World Orchid Congress 1999
Members present 25:
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
[Actually we are Douglas Allison & Eleanor Holwerda. (Technically, until the end of this month when we are getting married.) We are the Society Liaisons for the 16th WORLD ORCHID CONFERENCE and are the mailers of the registration packages. So any requests for them or Super Natural Travel Kits from Tourism
BC can be sent to us and we will get them in the mail, pronto...D&E]
JCY8S (John in Arcadia, CA)
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
DandE Vancouver BC
[The free evenings can be used, so we should keep in touch with each other and the OLDer's to see about what will work best for all. Yes, we can then put it on the schedule so all registrants will know about it...D&E]
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
paulav (Paula in Boca Raton, Florida)
DandE Vancouver BC
paulav (Paula in Boca Raton, Florida)
JCY8S (John in Arcadia, CA)
JCY8S (John in Arcadia, CA)
sparkysteve (of Boca Raton Florida)
DandE Vancouver BC
[Therefore, travelling to Vancouver is very easy from anywhere in the world. We have an international airport that handles flights from where-ever one comes from...D&E]
paulav (Paula in Boca Raton, Florida)
[What doesn't go on at a WOC may be an easier question to answer. The WOC is held every 3 years in different parts of the world to get the community of orchid lovers and growers together to share their wisdom and knowledge, friendship and congeniality, with one another through scientific and
horticultural lectures, workshops and discussions. "Science for the Citizen" is geared towards hobbyists with cultural information about various genera.
Displays are phenomenal - usually with a magnificent centerpiece from the host country. Vendors and societies from around the world also bring displays, of all sorts. We expect a wide variety of plants and displays. You won't be disappointed...D&E]
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
[I believe they may - if there are extras. Since all registrants will be receiving a Proceedings Book we hope to have some that are donated to go to societies, libraries, universities & colleges. For instance, a couple, who are both registrants may wish to donate their second copy to their local society or library. We will be publishing enough for all registrants and a few extra I would think...D&E]
DandE Vancouver BC
Jane5536 (Long Island, N.Y.)
DandE Vancouver BC
DandE Vancouver BC
[Not to worry about the deadline - if your request is postmarked by the end of July, that is fine, or if you fax or email your intentions and send the paperwork along, that would be fine...D&E]
paulav (Paula in Boca Raton, Florida)
DandE Vancouver BC
DandE Vancouver BC
No Ellen, we will have government officials from Agriculture Canada on site to issue CITES and Phytos for a nominal fee.
[We had a very successful trial run with having the government officials on site for the AOS Trustees meeting that we hosted in 1996. The vendors especially were very pleased that they can come right to the site before having to have their plants inspected rather than at the border or airport. As registrants go home, they will be advised to see the officials with their purchases to have a trouble-free return...D&E]
paulav (Paula in Boca Raton, Florida)
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
DandE Vancouver BC
We will use a modified Japanese style of judging for this WOC where plants to be judged will be separate from displays.
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
DandE Vancouver BC
DandE Vancouver BC
DandE Vancouver BC
sparkysteve (of Boca Raton Florida)
[The very best plants are set aside on specially built benches to display them in their genera. Jeannette Brashear is the Judging Chair with Carl Withner as the Honorary Judging Chair - both who have experienced the Japanese method. They have modified it somewhat, but it is more Japanese than American. Every country in the world who has an govering orchid body, has their own way of judging orchids...D&E]
DandE Vancouver BC
[picture] Marina
Carol Holdren (Boca Raton, FL)
DandE Vancouver BC
DandE Vancouver BC
DandE Vancouver BC
Conference Center
DandE Vancouver BC
gaillevy ( Boca Raton, Fl)
Jane5536 (Long Island, N.Y.)
DandE Vancouver BC
[The registration package lists the cheapest rate at the YWCA at $46. Or a deluxe room at the Pan Pacific for a single up to $260(Canadian $). The accommodations guide does have other choices and that is available with the Super Natural Travel Kit...D&E]
Carol Holdren (Boca Raton, FL)
DandE Vancouver BC
Laura in New England (Laura from New England)
[picture] Conference Center
kb barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Carol Holdren (Boca Raton, FL)
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
DandE Vancouver BC
["Anyone who would like to judge is invited to send details of certification and experience to the Judging Committee by completing the judging section of the conference registration form. Student or Trainee judges who are registrants are invited to participate as Clerks, and should also complete the section of the registration form dealing with judging."...D&E]
Jane5536 (Long Island, N.Y.)
DandE Vancouver BC
For those of you who attended the 1996 AOS show you may want to check out Hotel Vancouver - the renovations really have been well done.
e5536 (Long Island, N.Y.)
[Several blocks away (5) - it's actually the furthests away other than the YWCA which is quite far in comparison to the others listed...D&E]
DandE Vancouver BC
The hotel is part of the convention center. Both the Pan Pacific and Waterfront are 5 star hotels.
JCY8S (John in Arcadia, CA)
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
[picture] "http://geocities.datacellar.net/RainForest/3791/centrecl.jpg"> Conference Center
DandE Vancouver BC
Carol Holdren (Boca Raton, FL)
DandE Vancouver BC
DandE Vancouver BC
[The 16 WOC web site has the list of speakers who are committed in attending - so check it out. It will be updated with more as they confirm...D&E]
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
uncleearl (Earl from Vacaville, CA)
DandE Vancouver BC
uncleearl (Earl from Vacaville, CA)
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
Carol Holdren (Boca Raton, FL)
Island Sue
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
DandE Vancouver BC
gaillevy ( Boca Raton, Fl)
DandE Vancouver BC
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
Lisav - big red. DEFINITELY 100 acres.
DandE Vancouver BC
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
Carol Holdren (Boca Raton, FL)
DandE Vancouver BC
kb barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
- 30 -
Moderator: Doug and Eleanor Allison
WBS, Wed 24 Jun 98
17 April - 2 May 1999
Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Moderators: Doug and Eleanor Allison
WBS, Wed 8 Jul 98
sparkysteve (Boca Raton FL)
DandEVancouverBC (Don & Eleanor)
Jane5536 (L.I., NY)
AndyNVA (Northern Virginia)
sibbyjean (Sylvia - Boca Raton FL)
JCY8S (John - Arcadia CA)
kb barrett (Kathy in N CA)
SD90MAC (Bob - MS)
IslandSue (Vancouver Island, British Columbia)
paulav (Boca Raton FL)
lisav-bigred (Fort Myers FL)
uncleearl (Vacaville CA)
colinham (Colin "Orchids Australia")
CaryStarr (Boca Raton FL)
gaillevy (Boca Raton FL)
Carol Holdren (Boca Raton FL)
Evlyn (Northwest Louisiana)
ela132 (Edith from Lake Worth)
Laura in New England (Laura from New England)
e5536 (Long Island, N.Y.) - need email address
foxtail2 (foxtail2 - doug Palm Harbour FL)
swearly (Stephen, Melbourne Australia)
Yes, time for the 16WOC, folks. Doug and Eleanor Allison are here to answer all our questions. Doug, I'll post pictures when you like.
Doug, what is the summer average temperature in Vancouver? Average humidity?
Oh, about 30 C or 80 F. Too hot right now but at the end of April it should be very comfortable. Humidity can go as high as 60%. Not in April though - then the humidity is lower - unless we have spring rains.
Sounds like paradise - after 98F 98% humdity!
I was going to say the same thing, marylois -- about the temp & humidity, that is. It's been rough down here in FL.
MaryLois and we have talked about getting together during the WOC. We thought lunch or dinner would be easier than breakfast.
Doug, can you select a time when other happenings aren't? *G* Any chance of getting us on the schedule???? OLD/OS combined meeting, I'd suggest.
It is very beautiful - as Colin can attest to. Friday evening is free as is Thursday evening, the 29th & 30th.
Thursday may well be the best bet. Can we get on the schedule???
DandE, do you have problems with slugs or snails up there?
Some slugs and snails in the garden. Banana slugs - great big yellow suckers!
DandE those are the mascots of one of our State Universities!!!!! [Nope! The University of California! Santa Cruz!...KB]
I think I've seen those slugs, or something similar -- don't they get them in Southern California too?
I have never seen those slugs in So Cal but we have had bid tiger type slugs - 4 to 5 inches long. Haven't seen one for a few years. I finally got rid of them.
Above which US state is BC?
Washington - the west coast.
Even if it rains it is still glorious - although I was a couple of weeks ahead of the WOC time.
DandE: Since you're coastal, what are your winters like?
Pardon my ignorance, but what goes on at the WOC? Are there orchids on display? for sale? discussions?
Some of the vendors include; Japan Orchid Growers, Eric Young Foundation, Taiwan Sugar Corporation.. Carmella, Sun Moon Orchid Group. I'll continue after these questions.
Oh, my! A World Orchid Conference is the MOST! And you'll want the proceedings - I think it's a great idea to include the proceedings in the registration. Can folks not attending buy a copy, Doug?
The WOC is held every 3 years in different parts of the world to exchange both scientific and hobbyist information and material ie. plants. Speakers, world renowned and vendors from all over with registrants also coming from all over.
D&E--has the crush started to obtain info on Vancouver WOC yet?
Yes, MaryLois, the Proceedings will be available to non-registrants but we are hoping that by including it in the registration fee that the cost will be lower than if they were published in a small quantity.
A steady flow of requests, especially as the July 31st early registation approaches.
DandE, is the WOC for hobbyists too?
For sure, mostly hobbyists. It's very exciting to meet others from around the world who grow similar plants and yet under different conditions.
Will we have difficulty bringing plants back across the border?
DandE, how is the WOC different from the World Orchid Symposium to be held in October in Naples, Florida?
Not ever having attended the Symposium in Naples - I really don't know what happens there. Local shows and conferences certainly have a lot to offer but nothing, in my opinion, comes close to the enormity of a WOC.
The speaker's schedule at the WOC is more in depth than any other orchid affair I've attended...that's why I'm so enthused about Proceedings...great reference material! All the breakfasts, lunches, dinners, tours...
Anyone will get something out of a WOC. BUT.. if you are a judge, then that part of the WOC is quite an experience.
It's always amazing to judge on teams with members from all parts of the world and see how close we are all on our estimation of quality.
The groups of judges, student judges, etc. are mixed so there will be an interesting group together.
Yes, Doug - what do you do - pull the plants from displays...or do the plants to be judged never get placed in any display? show plants vs award quality?
Not being an AOS judge I cannot say what the difference between the two are but the standards are similar.
No, the plants will be set up separately from the beginning.
I would think separating display plants from judged plants would make for some weak displays?
Only the very best plants are judged, so generally the displays still have many wonderful plants and flowers to admire.
marylois (Northwest Louisiana)
That will make for nicer displays - sans entry tags!
What's the Japanese different from AOS judging?
Yes, and the Proceedings Book will include a lot of social events and people photos. MaryLois would you like to send a photo so people can see the conference centre?
Great picture!
Yes, that's the marina at Granville Island. Hello Sue - getting ready with your plants and display from your society!
The difference is that show judging, to put it simply, is choose the best plant/flowers on the day. WOC Judging is more inclined towards the best QUALITY along Award judging lines.
Yes, no messy tags to get in the way. That's Grouse Mountain in the background where there may still be spring skiing during the show or Whistler is just an hours' drive away.
Thanks, Colin - it takes a judge to know how it works.
That photo is the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre where the show and conference will be held. A couple of cruise ships are lined up alongside of it - they will be ready to go just as the conference ends.
WOW!! Great photo!! Almost as awe-inspiring as the thought of skiing in July to a Floridian!
I'm looking forward to judging. In Glasgow and Rio the judging teams had to walk around all the displays and have a stewart 'map' where suitable plants for our class sections were located - takes ages before you can actually start to judge. AND Rio was on TWO floors!
Carol's planning to go to the conference, aren't you, also Jane DePadro? and Don Carpenter. You all should have a fantastic time.
D&E what are the approx. rates on hotel rooms Please indicate US or can funds if you can.
The Web site with the details of hotel costs is http://www.hedgerows.com/WOC99
Generally, the hotels are similar to American prices - anywhere from $80 to $200.. per night.
Seeing those pictures I'm ready to take off!
When does the 'ship ' sail, Doug?
It's a prime opportunity to be with the best plants and people associated with orchids. And Vancouver is a wonderful place for a holiday.
I hope to be going along with my husband.
That stylized roofing of the conference center reminds me of the new Denver airport; same architect maybe?
Any reduction in entry costs if we volunteer to help the judges? [Kathy, guarantee you would be paid as much as the judges! *LOL*...mlg]
We were in Vancouver about 15 years ago and loved it.
The photos come from a variety of magazines - a few from the registration package. [Gorgeous pictures of a gorgeous city!...mlg]
See, Doug! About a dozen for an OLD/OS dinner right here!
(Vancouver is a wonderful place for a holiday) HEAR! HEAR! ...green, lots of flowers - that gorgeous blue ocean. Not to mention the blue mountains, the snow, the crisp clean air.
All judges must register and they figure that with all the student and probationary judges that they will have enough clerks and runners (not that they need runners in this system).
Thanks D&E!!:)
Yes, the Vancouver Orchid Society hosted the AOS Trustees meeting at Hotel Vancouver - they liked it so much that they will have it just prior to the WOC.
Is this hotel right near all the activity?
Douglas and I are the society liaisons for the WOC so if any of you would like a registration package just email us your snail mail address and we'll get one (or more) in the mail.
And the e-mail address is? . . .
What is your email address DandE?
Good question - djallisn@dowco.com
Can't imagine the Hotel Vancouver being better...the service was impeccable! Loved it!
Oh, it is, MaryLois - a drink in the lobby will take you to another time and place.
Still wishing I had the fabric from the desk chair in my room for dining room chair seats! *LOL*
That photo shows a close up of the venue. The display and sales areas will be under 'the sails'.. Ask Colin what the restuarant 'The Prow' was like.
Tell us, Colin, I like food reports!
How's about the Bombay Bicycle Club at Days Inn? They have a man on a bicycle peddling away on their street awning. The Club is olde english club style.
The lectures will be in meeting rooms just adjacent to the show area. So everything is very close together. There is a food fair below the conference floor - kiosks throughout and some nice first class places to eat.
The Prow - like WOW. Douglas, Eleanor and I had lunch there. Very posh, great view across the harbour and great food at what I thought was very reasonable pricing. BUT you will have to book ahead (and don't tell the others or we won't get in).
Some of the notable speakers are Crib, Nash, Ackerman, Griesback, Pidgeon, Koopowitz, Oakley, Monkhouse, Sagawa, Christenson, Dressler, Chen, Vasquez, Firgehetti, Menezes, Withner, Rossi, Light, Hasagawa, Philips, Moon, Hirtz, Jenny, Hermanns, the list goes on and on....
Cream of the crop!
Was (is) that Dr. Yoneo Sagawa from Hawaii?
Could be, Earl - he's talking about tissue culture in the Science Sessions on the 29th.
That's him, all right. Took a course from him back in late '70's. He was old *then*. *BG*
I guess alot of these orchid experts are 'old'. They have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share with the rest of us and since their lecture will be included in the Proceedings book we don't have to miss anyone.
[picture] Granville
I think it sounds great. Since the next one is in Thailand we should all go to this one!
Marylois, if in Victoria be sure to take in the Empress Hotel, the tea and the meals are really really good. Victoria is worth a day trip over, go to Nanaimo then drive to Victoria, about 1 1/2 drive, just beautiful.
Yes, a side trip to Victoria is a wonderful way to spend a few days. Butchart Gardens, the Empress, the West Coast Long Beach.
Would love to go to 'High Tea' in Victoria this time!
Yes, the Empress - just go over for tea there. *G* Bombay Club sounds good, Colin. *hint*
You're right Carol - Malaysia somewhere.
Thailand sounds good too, when is that?
We'll check it out Colin and let you know - keep reminding us. There are so many places, too little time.
Malaysia - in Shah Alam in 2002. They haven't decided when yet but it is never anything but hot and hotter and humid and worse.
Yeah, but hot & humid sounds great when it comes to orchids; imagine what types must grow there!
Nine of us from dry tropical Australia are staying at the Days Inn.
We have some native orchids here as well but nothing as showy as the Malaysians would have.
How far is the Days Inn from the show site, Colin? Lois Dauelsberg wants to stay at Hotel Vancouver...I was thinking about the hotel where the AOS doings are before the WOC...
Lois - a short two blocks. It's old but clean but not opulent like the Vancouver.
Hotels are blocked for us but it is a good idea to send in reservations early. There are a number of less expensive places within walking distance to the show.
Hmmmmmm...won't tell the hubby about it...want to take my daughter on a real vacation! *G*
DandE: paulav and I know a woman from Singapore who couldn't understand our interest in orchids; she said they were as common as weeds there! Everyone had them outside their doorways, etc. *Sigh!*
Can't imagine that, Lisav.
I judged at a show in Shah Alam last August. Plenty of dendrobium and vandaceous orchids, but the cattleya alliance was woeful. Of course the 'cut flowers' are magnificent. I saw a farm in Johor with 100 acres under shadecloth - all dendrobiums.
100 acres under shadecloth??? That's not a typo??
I have a Den. Neo-Hawaii with nine spikes on it right now! Wundergrow?
Have you got your WOC Registration package yet? If not I have some for quick delivery.
MaryLois, should we say good-night for now? If there are any more questions don't hesitate to send them to us. Now that we know how (somewhat) to do this 'chat' we'll be back. Eleanor & Douglas
Thanks ever so much, Doug and Eleanor - Kathy will send you a transcript and you can add at will...thanks ever so much for your time. Looking forward to meeting you in Vancouver.
Thanks, Eleanor & Douglas.
Goodnight all - thanks for your questions and interest. Hope to see many of you here next year!
Bye, Douglas and Eleanor. Be in touch.
Thank you very much for your time, Doug! You've whetted my appetite!