Welcome to My Page

Thanks for visiting my page! This is my second attempt at putting a page together (the first one didn't turn out very well). Hopefully on these pages I will be able to put something together that would be of interest to other people besides myself. So, read on and find out more about what I'm up to  ....

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This picture was taken during a trip to Mammoth, where I took my first skiing lesson. Wanting to see what the mountain looked like, a group of us took the gondola ride up to the peak. The view was beautiful!

Gondola ride at Mammoth

One of the ways I stay out of trouble (laugh) is to volunteer at the Ocean Discovery Center (ODC). The ODC is an educational aquarium located at the Santa Monica Pier (you can go to the link below to learn more). I took this picture when we were getting the Ocean Discovery Center booth ready for visitors. To the right of the picture, you can see a couple of visitors checking out the live animals in the portable touch tanks.

Setting up the ODC booth

UCLA Ocean Discovery Center

I went on a trip to Manado in 1997. Learn more:

Some Interesting Links:

The Jakarta Post

University of Texas Marine Science Institute

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