Welcome to PCHelp

We include you in the picture!

Who are we?

We are a personal computer consulting association located in Southern California, helping others throughout the world. PCHelp has been consulting since 1989 in a wide variety of corporate, small business and individual client environments. Our staff has experience working with computers for over 25 years. If we can't answer your questions or meet your needs, we will work hard to locate the proper resources for you.

What do we do?

We have the tools. We have the time.
We're ready to go!

What kind of Web Design work have we done?

Click below to see Web Pages and "Web Sites" designed by PCHelp.
Behind a successful web site is someone that understands how the web works.
Each site requires planning, development, hosting, maintenance and marketing.

Welcome to PCHelp

How do you learn more?

Drop us a note with your questions.

Then you can relax and tell the boss that you have PCHelp working on it!

This page designed and maintained by PCHelp
Created on 29 October, 1995 and last updated on 11 November, 1999
Copyright© 1998-9 PCHelp

Thank you for increasing our Web-Counter to since 20 April, 1996!

We support the Blue Ribbon Campaign in protest of the signing of the 1998 Telecommunications Bill. This page wears a Blue Ribbon to protest government control of the Internet. See The American Reporter.

This page is Netscape enhanced.