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Amaranthe's Home Page!

As soon as I learn more about HMTL, I will be adding other pages to this. If you have any tips on how to do this, please feel free to send me an email. I am currently working on a Master's degree combining counseling psychology and environmental studies. I am a naturalist looking for a way to bring people closer to the natural world within themselves in order to identify the self as nature, vice versa, and become a protector of our environment.

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Check out the page Developing the Nature Within

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Links to other sites on the Web

Ecopsychology On-Line Home Page
Article from Common Future about Ecopsychology
Project NatureConnect
Zen Meditation Techniques
My Alma Mater
Grad School!
Aranya Earth Institute
Our Life as Gaia by Joanna Macy

"Those who see all creatures in themselves and themselves in all creatures know no fear. Those who see all creatures in themselves and themselves in all creatures know no grief. How can the multiplicity of life delude the one who sees its unity?" --Isha--

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