Meet Sugarbear & Crystal

I have been raising birds for about 10 years. I first became interested in birds when I took a trip to Alabama with a neighbor friend of mine back in high school. We traveled from Michigan to Alabama to visit his aunt who happened to own a lime-green, 'dime store' parakeet named Mr. Bird. I was so impressed by this bird. It would come when you called it, sit on your finger, take showers in the sink and believe it or not, it even talked! From that point on, I was hooked on birds. I was just amazed by how such a small, 'stupid' animal could be so smart, loving, and personable.
I had to have one!!! But we had CATS!!! I knew this would be a problem. Not only with the cats but with my mom. Not that my mom hated birds or anything, but with the two cats in the house, I knew she wouldn't approve. Maybe after she got to know my bird, she'd come around. I hoped. Maybe I could keep the bird in my room with the door locked and only let the bird out of it's cage while I was there.
I went to the library to read up on parakeets, and learned as much as I could before I went to look for a bird of my own. I learned all about the care and feeding of these birds, or Budgies, as they were called. I learned that many people raised budgies right in their own home, and that it really wasn't that difficult. (I knew I'd have to wait until I grew up and got a place of my own before I could do that!). I also found out that if you wanted your bird to be friendly and learn all the stuff Mr. Bird did, you needed to get one as soon as it was fledged. It had to grow up with as little sibling interaction so it would eventually bond with its owner. That wouldn't be a problem, since I planned on only getting one bird and I was going to spend lots of time with it.
Since I wasn't old enough to drive yet, and I couldn't ask my mom to drive me to the pet stores, I set out on my bike to find my bird. We had a half a dozen pet stores in town and I knew finding the right bird would be easy. I was wrong! All the pet stores in town had budgies, but none could tell me how old they were, and all were shipped in from out of state! Some pet stores could tell the birds were 'Young' but they didn't know how young. I wanted one right from the nest. This would never do. I was ready to give up on the whole idea and decided to drown my sorrows at an aquarium store about 20 miles north of town. I liked going there because they were the only store for hundreds of miles that had salt water fish, and I liked going there to watch the fish and dream of one day growing up and being an oceanographer. I could never afford a saltwater aquarium. It took me over a year to convince my mom to let me have a tropical fish tank, and I had to earn the money to buy that! The only problem with this aquarium store was it was so far away, and I only got to go there when my mom was in that part of town. But I was depressed and off I went.
It had been longer than I thought since I was there last. The whole place had changed. When I walked in the door, there was a new face behind the counter and there were house plants for sale all over the store lobby. There were also a couple of big birds in cages and I began to worry, that there were no longer any aquariums! Had I come all this way for nothing? Then I looked around the corner and I could see the aquariums and was quite relieved. After looking at all the fish, I decided it was time to head back home and started to leave the store. Ed, The guy behind the counter, asked if he could help me find anything, and I politely said no, and explained that I just came to look at the fish. We started talking and I learned that the owner of the store had a heart attack and was in the hospital. While he was recovering, Ed, the owners friend, was running the store for him and that was why the store had changed. We got to talking, and I told Ed about Mr. bird and why I had come to the store. Ed then smiled and asked me to take a look at in the back room. He had to watch the front counter, but said it was OK to peak in and see what he had back there. When I poked my head through the door, I couldn't believe my eyes! There, lined up along the back wall were breeding cages full of budgies !! Needless to say, I found my pet budgie! Ed let me pick out my bird from all the ones that had just fledged. It was the brightest blue bird I had ever seen with white wings and black markings on it's head and shoulders.
I quickly paid Ed for my new friend, and hurried home. My head was spinning with excitement. I don't even remember the ride home. By the time I got there, I had it all planned out in my head. I got an old bird cage down from the attic and cleaned it up, put food and water in the cage and prayed my mom wouldn't find my bird until I had him trained and friendly. It worked for two days. Then my mom heard him through the closed bedroom door and when I got home from school that day I heard about it. I don't remember the whole story here, but I know I got to keep my bird. My dad put a lock on my bedroom door so we could make sure the cats didn't push open the door, and I spent all my spare time with my bird - Captin. I named him Captin as in a ships captain, but spelled it the way it sounded. I have always had trouble spelling, and felt his name should be spelled the way it sounds. So that's the way it was going to be.
Captin and I soon became the best of friends, and he soon learned to talk, do tricks and help me with my home work. We slept together: me in my bed and him over head on the windowsill. In the mornings we would take our shower together. Captin would sit on the curtain rod and wait until I was ready for him to perch on my finger where he would take his. It wasn't long before Captin captured the heart of everyone who met him. Even my mom. I had Captin for over 13 years. During that time, we were the best of friends. He saw me through the best of times and some of my worst.

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Wind beneath my Wings
Midi by Don Carroll