Welcome to Theresa's Homepage!
   The Traveller's Log   A Human Dwelling Place   Faces and Places What's New?   Destinations  (Updated 5/9/98) Geographie  Leave Your Footprint   See How They Run!   Send me an E-mail  

 Guestbook by Lpage

The Traveller's Log is about this page and its creator, while A Human Dwelling Place takes a look at the people in my life, and their own forays into cyberspace. What's New? contains updates on upcoming and ongoing events, both online and otherwise. Destinations brings you to the places on the web I love to visit, and Faces and Places is the baby of the site, a small, albeit growing, online album. Don't forget to Leave Your Footprint to tell me you've been here, and what you think of my site. See How They Run! and take a vicarious stand on the whole guestbook business. 
For those who miss him, the Drilling Man's back! Life's all about ongoing improvements, and so is this site! Constructive comments welcome! 
"The earth does not argue,
Is not pathetic, has no arguments,
Does not scream, haste, persuade, threaten, promise,
Makes no discriminations, has no conceivable jealousy,
Closes nothing, refuses nothing, shuts none out."
- Walt Whitman

Museums which contribute to our knowledge of the Earth:
Natural History Museum, London
The Smithsonian
The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago)
Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Roger Tory Peterson Museum of Natural History

5 September 1998
School's out again (see the pattern?), and I'm exhausted by time ticking away like a bomb about to go off. Time to catch up on everything I'm supposed to be doing, including indulging in Stephen Jay Gould's unravelling of deep time, and back issues of the National Geographic.

16 June 1998 
Back to school! 

11 July 1998 
It's been an eventful break since my first year exams ended in end-April; this is one holiday which I can truly say has been satisfying, exciting even. I've been changed during the course of these months, and renewed, and rediscovering many things. Here's how a "summer" vacation can really go to your head! 


© Copyright The WebMUNster. Created in September 1996. Last updated 3 May 1998.
Best viewed with Netscape Navigator 3.0 and above.