Our State

Our State

Pará is a very large state, located in the Brazilian Amazon Region. The Equator
passes trough the northern part of it. The total area of Pará is 778,678.8 sq.
miles. The Atlantic Ocean bathes its 349.2 mile long coast. The weather is hot
and humid, with a lot of rain. The months from July to October are a little bit dryer
and the average temperature is 24° to 26°C. The average humidity is 90% (We almost breathe
water!). There are a lot of rivers in the Forest region and they provide transportation and
food for the amzonian men.

The archipelag of Marajó, the biggest river/sea of the world, is located in the State of

The people is formed by a mixture of white and red skin people, the indians and Portuguese

Most people live in Belém, the capital of the State, wich has 1.148.242 habitants. Here´s where
we live!

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