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EkoMAR zine Year 2001 Edition - White Stork Project    
Schools from three countries together    
in Europe At School 2001 competition    
    Published by   School M.A.R, Croatia,  I.E.S.J-Sera, Spain  and  G.S.G Moisil, Romania.

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White Stork-Frank Stanton´s scientific research
Each bird bends its neck back until the head rests on the top of the body. Then they shoot their heads forward while rattling their bills, raising their tails, and spreading their ings.
© Frank Stanton, 1997 alaike.Icc.hawaii.edu/zoology101/

Danish exploration-Red List
The Danish 1997 Red List is a commented list of plant and animal species which either have disappeared, are threatened, vulnerable or rare and it may be considered a revised version of the 1990 Red List compiled by the National Forest and Nature Agency (Asbirk and Sřgaard 1991). The purpose of the 1997 Red List is partly to form a basis for work connected with maintaining the biodiversity in Denmark and partly to fulfil Danish obligations according to the Convention of Biodiversity.

Šale o rodama !

Šeta žaba livadom i naišla na rodu. Upita je svojim velikom ustima: "Rodooo - štooo tiii tooo raaadiš"? A roda veli: "Jedem žabu s velikim ustima". Žaba brže-bolje odgovori skupljenih usana: "Samo ti jedi, samo ti jedi" /// Ivica pita tatu: "Tata, zašto kažu da rode izumiru, kada je djece sve više ?!" /// (Jokes about Storks..."Dady, why people say that Storks are dieing out, while there are more and more children around...)

Močvare i rode!

2.veljače dan je močvara. Dobar razlog za posjetu recimo Kopačkom ritu. Možemo na stoljetnim hrastovima pokazati primjer trajnih vrijednosti ili u krošnjama brijesta promatrari gnijezda, tu su jer između brijesta i ptica postoji usmeni dogovor dok ste vi na jugu čuvam vam stan, a za uzvrat u proljeće vi mi pjevate cijeli dan Nikome nije palo na pamet da ne drži dogovorenog. Čak i močvarni mulj i ribe recimo mulj su rodilište i jaslice za male ribe, a termalno blato je za stariju riblju gospodu...

Čigoč - das europeische Dorf der Storche

Wo die Storche ihre Kiuder Grossziehen , gribt es uoch reine Natur Die groste Niststatte fur Storche in Europa befindet sich in kleinen Dort Čigoč in Lonja-Tal. 1994 wurde Čigoč zum Europeischen Dort der Storche ernnannt. Storche haben Čigoč gewahlt und die Bewohner von Čigoč schutzen und lieben sie. Storche bauen ihre Nester hauptsachlich auf hoheu Schornste- ine und Holzmasten. Aber Čigoč bietet auch Besonderheiten: Eine Storchnest steht sogar auf einem Steinbrunneu und Hauser mit zwei Schornsteinen haben auch zwei Nester. Jedes Nest gehort e ...

Rode (Ciconiielae)

RODE Rode (Ciconiielae) - su krupni predstavnici reda Ciconiiformes i liče na čaplje. Razlikuju se po ispruženim držanjem vrata u letu. Hrane se raznovrsnom hranom. Jedu ribe, žabe i sitne sisare, a neke kao afrički marabu (Leptoptiloserumeniferus) hrane se lešinama. On je ujedno i najveci predstavnik svoje porodice, i jedna od najvećih ptica letacica na svijetu. Kod nas se po naseljima gnjezdi Bijela roda (Ciconia ciconia) a u mirnim šumama Crna roda (Ciconia nigra). /about Stork birds families...by Manuela Kumpez, 1e, M.A.R/

Roda (Ciconia ciconia) - ptica selica
Bijela Roda (Ciconia ciconia) je ptica selica. Poznato je devet vrsta koje žive u Europi, Aziji, Africi i Južnoj Americi. Osim podataka o rodama ovdje je i poznata basna o rodi i lisici...
/About Storks, story about fox and stork,by Ivana Barišić ...

Sve o rodama direktno iz dječjeg vrtića!
Kako rode izgledaju? Albert: "Bijela, velika, narančasta, skoro ravna, onda malo grbava. Velike rode mogu loviti žabe i hrane svoju dječicu." (by Ivana Dujmić and Marija Gašpić,2g)

zine refreshed: 24.04.2001
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White Storks - Bijele rode
Europe At School 2001 Competition Pages
White Stork Archives
online workspace, information about project and about schools - partners in project, works, images, audio clips, links...

White Stork WWW Board
Come and participate in discussion, meet old and possibly find a new friends. All people welcome.

White Stork Mail
All members of three School Teams are joined into White Stork mail list.

White Stork Directory
Online database of ecology links: about Nature, Ecology, Plants, Animals, Birds and finaly: about White Stork. All people welcome.

White Stork Guestbook
Come and write your comments and impressions...

E-zine EkoMAR is published by teams of:
School M.A.R, Slav.Brod, Croatia
I.E.S.J. Sera, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
G.S.G Moisil, Braila, Romania
URL http://skola-mar.avalon.hr/ekomar

  Contact with Editors: Editor's Desk

 In case of problems and for technical
assistance send mail to Help Desk.

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Online galery: children's drawings. Some Storks there have four legs but do not argue with young artists, they have right to their visions!
See online gallery!

Old EkoMar zine, version from yr 2000

Electronic zine EkoMAR, you are reading now, is produced in online cooperation of school teams from three countries joined together for Europe At School 2001 competition. Zine is prepared and published with online automated tools by members of school teams. Internet and e-z Composer software, newest technologies used here, are only media and tools, but real gold here is joining of tens authors of articles spread in three countries and values of their original works.
EkoMAR zine is prepared and published with e-zine Composer Ver.1.0 (C) donated to P062 project by SBNet.Hr 2001