Present 24:
Richard WPB
sibby Jean
Haskell 33
Neo.falcata1 - newbie from N.Florida, a species grower.
NOTE:We had some technical difficulties with the net on Wed, making downloading Rick's pictures dicey at best. You can find the pictures at Members' Growing Areas page MEMBERS' GROWING AREAS - all but the plans will be there indefinitely...the plans for a couple weeks.
runnerRick (Rick in Concord, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS)
With about 100 orchids all over the house, everywhere that I could put them, I needed a greenhouse. Here was the problem. Problem: Design a greenhouse to fit into a small space that will be large enough to hold enough plants to perhaps start a small business of small plants, or just hold enough plants to satisfy two people. It must be small enough to not dominate the back yard or spoil the view. It must be sufficiently automatic that the caretakers can leave for up to two weeks at a time without stressing the plants.
Slide 1.
harold6820 (Farmers Branch, TX)
Nice view
Ann12 (Ann in Dallas)
What a beautiful view, Rick! No wonder you want to preserve it.
Carol Holdren (Boca Raton, FL)
Great view Rick!
gaillevy (Boca Raton, FL.)
That is really gorgeous!
runnerRick (Rick in San Diego, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS)
We selected a space on the west corner of the lot, under a tree with a total exposure to the south. After visiting several local greenhouses, the following was the design that resulted.
runnerRick (Rick in San Diego, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS)
The view is pretty, thanks. It is the same view that Barbara has, only a lot closer.
1. Plan and Front Views
runnerRick (Rick in Concord, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS)
What resulted has evolved a bit into -
Drawing 2. Roof Plan and Rear View from Inside
harold6820 (Farmers Branch, TX)
UGH....a phone in the GH. I HATE phones.
runnerRick (Rick in Concord, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS)
The phone is useful as I work from my house and can repot plants while accepting phone calls for work. All the rest of the time, the phone is off (it is two lines remote phone with a switch.
harold6820 (Farmers Branch, TX)
I understand, Rick. *snicker snicker* [Harold must be retired!...KB]
runnerRick (Rick in Concord, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS)
The first floor plan for the GH was pretty conventional - had gravel floor - no concrete yet - and a single level of benches. For thermal mass, I had 6 barrels of water under the benches. The water system (RO) was inside and made 50 gallons of water. The swamp cooler furnished all the cool air that I thought that I would need. At that time, we could house about 500 plants, easily.
Because 500 turns out not to be very many plants, and a number of improvements suggested themselves, we decided to remodel the greenhouse. Because we wanted more space, the water system would move outside onto the north wall. The old shelves would go and new ones would be designed for
multi-tiered shelves.
Drawing 2. Roof Plan and Rear View from Inside
This second drawing will furnishrd the majority of the rest of the plans. After everyone sees this, we can move to
Drawing 3. Shelf Assembly
BTW, this is a permitted building here in this town, these are part of the original plans that allowed me to get a permit (you could use them too - maybe with a little modification).
prankster d (Susan from Oregon)
Rick, How cold do you get there in Concord?
runnerRick (Rick in Concord, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS)
Susan, we are on a hill where we get a LOT of wind. In the winter, the temps get down to the high 30s frequently, low 30s sometimes and a bit lower very seldom. Generally, the winter low temp is 42-43F.
runnerRick (Rick in Concord, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS)
At this point, I thought that questions from everyone might be good. We have seen most of what the greenhouse consists of. Has everyone checked the thumbnail pics for the details there?
prankster d (Susan from Oregon)
Rick, what are the floor dimensions?
runnerRick (Rick in Concord, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS)
The floor dimensions are about 10'X13'
Drawing 5.
Greenhouse Foundation Views
Thank you all for your patience. We will now go to the photos of the house itself and the accompanying text. Thumbnails click on a
thumbnail and follow text on the enlarged picture in second window.
Rick, I finally got in to the thumbnail deal. Very excellent. I like the descriptive paragraphs. It's helpful for me when I build my own.
I like the paph and phrag pics.... :-)
prankster d (Susan from Oregon)
No Prob! I got the thumbnails. Neat!
runnerRick (Rick in Concord, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS)
Oh well, the thumbnails do work so enjoy. Any questions about this thing? (My company is arriving and I'm getting distracted.)
kawacym (Jim in San Jose, Ca.)
Really neat pix. That view does look familiar, seen it from a different angle on Interstate 680 though. Just passing thru.
Ann12 (Ann in Dallas)
I saw all of the pics through the thumbnails. No problem. Really interesting use of space, Rick. I'm impressed.
prankster d (Susan from Oregon)
So neat and tidy!
I like the excess-water-piped-to-the-orchard deal. I appreciate the thought toward conservation.
Yes, in his design and interpretation, Rick seems to have thought of it all!
runnerRick (Rick in San Diego, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS)
Thanks all, the neatness is partly due to the concrete floor.
kawacym (Jim in San Jose, Ca.)
Yes, you can just wash everything down the drain. Gravel just collects all of it on top.
Well done, Rick - you put lots of time into those pictures and narratives! Many, many thanks. Yours is the first...more to come...hear that folks? Start gathering your photos...if you have .jpg's, email em with narratives...if not snail mail pix, and email narratives (Number the pix and the narratives *G* - as you can see, I confuse so easily.) We can put up to 20 pictures - prefer multiples of either 4, 8, 16, or 20.
runnerRick (Rick in San Diego, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS)
Oh well, the meeting is starting and I'm going to have to go. Bye all.
kawacym (Jim in San Jose, Ca.)
Steve, that's a lot of pix. Will have to go back later.
Thanks so much, Rick - your pictures will be enjoyed for some time to come. It's obvious your enjoyment of your greenhouse and orchids multiply like Cattleya skinneri!...mlg
Go Back to Index- 30 -
PaphioDePaphio 121133ellen PaphioDePaphio Richard in West Palm Beach PaphioDePaphio Richard in West Palm Beach PaphioDePaphio Richard in West Palm Beach [COMPLEX/BULLDOG/TOAD PAPH RESEARCH...from mlg] Richard was kind enough to share the list of paphs he has ordered
for his society auction. Stewart's had referred to the shipment as "complex"
paphs, so I went to Wildcatt and researched the species in "complex"'s the results: Just wanted to check out "complex" -- of course, nothing
to do with "10 or more species" -- the list indicates the complex
paphs are the bulldogs, Winston Churchill and the like. Interestingly, Winston Churchill is notably primarily insigne-spicerianum-villosum
with lesser amounts of other species, and that incessant "unknown"
...(ISVU appear to be prominent in the complex/bulldog - like Paph. Hellas
and it's progeny). Asked a serious student of orchids had he heard of the round, polished complex hydrids with plastic substance referred to as "toads." He grimaced, and said "Yes!". Seemed to me he liked that term about as well as I like "toiletbowl" used to describe Paph. micranthum!
*g* Specifically, WC is: bellatulum 1.56% I've heard it said that no one could remake one of these complex hybrids as they don't believe the "unknown" portions (small in some, large in others) is even available now. 49317 Reins of Destiny (1/2 Winston Churchill) X Keyeshill (1/2 WC) So it seems we were on the money on what a complex paph is! *g* sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) PaphioDePaphio 121133ellen [Cultural requirements for Chinese Cymbidiums are found at
First Ray's Orchids
According to Alan Koch, Gold Country Orchids, who spoke at the Shreveport Orchid Society 14 Sep, Paph. emersonii needs more light, some chilling, some dryness; and micranthum takes temperature extremes from 30F to 105F.
Alan also said the trick for keeping brachypetalums from rotting (concolor, niveum, godefroyae, etc.) is bright light and DRYING OUT BETWEEN WATERINGS, esp. in winter. Maudiae types require constant moisture, lower light...mlg]
PaphioDePaphio 121133ellen PaphioDePaphio ChuckMyr (Chuck in Austin, MN) marylois sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) PaphioDePaphio ChuckMyr (Chuck in Austin, MN) 121133ellen PaphioDePaphio sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) ChuckMyr (Chuck in Austin, MN) PaphioDePaphio 121133ellen PaphioDePaphio 121133ellen PaphioDePaphio harold6820 (Farmers Branch, TX) Richard in West Palm Beach marylois runnerRick (Rick in Concord, CA. Diablo View OS, AOS) [We went on with the program early; however, it is separated from
general sparky-steve marylois EmFelts marylois kawacym (Jim in San Jose, Ca.) kawacym (Jim in San Jose, Ca.) EmFelts marylois kawacym (Jim in San Jose, Ca.) EmFelts marylois sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) marylois prankster d (Susan from Oregon) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) [Don't know about seed, but do feel that starting from flask give them a better chance to adapt to one's particular least the ones that survive! *grin*...mlg]
sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) Gee Neo---seems that they would be OK! prankster d (Susan from Oregon) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida) prankster d (Susan from Oregon) Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream)
This site is a little tempermental tonight, a lot of interruptions. Hi Ellen...
I started to move plants back to the greenhouse. They really did well this
summer, enjoying the outdoors. We New Yorkers had a good summer for orchids.
I also grow in the house in two large greenhouse windows. The greenhouse
was a treat from my husband.
Ah... another greenhouse grower... *envious*... You are sooooo lucky.
PDP -- Are the complex Paphs warm-growers?
Richard: Most of them are semi- warmth tolerant. They do need the cooler
weather to set buds though, so this is about the season for them to start
throwing out a sheath ... actually in about 1 to 2 months... you will be
able to see sheath.
Just hoping they will grow well in South Florida since I ordered that batch
for our auction. We get down in to the 30's and 40's for a couple of weeks
in the winter. Think that's enough or should I change my order?
Richard: definitely... between 40 to 50 will be great.... they like it around
45s to set sheath.
Great! I was having second thoughts that I might have really screwed up.
boxallii 10.94%
villosum 10.94%
unknown 18.75%
spicerianum 21.88%
insigne 35.94%
49321 Bantry Bay 'Bounty' (ISVU) X Annette 'Golden Age' (75% ISV+U)
49323 Keyeshill 'Carpinteria' (ISVU) X Everett Wilcox 'Red Chief' (1/2 WC)
49324 Pacific Ocean 'Anne' (ISVU) X Keyeshill 'Carpinteria' (ISVU)
(Registered: Paph. Church Key)
49349 Everett Wilcox 'Hastings'(1/2 WC) X Keyeshill 'Carpinteria' (ISVU)
49352 Honey Dew AM/RHS (ISVU) X Bantry Bay 'Bounty' (ISVU)
49401 Carl Keyes 'Sure Fire' (ISVU) X Bournette 'Basque' HCC/AOS (ISVU)
(Registered: Paph. Thea Engel)
49407 philippinense 'Tigre Tail' X moquettianum 'Cinco' (not complex -
primary hybrid
49408 haynaldianum '3868' X moquettianum (primary hybrid)
49414 Bournette 'Basque' (ISVU) X Keyeshill 'King' (ISVU)
49413 (Winlantis X Bournette) X Winston Churchill (3/4 WC!)
49412 Spring Tree 'Budding Maple' (ISVU/ 1/2 Hellas) X Trail of Tears 'El
(ISVU/ 1/2 Hellas)
Richard, I have a concolor and another (I forget) that blooms with no problems!
Other one I have is spicerianum---another easy Paph!
Sparky: Lucky you... concolor are pretty difficult to bloom... they tend
to rot at the tip of their leaves... gotta keep cutting the tip off... I
have a Spice from China in bud, will bloom within 3 weeks... :-)
Paphio, what about the chinese paphs, what's their season?
ellen: Well... chinese paphs are a lot more difficult to bloom.. do you have any one in particular in mind?
I have Magic Lantern, armeniacum, delrosi, delanatii, malipoense and micranthum for starters.
Ellen: Magic Lantern, is pretty easy to bloom. Armeniacum, gotta give it a rest period and cold period in order to set bud, delrosi.... you need a lot of luck... delenatii, very reluctant bloomer, malipoense; same, cool
period, micranthum, man... you need [post cut off - KB]
Ellen, I have a micranthum just coming out of its sheath right now.
Oh, you people and blooming parvis! I've got them, not quite BS - and wondering....
PDP---then maybe mine will bloom in a few months or so. The concolor has been flowering for the past 3 months or so.
Chuck: You are so lucky... I have 4 different clones of micranthum and I don't know when it will bloom.... Spark: the spice has been in sheath for the past 4 months and finally about 4 inches tall...
Paph, how old and how big are your micranthums?? I've had mine 2 1/2 years and it is now going to bloom for the first time, IF all goes OK.
I got the parvis but I haven't bloomed them. That's why I favor Phrags which thrive under my conditions.
Chuck: they are all divisions... two are blooming size division, the other
two are a little smaller... Spark: so... what do you say... sell me a division
of your concolor?
PDP---send me a letter through WBS mail and we'll discuss it. I now have
two 5-inch pots of it and have just sold another 5-inch---grows like a weed!
Paph. Mine was a seedling. Jerry fisher at Orchids Limited had a large micranthum
that he divided, and he had a terrible time getting the divisions re-established.
Many died I guess.
ellen: I have a friend who just started his orchid company.. he is from
Long Island... the best Phrag and Paph you'll ever see...
Paphio, what's his name and where is he?
ellen: East Shore... his name is Glen Decker... his # is (516)674-6198...just
tell him Jason gave you this #... call before 9 pm... Anyone can take this
# down if you guys are interested in buying Paph and Phrag.... he has lots
of awarded divisions for sale too... and lots of 4n phrags and many many
Thanks, I will call and see what he has in Phrags that I don't own.
ellen: he has 4n besseae and 4n Don Wimber...
We gonna do GH tonight?
Lois, if the opportunity ever comes up, I would love to see a program on
zoned irrigation/fertilization systems for a green house. That's my next
project. I want to change my watering system and add an automatic fertilizing
Rick has quite a layout...will try to get someone to talk zoning - think
his is 'microclimates'. But it's very automated...I'm green with envy! But
I'll trudge on and make a program on mine. Rick has his society over tonight...what's
the best time too start, Rick? Speaker's choice.
Uhhh, Lois, we ought to just get right into it. They start arriving here
about 7:30PM PDT. I'll just have to timeshare. Lois, how do we start? Uh,
maybe I can start it like this:... This is the beginning of the GreenHouse
chat and appears last in this synopsis...mlg]
Cool picture site!!!
[Aha! That's where Steve got his little Bulbophyllum logo!...mlg]
Sparks - neat! Bookmarked it!
H.P. Norton came to our society meeting last week. He's phal specialist in South Carolina-runs Orchidview. He brought in some specimens that were pollinated three years ago, have already bloomed and the leaves were 12 inches long and about 5 inches wide. They were mammoth plants, 3 years from
Is he is a sphagnum mix or pro-mix media?
Hey, just noticed a C. guttata v. leopoldii X C. Dubiosa is opening this morn. White with light lavender shading on the petals/sepals, bright yellow in throat with light lavender on the front. Lip is ruffled, petals
slight crinkling but going away as it opens more fully.
mlg, got it [C. guttata x Dubiosa] in medium bark.
H.P. has what aome may consider an unconventional fertilizer routine. For regular feeding, he uses 15-5-15, and then his bloom booster in 3-45-5, and for his fall and winter bloomers, he starts the bloom booster in April. He had all sorts of scientific info on absorption rates and how many parts per million of fertilizer is actually available to a plant and so on. An amazing talk.
Yes - sounds poor phals have to live with the rest -- just a little more water than other things...added shade...that's it.
Em, did you take notes or did he have a handout sheet?
H.P. also has been incorporating coconut husk and bark into his mix, as well as a beneficial fungus additive in his medium. Jim-I had my 6 month old with me-barely paid attention, and he didn't have a hand out. He brings his personal potting medium with him to sell and by the time I got to the table, it was all gone. H.P. has given talks to DSOS before and each time I leave with a full brain, there's so much info. H.P. brought in a plant infested with red spider mites and a handheld microscope thingy. After we passed it around, he asked us to throw it away for him.
Well, dear friends 10:30 here...Got four hours sleep last night, so heading for slumberland...another big day coming up. Sure like spending this time with you! HUGS!!!
BY-LO!!!!! [SELL HI -KB]
Leaving and laughing! Bye!
NeoFalcata...Are you here?
Hi everyone. What's the topic.
Hi Neo! No topic just now. Where are you from?
I guess about 3 & 1/2 hours away from Sparky, though just came in from VCOS.
What's VCOS?
Volusia county
You semi-tropics folks! (Green with envy!)
Yea, but there's things that you grow I only dream 'bout growing.
Well, if Neo.falcata1 is 3 1/2 hrs north of me---he's above the tropic of cancer. What cities are in Volusia??
Not far from New Smyrna or Deland.
True. We got plenty of COOL here!
You gotta think about it----there are plants you two can grow that I can't!!!
Grass is always greener......... So what types do yall grow?
I have all my plants around my pool, so I grow species that can handle out climate---ha ha then I don't have to do much to make them grow!!!!!!!oh
and mostly species
Sparky. Greener until sometime late Oct or early Nov when we get snowed in. But! ...My plants look so fine when I can look through the glass behind them to the snow. Snow makes a splendid light quality!
snu-sn-sno-sno?????????what is that word??????
I grow a mixed bag. Lately I'm concentrating on 'Glossum species from Mex and Central Amer...(Lemboglossum and Rossioglossum syn.Odontoglossum)
So, sparky, what kind of species? Love them, have bout 450 diff.
They are some fantastic colors!!!!!!!!!!what you got Neo??
You commercial?????ha ha ha ---ready for a bus trip to visit you???? I have about 250 or so.
prankster, love to grow them, just have to wait till Everglades comes up with warmth tolerant. Looks like he's very close now.
bah humbug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!warm tolerant my ***!!!!!!!!!!!
Im still waiting for someone to come up with a cold tolerant Phal!
No, just saw some of pics tonight, along with some plants.
We just had him as a speaker---when he does those crosses, he may get 12 or so plants!!!!!! Was he speaker?
Good luck prankster, though there is some work being done with the colder tolerant vandas.
I bet he did the same talk we heard!!!!!!
Neo, How cold tolerant is your namesake? From Japan it shouldn't require real steamy conditions should it?
There is some from himilayas.
ha ha I have one---I dont even remember when it blooms. I'm a real good grower of Enc tampensis and boothiana!!!!!!!!
Is the booth really from Fl?
Sure is---there's tons of em in Everglades natl park----click my name! That is a pic of a 3 year old plant in the park.
Every time get one from friend it dies hoping to get seed pod next time.
The ones from Mexico are better than native ones---natives are self pollinating---and I think they are trianderous. Also cochleata is native---with three anthers.
Yea they are, but do love natives to go with this native. Lost that 1 too.
Do you want some pods?--I never see the flowers---they get fertilized as soon as they open!!!
Yea I have friends that flask species.
They like to be close to salt air. I just donated 20 or so tampensis seedlings---they make pods and spread---next thing there all over!!!!!!!
I think that's why seed will do better.
It's a good plant to give to newbies!
Yea but here is little close to edge of range but not conopseum.
I haven't had a booth seedling---there is a tiny plant growing that might be one.
And the conop I cannot grow!!!!!!
They seem to like oaks.
I feel that there is always a clone that can survive an area different than what they are used to--need to be 'trained'
Yea thats I guess why seed does better.
I have two Phals that are out in 70% sun and flower for me!---they are not happy---but they still flower for me---one white other is yellow and a summer bloomer.
And that's why the little seedlings that survive in my growing area are STRONG!!!!!
Our sales phals are fairly bright and seem to bloom better.
My Catts are trained to take a few nights in the 40s. Works okay on Catts. Not Paphs or Phals.
Not high 40s either! Low 40s!
In the wild, Catts can take temps in upper 30's.
The chinese paphs sould do ok for you or the phrags.
I have a friend who lets his plants go dormant in the winter so they can handle the cold better.
Really hardens the growths! They'd better be dry though! L.anceps seems near limitless in its degree of cold tolerance.
From Mexico aren't the anceps?---I have one in spike!!!!!!
I've got a few green-leaf Paphs and a multifloral Paph and one Phrag to see how I do with them.
They don't seem to bloom well for me.
Just be careful with the water.
Yes. L.anceps from Mex. Mine always blooms round Christmas. I love it. Is yours one of the special varieties?. Mine is plain-old, but stunning nevertheless.
Other L bloom good, just not them.
My Paphs and Phrags get rain water or water from the river behind the house. (If it's good enough for Chinooks...)
Mine is the normal color---Neo, is yours in a pot or plaque?
I'd like to have a L.jongheanna someday.
Susan, do you ever give the paphs some lime?
sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida)
I like the tiny L's---but they like dry and we get too much rain.
prankster d (Susan from Oregon)
I add a little oyster shell(ground up) to the mix. Also sprinkle a wee pinch of Ca-di-phosphate as a top-dress.
Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream)
Have some tinys they seem to like well drained media but do ok.
prankster d (Susan from Oregon)
Thats calcium di phosphate.
sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida)
Neo---we get together Wednesdays and Sat---join us again!
Neo.falcata1 (Have you eaten your daily dose of a Orchid yet or Vanilla icecream)
Bye, sparky, maybe see you next time
prankster d (Susan from Oregon)
How do tiny Laelias do mounted?
sparky-steve (of Boca Raton Florida)
Susan---most of them are rupicolous---grow on rocks.
OK---I better go!---NITE!!
prankster d (Susan from Oregon)
Ive been saving a beautiful well-shaped porous lava rock. I figure someday I'll find the right orchid to mount on it. [I put several rupicolous laelias in lava rock -- didn't like it!...mlg]
prankster d (Susan from Oregon)
Neo, I'm going to call it a night. Hope to see you Saturday night.
prankster d (Susan from Oregon)
Goodnight, Neo! Hope to see you again. (poof)