Instructor Information
Valerie J. Pennington
Office and phone: 311A; 421-6700 ext. 5516; mailbox in room 345
Education and Personal Information
M.S. in Zoology, University of Hawaii - home of the rainbows!
B.A. in Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz - home of the banana slugs!
Hug a slug!
Likes: penguins, good humor, SCUBA diving, nature, music, chocolate, surfing the net, travel, reading and teaching (!)
Dislikes: violence, arrogance, negativism, racism, war toys, discrimination, dishonesty
Science Teaching Experience
Southwestern College
Principles of Biology, Marine Biology, Human Physiology
University of Hawaii
Organismic Biology, Intro. to Cellular and Molecular Biology, Animal Physiology
University of California, Santa Cruz
Oceanography, Intro. to Cellular and Molecular Biology, Organismic Biology, Inorganic Chemistry
Other Teaching Experience
Long Marine Lab, Marine Biology at Toyon Bay, Catalina Island
Research History
University of Hawaii
1. Reproductive endocrinology and sex determination in Spheniscus penguins using molecular and endocrinological techniques. M.S. research. (1995 - 1996)
2. Membrane physiology: heavy metal detoxification in crustacea (1993 - '94)
University of California, Santa Cruz
1. Seabird cardiovascular physiology (1980 - '91)
2. Electron microscope classification of deep-sea phytoplankton from the Monterey Bay Submarine Canyon (1988 - '89)
3. Cognition, language acquisition studies in the California sea lion (1987 - '88)
4. Molgulid tunicate symbiosis (1986 - '87)
Service and Volunteer Activities
1. Women's Self-Defense Instructor (1989 - present).
2. Co-president of SHarP (Sexual Harassment Prevention program in Hawaii: 1993 - 1996)
3. Founder and President of PoW (Power of Women - Hawaii Women's Self Defense Program: 1993 - 1996)
4. Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women, UH branch (1994-'96); Chairperson, Wellness and Safety Committee (1994 - '95).
5. State Director for AWSDA, the American Women's Self Defense Association (1993 - 1996).