09/09/00 02:29:28
Name: GUY PLAYFAIR | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Organization: Innu nation |
Country: canada |
I am a forest technician who works for a native
group in Labrador Canada near the town of Goose
Bay. I am interested in the boreal forests of
your republic and will be reading your site and
anything I can learn about your forests. Good
luck with your work and Im sorry to hear about Mr.
Putins changes to the forest service.
Sincerly Guy Pla
03/10/00 12:24:08
My URL: Visit Me |
01/21/99 00:18:02
Name: alex egoroff |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I would like to inform you on creation of the Siberian Ecological Ring homepages.
Please take a moment to browse through the site we have just put together.
We would like to enrich our site with new information and hope for your help.
Also we would appreciate if you link our site to popular Environmental Protection
sites that you are probably familiar with.
Please help our pages grow,
on behalf of the Siberian Ecological Ring,
Alexander Egoroff
12/04/97 22:27:57