to OrchidSafari, "The Friendly Orchid Chat"

When it is 8:00 p.m. (Central) , that's OrchidSafari time on Wednesday and Saturday nights at TTR (ICS)...

Not sure of your time difference? For your convenience, here's a time hack
showing Central time in Shreveport LA.

Friends, you and me,
you brought another friend...
and then there were three.
We started our group ~
Our Circle of Friends ~
and like the circle,
there's no beginning...
there is no end.

OrchidSafari CREDO

WoW! THE BEST OF OrchidSafari
(...a work in progress)

OrchidSafari badge,
designed by Susan Lindstedt

The members of OrchidSafari wish to share with you orchid material amassed during OrchidSafari sessions. Included are synopses of pre-announced topics plus orchid, photography, and computer tips. It is a permanent record of the thoughts and ideas exchanged at OrchidSafari sessions.

Often, study group topic transcripts are accompanied by photographs where possible. Notice that many are copyrighted. It is practice for the featured speaker, the moderator (mlg), and/or the editor (KB), to add bracketed comments for after-chat clarification where necessary.

It is obvious some links; i.e., webpages, email addresses, will become outdated. If any come to your attention please email.

The group's JokeMaster offers a mail list of humorous items submitted by members. To be included on that list email OrchidSafari JokeMaster requesting your email address be added to that distribution list.

We welcome you to OrchidSafari!

Disclaimer - a word of caution:

The contents of these pages are offered for your enjoyment. Information is provided in good faith, but no warranty can be made for its accuracy or efficacy. Opinions expressed are entirely those of independent orchidists, and cannot be taken to represent any entity. Any responsibility is explicitly disclaimed for the accuracy, content, or availability of material located throughout these OrchidSafari webpages. One must always remember, each grower has differing conditions - what works for one may not work for another. Consider carefully before amending current techniques, and always try new ideas on a few plants - never the entire collection. When using pesticides/fungicides/fertilizers and other products, ALWAYS follow package directions which should indicate it is safe for orchids. In the archives you will find personal comments on methods used...remember, what works in one area of the country may be diastrous in another. Also, never forget the CARDINAL RULE OF ORCHID GROWING: whenever you try a new product, potting mix, method, try it on a few orchids first...never commit your entire collection!

Logo Background is
an Original Wood Carving
by Ben Canales,
Monroe, Louisiana

Comments? Questions? Contact the Webmasters:
Lois Greer
Kathy Barrett

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