Draigg Coch

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Rev. Sir Draigg Raven Silverwheel,PrH.,GCT.


After many years of confusion and searching for "The Truth", Draigg Silverwheel had a grand awakening. The year was 1977 and a little film you may remember had just been released; Star Wars. The concept of an omnipresent "Force" abiding within everyone and everything in the universe struck a note in his heart. This set his feet on a path of wondrous discovery. He began self study, reading every esoteric book he could get his hands on. Soon the precepts of Paganism became the most appealing to him. The Ancient Ways, Codes, and Beliefs said something to his inner being. He felt as if he had come home. Many more years of self study and practicing the Arts finally led him to two wonderful teachers. He embarked upon a course of study that took many years. He was eventually awarded the title of Priest through the Fellowship of Isis. A little over a year later, he was bestowed the title of Hierophant, meaning learned teacher, Keeper of the Mysteries. Although embracing the Welsh Celtic Neopagan path, Rev. Draigg prefers the term "eclectic", acknowledging and using the good in all paths. He felt a need to do more, so he inquired about membership in The Noble and Sovereign Order of Tara, a true chivalric order dedicated to the safekeeping and ecology of Our Mother Earth. The Order’s patron, Baron Stathloch of Ireland, conferred upon him the station of Grand Knight Commander. He now lives in southern Arizona as a Warrior Priest, upholding the Old Codes of chivalry, honor and love, where he has his Iseum (Hearth to the Goddess), Lyceum (school) and Priory of the Order dedicated to The Goddess, Arianrhod of Wales and The God, The Green Man. Feel free to contact him at SirDraigg@aol.com.



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This page was created, 11/7/96 CE.