OrchidSafari ARCHIVES*

An Evening with the McNerney's of Stewart Orchids

Moderators: Steve and Mary Jo McNerney of Stewart Orchids
Wed, 26 Nov 98


Present were 27:
Steve McNerney
Mary Jo McNerney
sparkysteve (Boca Raton FL)
marylois (northwest LA)
KB Barrett (northern CA)
SusieQ *S*
Jade from G R (Grand Rapids MI)
peeteilis (Tom, KY)
nodosa (Ed - San Antonio TX)
Evlyn (northwest LA)
Andy NVA (northern VA)
JanetteH (Mayberry Country NC)
Btague (northern CA)
Luvbear34 (Peggy - MD)
Rick (Concord CA)
uncleearl (Vacaville CA)
gaillevy (Boca Raton FL)
Fleur (Tasmania Australia)
Lanceps (Thamina - Manhattan Beach CA)
jim4eq (Jim - Miami FL)
clareinla (Clare - Los Angeles CA)
JR000 (Jerry - northern CA)
SD80MAC (Bob - MS)
bradwinn (Saulte Ste Marie MI)
The Phalie Phanatic (Gary, Hershey, PA).

marylois (northwest Louisiana)
If you are ready to begin -- Folks, we have Steve and Mary Jo McNerney on line, owners of Stewart Orchids. Would you like to say a few words, Steve, before, they bombard you with questions?

Steve McNerney
I'd just like to say that two years ago, Mary Jo and I acquired Stewart Orchids. Since that time, we have not only tried to keep many of the fine old traditions alive, while hopefully adding more customer service, setting the stage to take Stewart Orchids forward into the next 90 years. Any thoughts, comments, or questions?

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Steve, what's new at Stewart's?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
What's new you ask? We have been working hard on our website, trying to broaden it out not only to hardcore enthusiasts, but to the general public as well. Two things that the hardcore should anticipate would be the Paphiopedilum Criterion List, which should be online sometime this weekend, and sometime in December the Cattleya Hybrid Criterion List.

I have visited your website. Very inviting!

Please explain what a criterion list is?

jim4eq (Miami)
Steve, does 'Criterion' = divisions? Do you also offer seedlings? (I'm on east coast so forgive my ignorance)

I like the criterion list concept.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
I love those Criterion offerings. Not many chances to own some of the fine plants that have stood the test of time. Can't imagine running a hybridizing program without access to many of these plants.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Steve, are you going to widen your offerings of Paphs? Or would that be too far out of Stewart's bailiwick?

...and Phrags, Steve - there seems to be a growing interest in phrags.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Our paph offerings in the immediate future are going to remain fairly mainstream, with perhaps a slight emphasis on complex crosses. One thing we are trying to do is specialize in things that we feel we have done and currently do very well, which are mainly cattleya types. From time to time, there will be little gems that may pop up from other orchid nurseries we have relationships with. We do currently have 3 or 4 phrag species. E-mail me and I'll get you a list.

BTague (Barbara, No. Calif.)
Steve Mc, the paphs I got from you last month were really nice. One bud is ready to open.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Steve Mc, And one of the Catts I got thru you is flowering now, a nice white.

I have three budding and a couple more look like they are getting ready on my paph shipment too, Steve.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Glad to hear the paphs were good. The majority of criterion plants are divisions, normally of plants we have used for either breeding or have selected to hold back. On some occasions, we do have meristems of older plants. Seedlings may be held back and offered as select plants. Thank you about the white Catt. We feel that we truly have some of the finest whites in the world today.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Criterion plants are made up of several different groups. First, they are divisions of our breeding stock or awarded stock. They can also be select plants from seedlings that we have held back and in some cases meristems of vintage plants. Our criterion lists typically include some of the divisions which we have available for sale, but now all of our criterion plants. Obviously, as the plants continue to grow and be divided, different plants become available. If anyone is looking for something specific and it is not on our most recent criterion list, they should contact us to see if the plant is available.

Andy NVA
Steve Mc. What new and exciting crosses are we going to be seeing?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Stewart Orchids has always been involved in what we consider complex Cattleyas. This will continue. However, we have started programs that include such things as nodosa breeding, diacrium. We have done some work this year with bifoliates, which we feel really have been underused of late. We do not see us getting involved in the immediate future in minicatts.

peeteilis (o ky)
Steve, you rang my bell, diacriums? Do you have a piece of Diaca. Chastity?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
I don't believe we have a piece of Diaca. Chastity. However, I have a number of Dialaeliacattleya- type hybrids. Would love to send you a list if you would like. Please send me an email.

Fleur (Tasmania)
Were you professional growers before you purchased Stewarts?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Regarding prior experience as a professional grower, I have about 15 years experience in the general nursery industry and am an Accredited AOS judge. I have been around large numbers of all types of plants and growing ranges. What is key to us is that the folks that have been growing the plants at Stewart Orchids still remain a part of the team, averaging 17 years experience.

Fleur (Tasmania)
Do you do overseas orders? What difficulties do you have if you do?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Yes, we do overseas orders. There is considerable paperwork involved, which contributes significantly to the cost, if ordering small numbers of plants. However, we do ship anything that is legal. Difficulties may be inspections, delays, cancelled flights, and officials from both countries.

Lanceps (Thamina from Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
I've been buying from Stewart's since you and Armacost & Royston were separate, I usually go to the Culver City store.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Glad to hear we have a Stewart customer online. The Culver City store was originally setup as Armacost & Royston's retail facility when they were anticipating moving out to Carpinteria back in the 70's. Tell the new manager, Greg, hello.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Speaking of A&R, I liked the write up you had in your catalog in re the 100 yrs of cattleya growing. Very informative for the new growers to see some history.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Thanks for the kind words regarding the history shown in the catalog. We feel the history/lore of Stewart Orchids is truly one of the more remarkable/interesting assets of the company.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Steve, do you feel the pressure to carry 'pot' plants (i.e., disposable orchids) for the mass market, rather than depend on the hardcore hobbyist?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Orchids are going through a tremendous transition period at the present time. From typical, small operations to bonafide professionally-run nurseries. We feel that both the general public and the orchid hobbyists can benefit from these changes. We feel that pot plants actually have become a somewhat derogatory category of orchids. Orchids that bloom early, are multiple bloomers, that are fragrant, long-lasting, ship well, and are easy to grow, generally are referred to as pot plants. We feel that all of these characteristics are of benefit to the hobbyist as well.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
The quality of Stewart Phals is the best kept secret in the pot plant business. Any chance they will be heavily promoted to hobby growers?

peeteilis (o ky)
Steve, are you distinguishing between the pot plant as a hobbyist purchase, and the cut flower trade? Or the 'Unique collection'? I don't understand.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Pete, I have heard of 'pot plants' as a derogatory term for plants brought to market only to be used for their flowers and with no intention that the buyer learn how to raise the plant. I know that regular nurseries are feeling the financial pressures to provide such a 'disposable 'plant. (Along the lines of Christmas poinsettias, etc.) Many Phals are sold along those lines too, and I was wondering what direction Stewart's was taking, and Steve gave a nice answer for me.

jim4eq (Miami is in Monsoon)
I think 'pot plant' has a different meaning here in Miami, 2-3 indoors marijuana growing operations shut down this month so far.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
We of the pot plant community are usually the dirty guys of orchids - perhaps with some justification. I would suggest, however, that we have introduced more people to orchids than anyone else. I think orchid pot plants are just starting to make a market. We look for Paphs to be the next 'in' type.

jim4eq (Miami is in Monsoon)
Ed, I think many people confuse mass marketing with inferior quality. I know that Sunbulb (local, kinda) certainly mass markets, but turns out a good product to the Home Depot door, where it is usually maltreated.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Jim, there is no such thing as bad quality in the mass market. You only deliver one bad batch to a major chain and they have you come pick it up with no payment and strike you from the bid sheet for a LONG time.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Let me put it this way. We feel that the hardcore hobbyist can very well become a candidate for a pot plant orchid. The difference would be that the hobbyist is most concerned with uniqueness and showability, whereas the general public is more concerned with production. These two qualities do not necessarily have to be mutually exclusive.

I agree that mass marketing does not have to equate with poor quality. I think we all need to keep in mind that the plants we see currently in commercial retail nurseries were not specifically bred for that type of use. I believe that, for the most part, the orchids we see in the 'Home Depots' are merely excess plants from the hobbyist/exhibition market, which were never intended to take the wear and tear that most commercial plants take in a retail nursery under the best of circumstances.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Steve, I know, it tears me up to see all these plants sitting right in front of the doorway in the cold draughts, visibly wilting!! Then, on the other hand, we have the 'reputable nursery' in town that buys nice plants and promptly removes the identifying stakes.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Steve, we have to remember that many chains still turn plant care over to the guy who drives the fork lift part time. He always has a Jack the Ripper approach to plant care. Some big growers are running educational programs. WorldWide, in Florida, even has a care hot line for chains.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
I think we all need to keep in mind why we truly became first interested in orchids, which, in my case, was amazing blooms. Sometimes the best way to educate someone--i.e., general public, is to first get their attention. Later, we can work on names and such. Each person who buys one of the no-name plants and has some success is a potential new member to our respective societies.

jim4eq (Miami is in Monsoon)
I agree Steve, sent some divisions to my sister with regular care info, put names/parentage/'neat info' in envelope marked 'open at own risk' .

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Right on, Steve. We need to look at every orchid contact as a means to secure a lifetime grower.

Fleur (Tasmania)
Jim, I have only sold a few plants and made a point of giving cultural info and plant names. They liked it.

Steve, I agree 100%. My first orchid was Big(?) Old(?) Whitey for $6 and it bloomed. I was hooked right then and there.

Andy NVA
Steve, Why NOT Mini-catts? Seems all the rage now. What are your thoughts?

The Phalie Phanatic (Gary, Hershey, PA)
Don't know if this has been covered or not, but I am interested in some mini-catts that can be grown on the windowsill (southern exposure).

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
As you may know, Stewart Orchids was a pioneer in the mini-catt arena. We feel that the potential for further breeding directions is limited. However, breeding for 'compact catts' certainly may be an attractive thing for us. We did talk about mini-catts to some degree earlier. We do have a number of mini-catts available from divisions. However, we are not actively pursuing a strong breeding line in that direction.

jim4eq (Miami)
So mini= ? inch tall; compact =?; and standard =?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Hey, Lois. Do you remember when we were going through the judging program together? I believe, at that time, there were actually specifications for mini, compact and standard. I have, embarrassingly, forgotten them. How about you?

marylois (Topic in Session)
I've got 'em, Steve - just a moment...

jim4eq (Miami is in Monsoon)
Steve, if not specifics, what differences in more general terms?

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
It's a good thing your instructor isn't tuned in, Steve. You'd get to sit in the corner. I don't remember,either, just thought I'd put that in. **GG**

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Ed, you were one of my instructors!

marylois (Topic in Session)
It was a Frank Fordyce talkTotal plant height- Micro-mini 4 inches; Mini 8 inches; Compact 12 inches; Standard 14 inches to 2 feet. Yet our SWROGA show schedules limit mini's to six inches (incl infl).

Fleur (Tasmania)
Well done Lois. What a memory. *grin*

jim4eq (Miami is in Monsoon)
Yeah Lois, ain't it great when our memory is augmented by 3.2 gig?

marylois (Topic in Session)
You know it, Jim - I've been archiving lessons and speeches for ten years! *G* And, since you are on to my 'memory bank', here's Roy Tokunaga's goal for a mini-catts - SUBJECT: Mini-catt Breeding at H&R, Roy Tokunaga, SOS Mtg, June 11, 1995 Goal is a plant 5-8" or smaller -- maximum 8", with 4-5" flowers, preferably blooming more than once a year.

jim4eq (Miami is in Monsoon)
Lois, so SWROGA would say a 1" bulb with a 1" leaf but an 8" inflorescence is not a mini?

marylois (Topic in Session)
Since that's for 'show judging', I imagine the judge would exercise some 'judgment' *G* Whaddya say, Ed? Steve?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
We would hope judges would always exercise some judgment. In general terms, I believe a standard cattleya would be the stereotype plant we have come to know. Normally, most comfortable in a 6-8" pot, awkward to grow anywhere other than a greenhouse or outdoors. A compact would be something that would hit its peak in a 4-5" pot, maybe 8-12" in height from the top of the pot, whereas I view miniatures as plants in 3-4" pots maximum with a maximum height of 6-8" above the pot.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Steve, I think that is a workable distinction between the three major size divisions.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Thanks, Lois, for looking it up. Looks like I wasn't too far off.

marylois (Topic in Session)
Yes, dear friends - I came up thru the judging training system with Steve - he in Houston, me in Dallas - but in those days Houston, Dallas and San Antonio were one, and we saw much of one another...we voted on for accreditation an a semi-annual meeting in San Antonio! Alice Barrios of Houston was the third of the Musketeers going through the system at the same time. [The COA approved all three accreditations at the next AOS meeting.]

So an C. Angelwalker would be a miniature then.

peeteilis (o ky)
Clare, mainly the first miniature. At least in the big market. Actually, Clare, I think perhaps Diaca. Chastity is the first, but it had no market at that time. everyone wanted the big cabbages.

I am just a fool over those Angelwalkers! Maybe it's the name, and to sound real silly they just are the cutest things.

peeteilis (o ky)
Clare, if you like the AW that much, why don't you remake it?

Peet, I don't think I will ever cross the bridge to hybridization. I will always be a hobbyist and admire those who have the patience and will to experiment. I need instant gratification I'm afraid. Give me a near blooming size plant any day.

JR000 (Jerry No. CA)
I could never understand why my friend like those orchids. That is, until he gave me one.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
In my opinion, C. Angelwalker would be considered a miniature. What do the rest of you say?

Steve Mc, I live in New York and grow Catt hybrids but have poorer results with Blc's? The Lc's and Catts do fine. Is this a culture thing?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Blc's traditionally are large flowers, slow growing plants. They may be slow flowering. We have stressed breeding with Lc's because of a greater flower count and faster growing, so in that regard, it may very well be a cultural thing. Maybe some other folks would like to comment.

When folks ask me for recommendations, I usually point to Lc's. I find that they produce roots year round with usually no 'rest'. With Blc, we sometimes encounter seasonal growth of roots. Re-potting at an inappropriate time or neglect when the plant is in active growth can really set it back. These, of course, are generalizations.

marylois (Topic in Session)
Good generalizations though, Marilyn...probably why my kill rate is higher on Blc's!

Marilyn, I'll attend your lecture.

uncleearl (Earl from Vacaville, CA)
Aloha - Just got home from work - Did you folks know Rex van D?

Steve, I have bought from Stewarts back when you had the store in Temple City. Practically lived there. My question is that I have many which just are identified with a number. If I send Stewarts the list would they be kind enough to provide the parentage? And if so which store?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
WE have most of the old records, so tracing your numbers should be possible. Please send your inquiry to us directly here in Carpinteria, and we'll get you as much info as possible. Temple City? My, that has been awhile.

Yes, it's been awhile. But I believe at least 80% of my catt. collection are from that era and still going strong.

In what direction can we expect Cattleya breeding at Stewart's to go over the next few years? Whites? Bifoliates? Novelties? Compacts? Spring or fall bloomers? Classic purples?

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Can you divulge anything about your upcoming nodosa hybrids, or the bifoliate hybrids?

marylois (Topic in Session)
Won't you give a hint of some of the parents on these nodosa crosses...they are among my favorites!

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Anticipation is one of the greatest pleasures in life. Some of the nodosa crosses should be offered in our upcoming 1999 color catalog. We can say they will be different from the standard Richard Mueller crosses.

Lanceps (Thamina from Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
Will you still be using Laelia anceps? I got Lc. Puppy Love over 18 years ago. I buy your L. anceps hybrids and purple catts.

Thamina, that will be my next plant, Puppy Love. I have coveted it as long as you have had it.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
We have 'Puppy Love' in bloom now with seven flowers. Long-lasting blooms and elegant presentation on a nice stem.

I've been looking for Puppy Love for years and can't find it.

Lanceps (Thamina from Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
Evlyn, Lc, Puppy Love is common in So. Calif., and of course Stewart's will have it.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
We do have division of Puppy Love available. Puppy Love is truly a great thing. Another direction that we have gone was with what was considered the Coastal Series. Probably, these were, as a group, some of the most successful ancep type crosses. There has been some work with Puppy Love and other ancep-like crosses, but quite frankly, I am somewhat disappointed in the sameness quality exhibited by them. One thing, however, that should be coming out soon, is Lc. Sylvan Sprite. I think it looks like an improved Puppy Love with a dark eye in the center of the lip. Still, it has a propensity for the buggy whiplike inflorescence.

What is the cost of the Puppy Love division?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
We have several different Puppy Love grexes. Let us send you a list of the ones we have.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
You know, Steve, we saw a period of sameness with nodosa hybrids early on. More recent breeding has been very interesting. Hope you will stay with the anceps line. Those flower stems are truly elegant and can help a lot of flowers rise above the cramp of the foliage zone.

I am just blooming B. nodosa x L. pumila we made a while back and they are lovely. Big blooms, fairly broad segments and contrasting rich red purple flaring lips. Fragrant too. Compact with semi-terete foliage.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Sounds like the nodosa x pumila would make an interesting cross and a fairly compact grower for your conditions.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Steve, would your nodosa x pumila crosses do better in baskets or pots?

Fleur (Tasmania)
Kathy, how about mounting it?

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
That's another good idea Fleur. I saw a couple of crosses at Alan Koch's Gold Country orchids and they were in baskets. Of course I can't recall the hybrid now,... noooo, just that it had pumila in the background.

marylois (Topic in Session)
nodosa x pumila - I cannot imagine the outcome - tell us!

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
The nodosa x pumila cross is not ours. I would think it would do better in baskets, though, or perhaps a slab.

Fleur (Tasmania)
About half my Catts and my nodosa are mounted and love it.

The Phalie Phanatic (Gary, Hershey, PA)
Steve, I'll be looking forward to seeing some novelty phals from Stewarts

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Stewart Orchids has always been involved with phalaenopsis breeding. In fact, if you look back at some of the earlier breeding in red phalaenopsis, you will see Spirit House mentioned often. Currently, our breeding programs have been concentrating on standard whites and pinks, many from the Spring Silk type breeding. This last year, we have done some more novelty breeding.
Those crosses should be coming out of bottles early next year.

Fleur (Tasmania)
I love white Phalies, unfortunately it's too cold here to grow them.

marylois (Topic in Session)
To me, Phal. Spirit House is the nicest of the reds - I'd buy any hybrid of it.

A Stewart's I have blooming now and in the house is C. Suzanne Hye ‘Coerulea’ x C. Amethystoglossa 'Blue Cast'. 8 flowers on the spike about 5" across. Fantastic.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
It would be nice to see a picture of your coerulea cross. I love amethystoglossas.

uncleearl (Earl from Vacaville, CA)
Claire - Is it really blue?

Can an orchid really be true blue, Earl? I can say it's not a lavender, maybe a pale wispy cloud kind of blue.

uncleearl (Earl from Vacaville, CA)
Close enough!

And, Earl, it's very strong plant. I do keep it in the GH, not outside though.

I remember that Stewarts gave me my first orchid hock back in the 80s when I was concentrating on cyms. Went into the back gh and saw cyms starting at $100 per back bulb. Needed three for a decent plant!

marylois (Topic in Session)
No, Clare - one will do! I had a Lillian Stewart backbulb and now most of Shreveport has a huge plant of it!

Lois, I never ever knew that. Frankly I do think you have the magic touch too.

marylois (Topic in Session)
Clare, honey, I had the magic backbulb! Bloomed on the one bulb the first year and multiplies like mad!! Back in the 70's I was in the Stewart 'Plant of the Month' club - most still bloom in my greenhouse...and have supplied divisions to others.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Thanks, Lois, for mentioning our Plant-A-Month program. We have several different programs, which are listed in the back portion of our catalog. They are an excellent way to build a collection.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
If you know someone who is just starting to get interested in orchids, give them a plant-a-month gift for Christmas. Heck, give me one - I'd enjoy it, too.

Ernest Hetherington will be our auctioneer next month. Every year he has Blc. Pamela Hetherington 'Coronation', FCC/AOS. If anyone would like me to place a bid on it for them I'll be more than happy.

marylois (Topic in Session)
What I'm able to bid would insult Ernie *G*

JR000 (Jerry No. CA)
Clare- Pamela is my favorite flower. I put five little plants in a large rectangular box almost 2 years ago and now the 14''x36' box is almost full.

Jerry, you should see Earnest auction it off. It's as if it's one of the family.

Fleur (Tasmania)
Heck, Clare, I know what it's like. I have over 50 Masd caudata from some flasking I did a while back and can I part with any?.............. No. *grin*

marylois (Topic in Session)
Pamela is very nice, but my VERY favorite is Blc. George King 'Serendipity'

But Lois, I don't think George King is related to Ernest.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
And George King has a nice fragrance too!

marylois (Topic in Session)
No, and don't tell him, but my first love is George King.

Fleur (Tasmania)
Lois, does Robert know about George King?

marylois (Topic in Session)
Fleur...I do what I like in my greenhouse *LOL*

Fleur (Tasmania)
I have a few nice Catts but the one I love the most is Lc. Mini Purple. Such colour and a perfume thrown in for good measure.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Our Pamela Hetheringtons are starting to bloom now. Truly a magnificent flower.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
I gotta see this flower, anyone have a pic they can put up?

JR000 (Jerry No. CA)
Steve- One of your best flowers, I believe, is C. Ruth Gee 'Diamond Jubilee' It is a huge white and seems the flowers last forever.

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
Kathy, how could you miss seeing Blc. Pamela Hetherington 'Coronation'

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
SD80MAC, I'm out of touch!!! Blush!!!

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
I have been breeding with it for many, many years as well as with my OWN Pam 'Pastel' HCC/AOS.

Lanceps (Thamina from Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
I like old L ancep x Big purple crosses such as Lc. Orizaba, but many are triploid and can't be used in breeding usually.I have lots of the coastal series.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
I'm not sure we can class all triploids as non-breeders. Reluctant, perhaps, is a better word.

Fleur (Tasmania)
If you cross a triploid with a triploid it should breed OK?

uncleearl (Earl from Vacaville, CA)
There are several famous triploid breeders. Bc. Deesse', for one.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
3n X 3n is still a tough one to do, Fleur. Still, we have a 3n Dor. pulcherrima 'Trymost' HCC that breeds with most any Phal alliance plant.

uncleearl (Earl from Vacaville, CA)
Very few triploids will breed, Fleur. Need to either produce unreduced gametes, or a lot of unusual formations in meiosis.

Lanceps (Thamina from Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
triploid x tetra?

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
Many of my finest cattleyas came from Stewarts. I've only been buying from them since 1966.

Fleur (Tasmania)
I'm at a disadvantage here, most of the crosses you are talking about just don't make it this far over the water.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Clare, I like the Lc. Mari's Song, have some Angelwalkers and a few Mini Purples too. SD80MAC, you have no pics that can be put on the web? Or a handy URL?

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
Steve, have you seen any of my Lc. April Lee's Clown? A Puppy Love hybrid. It produces 5 on a lonnnnnng stem and tri-colored.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
SD80MAC, no I haven't, but I'd like to. Do you have any pictures? Don't forget, Pamela Hetherington has a nice fragrance also. We also are a big fan of George King. Recently, we have actually used it in several crosses.

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
Steve, It is in bud again, for the 4th time thid year. I'll scan a picture and email it to you.

Are you planning to be in Vancouver next year, Steve?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
As far as Vancouver next year, we are still undecided. Would love to be there, if possible. I'm sure it will be interesting and fun, but also a lot of time away from the nursery. Will just have to wait and see.

marylois (Topic in Session)
Steve and Mary Jo - if you do make Vancouver, please try to make the OS breakfast meeting - date to be announced, but between the 22nd and 28th.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
The OrchidSafari will come to you at the Santa Barbara show, Steve.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Thanks for the invite, Lois. We'd love to be there if we can. And, Ed, we are looking forward to having the OrchidSafari come to visit. Don't forget that weekend we will also be hosting a reception for the new officers and board members of the Orchid Digest Corporation. The public is welcome. Our theme is 'Orchids and All That Jazz.' There will be a live jazz trio, food, wine, and lots of orchid friends. All of you are invited.

Fleur (Tasmania)
Goodness Steve you are about to be invaded by Orchid Safari. *grin* Wish I could come as well.

Ed, OS at Santa Barbara? Tell me more.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Clare, breakfast during the ODC show in SB this spring.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
IF we had the OS breakfast in SB, I wonder if some famous orchid firm would take us in and let us look at the stud house?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
We would love to show our facility to the OS group. I believe we have tentatively setup a time of Sunday morning, around 900 am. We can change this as needed, just let us know.

marylois (Topic in Session)
Steve, 9 a.m. seems a good time.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Hospitality in the Stewart manner, better than ever. Thanks, Steve and Mary Jo.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Steve, are you also expanding the 'supplies' side of your business? I saw a comment on the newsgroup that you were fast becoming the OFE of the west coast. Is that intentional?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Thanks for the plug, Kathy. We are expanding our supplies line dramatically. Mary Jo has been after me for some time to finalize at least a black and white listing. If nothing else, expect to see much more in the near future. We would like to think that OFE is the Stewart Orchids of the East Coast.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Steve, do you have any wood baskets in that new supplies line? My thumb is getting tired making them.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
As a matter of fact, we do have slatted wood baskets. We have just received a container with 4", 6", 8", and 10" squares. Additionally, we have tree fern pots, plaques, totems, and loose, as well as a complete assortment of wire products.

marylois (Topic in Session)
Steve, in supplies, formulate something like the terrestrial mix I used to get from you.

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
Best fertilizer additive I've found is ZZTOP!!!!!!!!!!!! The plant love to listen.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Thanks for the suggestion, Lois. Will do.

Lanceps (Thamina from Manhattan Beach, Calif.)

jim4eq (Miami is in Monsoon)
Thamina, OFE is huge supply house in Miami, wholesale/retail.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Matt Swift left Stewart Orchids and is now working at Santa Barbara Orchid Estate. He was in recently and appears to be enjoying himself.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Steve, only because its closer to More Mesa Nude Beach!!!

Thanks, Steve, for the update on Matt.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
George King is one of those hybrids with a little of everything in it. Quite a bit of C. mossiae, I guess. Don't know how you can predict results except to say both parents were top of the line.

And the another Stewart's catt. I love is Lady Godiva, a purpurata. And Ballet Folklorico, strange as it is. Got a JC which I have interpreted as 'just cause' [g].

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Gee whiz, we're proud it got a JC. In actuality, JC stands for Judges' Commendation. Sounds like to large whites are popular with Orchid Safari members? It's hard to beat their elegance.

Steve, I didn't mean to bring down Folklorico. But, for me, it is a very unusual flower.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Clareinla, thanks for the support. As we said earlier, we are truly novices at this sort of thing.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Don't knock Blc. Old Whitey. A fine cross in the Beall tradition.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
All of our Houston girls--Ruth Gee, Donna Craig, Martha Stephens--have been wonderful large whites. Actually, a recent hybrid named Ray McCullogh, made by Stewart Orchids, has been awarded this year and is showing promise of that line continuing.

Ed, how could I knock it? It hooked me!

JR000 (Jerry No. CA)
Steve- I recently took Tampico 'Far Island' to a society meeting. Everyone wanted a piece of it. Fantastic coloring.

marylois (Topic in Session)
Yes, Donna Craig is a fine white - never have seen the Martha Stephens.

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
I'm looking forward to the Lc. Canhamianas. I have the Azure Sky and 2 of the Cobalts. Steve, are the Cobalt and Azure sky from the same cross? If I read the catalog correctly they have the same parents.... Make that from the same cross... as in pod...

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
The Canhamianas have truly been a smash this spring. Not only did 'Azure Sky' recently get an AM, after being out forever, but it also won Best Orchid in the Cincinatti Flower Show and Best Orchid in its Class at the New York Orchid Show. Some of the others were truly spectacular with some having 3-4 heads of flowers in 6" pots--no kidding. Without checking the records, I am not certain if Cobalt and Azure Sky were from the same pod. The Azure Sky offered in the catalog was meristemed in 1989, and the Cobalt in 1990.

Fleur, a stupid question, can you grow catts down there? Outside?

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
I think C. Andean Mist will be one of the really good whites, Donna Craig X Esbetts.

Fleur (Tasmania)
clareinla, not a stupid question at all. I tried it last year when I had no where to put them and nearly killed the lot. This year they are in a greenhouse and recovering quite well. Those that survived that is.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Steve, is there a flask/compot list in the works?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Last year, we did put out a compot list and were overwhelmed with the response. Perhaps we will put another one out via our E-Mail Blast Group.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
I'm still a fan of the classic white. Trouble is, weddings are so informal today the 'wedding white' is almost a has-been.

Fleur (Tasmania)
I just love white flowers.

JR000 (Jerry No. CA)
Ed- just gave some white orchids to a friend whose daughter just go married.
They loved the whites.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Whites are very interesting but I hope Stewart's will always breed the big, fine purples. That always means 'Stewart's' to me!

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
C. Alfresco 'St Tropez' is pretty as well.

Steve, maybe the whites and semi-albas are popular because collections are rather old, they are hearty, and now inexpensive. Some may even consider them passé?

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
Steve, Do you know if you have any Lc. Mem. Albert Heinecke in stock and available?

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
How about any Blc. Lucky Strike?

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Bob, I saw one at our last meeting and it was very nice!!

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Not sure on the Albert Heinecke, will have to check for you. We don't have Lucky Strike.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
You're right, Ed, but there's still nothing more elegant. We prefer to think of them as timeless. However, keep in mind when we all started in orchids cept for Ed maybe) we were delighted and amazed by the standard catts. Unfortunately, as time goes on, some of us get drawn to the weirder, smaller, more unusual type things. This is probably natural. If you have any of these micro/minis, which you look at with a hand lens, take that same lens and look at one of those standard catts again and you may be surprised at the detail that you see--i.e., the cover of our 1998 color catalog.

Lanceps (Thamina from Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
Since I grow outdoors I haven't tried to many whites. I'd heard that purples, reds and oranges tolerate cold better. I do have Lc. Garden Delight.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Big purples have been the stock and trade for Stewart Orchids. We don't see any reason to change a good thing.

Thamina, you're more of an expert than I, but I am able to grow my whites outside with no problems. Of course I'm more in-land than you.

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
Steve, isn't is amazing at the demand for Horace NOW.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Let's hear it for the big purple Catt from Stewart's - YEAHHHHHHHHH!

KB Barrett (Kathy in N Calif)
Bob, you mean after the big write up in - what - OD? Or was it AOS??

marylois (Topic in Session)
Yes! Big purples always!

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
We still grow lots of C. Horace. Demand remains good for divisions of 'Maxima'.

Lanceps (Thamina from Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
Horace??? I want Horace!!!! Where? where?

Steve, besides working at Stewarts, do you grow at home as well? If so, what?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
No growing at home. Who gets to go home?

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
No one knew it possibilities until Goldenzelle. It is also a parent of Lc.

Lanceps (Thamina from Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
Big is nice. Goldenzelle is fantastic. I'll get some when I get my GH.

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
I finally found and bought ALL the blooming size of Horace. Six of them

Lc Drumbeat 'Heritage'. Another big favorite of mine. Can you tell I'm a catt. lover?

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
C. Horace was a powerful breeder of round, full sepals and petals, long before Goldenzelle (one of our favorites).

Lanceps (Thamina from Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
The problem isn't just finding these plants, it's finding them at a price we can afford.

I remember when the Goldenzelle came out. $150? What are they now?

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
If you want to go back one more step, get C. schroderae 'The Baron'

marylois (Topic in Session)
$150 I hope - waiting for mine to bloom *G*

JR000 (Jerry No. CA)
Thamina-- you really don't have to eat. Buy orchids instead.

Lanceps (Thamina from Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
I've got two Drumbeats, crossed to my darkest L. anceps, remade Lc. Orizaba.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
The most magnificent Lc. Garden Delight that we've ever seen was shown by Jerry Rodder at his society meeting. He brought it in the back of an open truck. This was when Jerry's Grow was still referred to as 'rocket fuel'.

One more way out there question. There have been 2 movies where people are eating catts, Barbarella and Last Emperor. Tell me, can we?

jim4eq (Miami is in Monsoon)
In Korea they eat cats, same in China. (dog also) Oh, you mean catts... Onc. cebollata was used as ceremonial hallucinogen by early tribes

Jim, interesting. I think I'll post my findings in my diary.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Horace has always been a great plant for shape. The Goldenzelle craze of late certainly hasn't hurt its popularity. I believe there is a very good article in the Orchid Digest in the not too distant past about Horace as a parent.

Fleur (Tasmania)
Lois, which issue?

marylois (Topic in Session)
Orchid Digest Vol 62, No 2 Apr-May-Jun 98.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
It's certainly been nice to have lovers of 'real' orchids online tonight.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Re Lc. Mem. Albert Heinecke - most were mean growers due to the influence of Lc. Grandee 'Jules Furthman' that Bracey used as a parent. Haven't seen any in years.

Steve, you've brought a real excitement. We all can relate to these oldies but goodies and you have whetted our appetitie for things to come.

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
I agree, Ed, mostly when they are that way, they want MORE light.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Has anyone seen our Thanksgiving special on our website? It's one of the Goldenzelles. Please, keep in mind, the prices that were mentioned earlier in this talk were Cymbidium backbulbs @ $100 each. With that frame of reference, the value is a bargain. We currently have 3 difference Goldenzelle meristems available--Lemon Chiffon, Orange Pumpkin, and Passion. Lemon Chiffon is $100 for a 3" pot, while Orange Pumpkin is regularly $75 as is Passion.

marylois (Topic in Session)
Sounds oh, so good!

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Steve, Goldenzelles of that quality will bring twice the price. That's REALLY a Thanksgiving special.

I just open OD and wow, Lc. Mishima Magic...... Stunning.

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
Ed, I made a cross in 1973, Malworth x Fortune, I still have one, it refused to bloom. I put it in total sun early one spring and you should have seen it. It is being cloned as we speak.

jim4eq (Miami is in Monsoon)
Steve, if there is a specific criterion division I liked that was 'sold', what should I do? Leave a request for the next (and start a stampede).

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
We try, the operative word being try, to tag plants for future divisions for customers. However, we are talking about a stud house that is over 7000 sq ft full of plants and in the process of being divided, moved, displayed, or just the task of keeping up with special orders like that can be overwhelming.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Blc. Malworth X Blc. Fortune was a Stewart cross, too. Blc. Minas de Oro, I think.

Steve, when I move my collection over to the UK, will Stewarts be able to do the photosanitary/CITES thing? If so any idea as to cost?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Europe has invoked some new regulations of late. This has resulted in a much longer turn around time for our vendors over there. Regarding the phytosanitary certificate, this is normally based on a nursery certificate with plants originating at that nursery. We would be willing to inquire with our Ag Commission about the feasibility of us helping you. When it gets closer to the time of your move, you may want to give us more specifics such as size of collection, type, and such. Keep in touch.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Fleur, we have had Blue Boy. We can check on divisions for you. Just email a reminder.

Steve, do you have links with any Nurseries in Australia? If so can you tell me who?

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Fleur, Adelaide Orchids has sold plants at our nursery during one of our open houses and we have carried some of his plants. I'll be happy to email you his info if you want, just let me know. Hey, don't forget Stewart Orchids for your custom lab work.

Make me a Blue Boy, Steve, and I will be yours forever.

Steve, Mary Jo. Such a wonderful session I do hope you will come back again.

marylois (Topic in Session)
You say it best of all, Ed. Yes - let's release the McNerney's for what is left of Mary Jo's birthday, after exacting that promise to return. *S*

SD80MAC (Jxn,Ms.)
Enjoyed Steves chat, haven't been here in a while, glad to be back, but gotta go for now, bye all. and Happy Thanksgiving.

Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids)
Thanks, everyone. Be seeing you in March. If you need anything from Stewart Orchids, just let us know.

nodosa (Ed in SAT)
Thanks again, Steve and Mary Jo. Goodnight.

Good Night, Steve and Mary Jo, thank you for a lovely session.

marylois (Topic in Session)
Thank you, Steve and Mary Jo. Wonderful evening.

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