
"By switching to kenaf, we can distribute cultivation and pulping jobs throughout the country, lowering the cumulative impact on specific regions. Kenaf could be grown for roughly half th cost of producing pulp wood. It is more productive per acre. It has lower pulping costs. And to me, it has a very significant attribute: it contributes less pollution to the waste stream."
-David Brower, board chair for the Earth Island Institute.

If kenaf is so wonderful, why isn't it used widely?

What you can do

More info

Association of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics
PO Box 11615
Eugene, OR 97440
(541) 484-2692

342 Aerospace Center
Washington, DC 20250-2200

The International Kenaf Association
P.O. Box 7
Ladona, TX 75449
(903) 367-7216 1