Smith River Fisheries and
Ecosystem Report
Chapter 7 -- Synthesizing an ecosystem restoration strategy (continued)
Preliminary list of suggested restoration actions for the Smith
River watershed
The most effective priorities for fisheries restoration should be
selected from the following list of potential actions and studies. These
suggested restoration actions incorporate concepts from "rapid biotic
and ecological response" strategy (Frissell et al. 1993) and "patient-template
analysis" (Lichatowich et al. 1995). Some groups of actions
are labeled "ecosystem integrity indicators" because they are
potentially valuable for assessing the overall "health" of the
system and may provide an early warning "red flag" for ecosystem
A) Defining watershed units (watershed stratification) -
[analytical method]. Several criteria are proposed for stratifying
(classifying) watershed units:
- Classification based on ecological subsections (Table 7,
Bailey 1996, California 1994, United States 1978) defines ecological
zones defined mostly by geology. Streams in a given ecological
subsection tend to respond similarly to events and human impacts.
Therefore, this form of stratification allows experience, knowledge, and
standards to be transferred among comparable areas. Analysis of
ecosystem subsections often suggests opportunities for hypothesis
testing. For example, an interesting hypothesis is that a
disproportionately high number of smolts are produced from the Northern
Franciscan Subsection including Mill and Rowdy Creeks. Ecological
subsections are also helpful in identifying "control areas"
for hypothesis testing.
- Classification using the "river continuum" concept
is based on typical differences between upstream and downstream areas of
rivers and streams. As stream order increases downstream, river
ecosystems change in a predictable sequence. Habitat attributes, species
composition, sources of primary productivity, and the food chain are
arranged in a sequence based on position in the river network (Vannote
et al. 1980). Life history patterns of anadromous salmonids seem
to rely heavily on particular sections of the river continuum.
- "Rapid biotic and ecological response" (RBER)
methods (Frissell et al. 1993) provide a system for stratifying
the watershed in relation to restoration.. In the RBER strategy, habitat
types are defined in terms of their contribution to recovery of
biological diversity. The RBER strategy establishes watershed
restoration priorities based on the geographic distribution of high
quality habitat. In addition, this strategy operates on multiple time
frames: short-term (2 to 10 years), medium-term (10 to 50 years), and
long-term (20 to 200 years). This classification system divides the
watershed into "focal", "nodal", "adjunct",
and "grubstake" habitats. "Focal" habitats are
patches of pristine or relatively undisturbed habitat usually found in
the headwaters. "Nodal" habitats are relatively intact areas
that serve as connecting links in the river network. Both focal and
nodal habitats support important components of biodiversity such as
remaining populations of sensitive species. The top priority in the RBER
strategy is identifying, protecting, and enhancing nodal and focal
habitats in the short term (2-10 years). "Adjunct" habitats
are degraded areas that are usually downstream from focal or nodal
habitats. They are high priority for restoration in the medium-term
(10-50 years) to reestablish connectivity and allow expansion of
populations from nearby focal and nodal habitats. "Grubstake"
habitats are formerly important habitats that have been severely
degraded. Although difficult to restore, these habitats provide immense
ecological benefits. These areas are candidates for long-term
restoration projects (20-200 years).
B) Disturbance - recovery cycles - [controlling processes,
ecosystem integrity indicator]
- Estimate the historical range of variability for
disturbance-recovery cycles and patterns. Refine estimates of baseline
disturbance-recovery cycles as described in the Smith River Watershed
Analysis (McCain et al. 1995). It may be possible to identify
disturbance-recovery patterns and problems according to watershed units
(see A above).
- Investigate recent disturbance recovery cycles. Using aerial photos,
estimate recovery periods for streams following disturbances of various
magnitudes, ranging from the 1964 flood to typical winter peak flows.
Identify differences between the present disturbance cycle and the
pre-settlement disturbance cycle. Identify differences between managed
and unmanaged recovery.
- Identify "after the disturbance" policies that will
protect beneficial changes caused by disturbances (Gregory 1993).
- Using a combination of indicators, develop an index to rate the
disturbance-recovery status for each watershed and subwatershed for a
given year. This would estimate the combined effect of floods, fire,
timber harvest, and other influences. Criteria for the recovery index
might include condition of riparian vegetation, geomorphic indicators
such as particle size, and land cover characteristics such as proportion
of bare soil, landslide size and frequency, and proportions of early and
late seral stages. Another potential indicator of disturbance-recovery
status is the lag time between rainfall and increased streamflow. This
index would be used in combination with the ecological subsection type
(based on geology) because recovery would be more rapid in areas of
resistant geology. Maps of the basin or subbasin showing "recovery
status" for each stream would help managers understand how the
distribution of high quality habitat is likely to change in the future.
By tracking recovery status over time, managers could identify disturbed
watersheds that continue to degrade rather than recovering.
C) Geomorphic processes - [controlling influences, ecosystem
integrity indicator]
- Estimate the historical range of variability for geomorphic
processes. Refine estimates of baseline rates for geomorphic processes
and historic changes in habitat as described in the Smith River
Watershed Analysis (McCain et al. 1995).
- Investigate short- and long-term trends in sediment production,
transport, and storage, especially human influences on these trends.
Identify significant sediment producing areas. Evaluate the degree of
risk posed by these areas to biotic refuges and critical habitat for
anadromous salmonids. Develop specific recommendations for reducing and
preventing sediment inputs. For example, consider creating positive
incentives for private landowners to reduce erosion such as through "storm-proofing"
- Investigate the use of bedload transport rate as a monitoring tool.
Identify important times and places to measure bedload transport. This
characteristic is related to stream ecosystem integrity and can be
estimated by measuring the rate of fine sediment deposition in pools
(Hilton and Lisle 1993, Lisle and Hilton 1991). Trends in bedload
transport can give insights into stream response to disturbance.
- Investigate the use of fine sediment supply as a monitoring tool.
Identify important times and places to measure fine sediment supply. A
rapid and simple technique for monitoring fine sediment supply and
trends is pebble counting. This characteristic is also helpful in
understanding stream response to disturbances (Potyondy and Hardy 1994).
- Investigate stream channel characteristics as monitoring tools.
Important characteristics include pool/riffle ratios, width-to-depth
ratios, channel sinuosity, channel stability, and channel sinuosity.
- Study gravel mining as a tool for increasing habitat diversity in
the lower river. Identify potential adaptive management strategies to
study the effects of various gravel mining strategies on juvenile
rearing habitat, pre-spawner holding habitat, spawning habitat, and
- Evaluate the watershed for "loaded guns": areas that are
high risk for future mass wasting. Identify potentially unstable areas
that have yet to be tested by intense storm events. For example,
recently roaded areas in the headwaters may be high-risk for failure and
may be upstream from biotic refuges (Frissell et al. 1993).
Consider preventive measures on high-risk areas.
D) Riparian vegetation - [controlling component, ecosystem
integrity indicator]
- Compare the past and present extent of riparian forests. Estimate
the past extent of riparian forests, using aerial photographs and
historical information. Determine the present extent of riparian
- Identify and prioritize potential projects to increase riparian
vegetation. Identify streams with sparse riparian vegetation. In
particular, identify opportunities to restore riparian forests in the
flood plain of the Smith River mainstem. Prioritize potential projects
according to ecological importance in the watershed context,
cost-effectiveness, and compatibility with existing economic activities.
- Create incentives for improving riparian conditions on private
lands. In particular, devise strategies for increasing numbers of large
conifers in riparian areas, such as modifications of the California
Forest Practice Regulations (Appendix E).
E) Large woody debris - [controlling component, ecosystem
integrity indicator]
- Estimate the status and trends of large woody debris throughout the
stream network.
- Identify potential projects for increasing large woody debris in
streams. Potential projects in the short term include directly adding
wood to streams. Potential long-term projects include planting conifers
in riparian areas. Consider methods for increasing woody debris in
specific low gradient reaches in the upper watershed. Identify
opportunities for planting conifers in thinly vegetated riparian zones
within landslide-prone inner gorge areas. Search for innovative methods
for initiating and retaining woody debris structures on the lower river
and subbasin mainstems. Prevent cutting of firewood on flood plains and
in riparian areas. Mark valuable pieces of wood on the flood plain with
signs saying, "This log is destined to be salmon and steelhead
habitat. Please do not remove." Prioritize potential projects
according to cost-effectiveness and ecological importance in the
watershed context.
- Create incentives for improved retention of large woody debris on
timberlands. Recommend changes in the California Forest Practice
Regulations (Appendix E) that will increase the supply of woody debris
delivered to streams from private timberlands.
- Investigate the use of large woody debris surveys as a monitoring
tool. These surveys may be especially helpful in studying trends in
habitat complexity (Schuett-Hames et al. 1994; Keller et al.
1995). Investigate the usefulness of measures of large woody debris for
estimating ecological integrity and suitability of streams for coho
F) Benthic macroinvertebrates - [indicator species, ecosystem
integrity indicator]
- Investigate the use of surveys of benthic macroinvertebrates in
streams as an indicator of stream ecosystem conditions. Each species of
macroinvertebrates on the stream bottom has special requirements and
sensitivities. Sensitivities of macroinvertebrates include temperature,
dissolved oxygen, sedimentation, scouring, food availability, flow
regime, exposure/light, predators, changes in energy cycle, water
chemistry, and pollution. These sensitivities can be used to determine
conditions in the stream in the present and in the past (California
Department of Fish and Game 1995). These relatively low-cost methods can
provide insights into ecosystem integrity.
G) Relationships between habitat and anadromous salmonid populations
and life history patterns.
- Use "patient-template analysis" (Lichatowich et al.
1995, Lestelle et al. 1996) to organize information concerning
anadromous salmonid life history patterns and environmental factors.
This involves assessing the biological performance of a species (the "patient"),
in this case anadromous salmonids. All historic and present life history
patterns for anadromous salmonids found in this specific watershed are
identified. The "template" consists of the estimated pristine
or relatively undeveloped habitat conditions for the watershed.
Information is also assembled on current habitat conditions and current
life history patterns of the species. Life history patterns are overlaid
on the existing spatial and temporal patterns in river and estuary
habitats. (An example will be included in next revision of this
document). This overlay helps identify critical habitat, and
specifically when and where it is needed. By identifying the most
biologically important habitat, opportunities to strengthen at-risk life
history patterns can also be identified. This approach allows long-term
and collective consequences of many conditions throughout a watershed to
be analyzed. Further, it also recognizes that abundance of anadromous
fish in an area is due to the cumulative influence of many restricting
factors rather than one dominant limiting factor. This encourages
managers to consider many factors, none of which is limiting by itself.
The analysis should model both density-dependent and density-independent
mortality (Lestelle et al. 1996). Besides identifying the most
effective strategies for restoring anadromous salmonid production and/or
diversity, patient-template analysis also helps identify data gaps and
research needs.
- Investigate the characteristics of anadromous life history patterns
of the Smith River. Scale analysis may be used to gain information about
these characteristics.
- Identify indices of anadromous salmonid abundance. Indices are
needed that can be used on a watershed scale, such as snorkel surveys on
the main forks (Reedy 1995).
- Investigate the distribution and abundance of anadromous salmonids.
Using indices of salmonid abundance, estimate basin-wide patterns in
distribution of anadromous salmonids, including areas of high
productivity. Monitor the success of anadromous salmonid life history
patterns, especially those at-risk.
- Study how habitat complexity affects anadromous salmonid
- Study the effects of predators on anadromous salmonid populations,
including seals, otters, and birds. Determine if predators are limiting
expression of any anadromous life history patterns. For example,
determine the extent that predation in the estuary by seals, sea lions,
and cormorants controls the size of anadromous salmonid stocks.
- Estimate the effects of fishing on anadromous salmonid populations,
including commercial harvest, sport fishing, and poaching.
- Study how connectivity in the river network affects anadromous
salmonid populations. Identify connectivity characteristics of the river
network that affect anadromous salmonids. Identify the distribution and
timing of poor connectivity in relation to expression of life history
patterns, and especially in relation to pre-spawner migration and
juvenile migration.
- Estimate historic changes in connectivity in the river network and
the potential improving connectivity.
- Study how geomorphic processes and disturbance-recovery cycles
affect anadromous salmonid populations.
- Identify critical habitat for anadromous salmonids. Determine
habitats that are most lacking in relation to anadromous salmonid life
history patterns. Also identify potential critical habitat for
anadromous salmonids. Identify major spawning areas and potentially
important spawning areas. In particular, try to identify ecologically
significant low gradient reaches in the upper watershed that are
spawning areas. A stream profile for the watershed would help clarify
this. However, some of these reaches are too small to be detected on
stream profiles generated from topographic maps. Evaluate opportunities
to increase the quality and quantity of critical habitat. Identify and
protect streams that coho are most likely to recolonize especially
suitable streams that are adjacent to habitat currently utilized by
- Identify high quality aquatic habitat and biotic refuges.
Potentially helpful information sources include aerial photographs,
logging history, and fire history.
H) The floodplain - [controlling component]
- Determine the present extent of the floodplain
- Estimate the dimensions of floodplain prior to human modification.
- Determine the location or potential location of important floodplain
habitats. Investigate the ecological importance of floodplain-processes
and habitats especially in relation to anadromous fish species.
- Investigate opportunities for restoring the flood plain. In
consultation with landowners, determine the feasibility of restoring the
flood plain or sections of the flood plain. Investigate ways of
mitigating economic impacts of such programs, including funding for
alternative economic development and long periods for conversion (e.g.
10, 20 years, or more).
I) The estuary - [controlling component]
- Study the existing estuary habitats and processes and their
ecological importance. Map existing estuary habitat types, such as deep
pools, channels, and eel grass beds. Determine species and age classes
of anadromous salmonids that use the estuary, their use of habitat
types, and the timing of use. Estimate the present capacity of the
estuary to produce chinook, chum, and coho smolts and whether the
capacity is being fully utilized. Determine whether the estuary and
lower river provide adequate holding habitat in the late summer and
early fall for pre-spawners. Estimate the overall importance of the existing
estuary to anadromous salmonids in the context of the whole watershed.
- Estimate the dimensions and condition of the estuary prior to human
modification. Using aerial photographs and other sources, determine the
former extent of the estuary, including sloughs, wetlands, and tidal
- Estimate the potential for increasing the area and/or volume of the
estuary including tidal marshes. Investigate the ecological effects of
restoring the estuary. A hydrologic model of the estuary could be used
to improve understanding of tidal dynamics and how restoration might
effect those dynamics. Estimate the effect of restoration actions on
each anadromous salmonid species and age class. Estimate the potential
overall importance of a restored estuary to anadromous salmonids
in the context of the whole watershed.
- Study the social implications of restoring the estuary. In
consultation with landowners, estimate economic gains and losses
expected due to estuary restoration. Identify potential funding sources
for estuary restoration. A range of strategies should be developed. It
is recommended that restoration strategies be composed of modules that
can be implemented in multiple combinations: as stand-alone projects, in
combination, or in sequence. This flexibility would increase options and
decision points during implementation and allow improved response to
community needs, emerging ecosystem trends, or advances in estuarine
science. For example, in the event that very high flows occur
immediately prior to initiation of restoration activities, rescheduling
the various restoration modules could help minimize overall disruption
of ecosystem functions. Estuary restoration projects should include
control areas.
J) The lower tributaries - [controlling components]
- Compare past and present conditions of the lower river tributaries,
including Rowdy and Mill Creeks.
- Investigate the ecological importance of the lower river tributaries
especially for anadromous fish.
- Investigate opportunities for restoring the lower river tributaries.
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