EkoMAR zine Year 2001 - White Stork Project   
Schools from three Countries together   
in Europe At School 2001 competition   
  Published by   School M.A.R, Croatia,  I.E.S.J-Sera, Spain  and  G.S.G Moisil, Romania.

EkoMAR zine > art#001004

Rode (Ciconiielae)

RODE Rode (Ciconiielae) - su krupni predstavnici reda Ciconiiformes i liče na čaplje. Razlikuju se po ispruženim držanjem vrata u letu. Hrane se raznovrsnom hranom. Monge jedu ribe, žabe i sitne sisare, a neke kao afrički marabu (Leptoptiloserumeniferus) hrane se lešinama. On je ujedno i najveci predstavnik svoje porodice, i jedna od najvećih ptica letacica na svijetu. Kod nas se po naseljima gnjezdi Bijela roda (Ciconia ciconia) a u mirnim šumama Crna roda (Ciconia nigra). Obje se sele u Afriku na zimovanje. Kao većina vrsta roda, naše rode nemaju glase već zvukove proizvode klepetanjem kljuna, a sporazumjevanje pojašnjevaju pokretima i paradama. Od ostalih vrsta treba još spomenuti Bjelovratnu ili Vunastu rodu (Dissouma episcopus) iz Etiopije i Južne Azije i rodu sa sedlastim kljunom (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) iz Afrike. Šumska roda (Mycteria americana) je americka vrsta, rasprostranjena od Argentine do Floride. Nažalost danas kod nas u Hrvatskoj ima sve manje roda. Nadam se da će se to sa vremenom popraviti. Dosta roda pogine u visinama sudarajući se sa avionima, ponekad s autima i nekim tornjevima.

Manuela Kumpez, 1e razred, Skola M.A.R, Hrvatska
literatura:Enciklopedija "Sve životinje svijeta"

Stork (Cicconiiellae)

STORK Storks (Ciciniielae) - are sizable representatives of the order of Ciconiiformes, and closely resemble a heron. The differentiate themselves in their stiff stretched neck position during the flight. They feed on various foods. Many of them eat fish, frogs and small mammals, and some, like the African Marabu (Leptoptiloserumeniferus), feed on carcasses. It is, at the same time, the largest representative of it's family, and one of the largest flying birds in the world. In this part of the world, the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) is nesting in the settled areas, while the black stork (Ciconia nigra) nests in the peaceful wilderness. Both of these migrate to Africa during the winter. As most other species of stork, these do not possess any voice capability as such, but produce noise by clattering their beak, while communication is achieved and amplified by body movements and parading patterns. As far as other species are concerned we should also not fail to mention the whiteneck or woolen stork (Dissouma episcopus) from Ethiopia and Southern Asia, and the saddlebeak stork (Ephippiorhynchus Americana) from Africa. The forest stork (Mycteria Americana) is an American species, dispersed in an area from Argentina to Florida. Sadly, in Croatia today, the number of stork is consistently falling. Great many stork are killed in flight, collide with aircraft, and sometimes with motor vehicles and towering structures.

Article by: Manuela Kumpez, 1st e grade, M. A. R. School, Croatia.
Source: Encyclopaedia " All the animals of the world"

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