitialis invasion success is influenced by Nassella pulchra size. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon. (Abstract of poster presented at the summer 2004 ESA meetings).

Reever Morghan, K. J. 2003. Effect of Nassella pulchra size on Centaurea solstitialis invasion. SERCAL (Society for Ecological Restoration - California) meeting, Asilomar, CA. (Abstract of poster presented at the September 28-October 1, 2003 SERCAL conference).

Reever Morghan, K. J. 2002. Impacts of soil depth and competition with Centaurea solstitialis on Nassella pulchra. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, Tucson, Arizona. (Abstract of talk given at the summer 2002 ESA meetings).

Leger, E. A. and K. J. Reever Morghan. 2001. Effect of Starthistle Management on Grassland Community. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin. (Abstract of poster presented at the summer 2001 ESA meetings).

Reever Morghan, K. J. 2000. Interactions between Centaurea solstitialis and Nassella pulchra in deep and shallow soils. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, Snowbird, Utah. (Abstract of poster presented at the summer 2000 ESA meetings)



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