The Good Sites

The four broad categories below cover the spectrum of how you spend your time and money. Care has been taken to select the most worthwhile sites in each category, and to include a broad spectrum of material. Many popular subjects already have a well-constructed "home page", which is linked here instead of duplicating their efforts.

Recreational reading, game and hobby sites
Information and Personal Improvement
Tutorials, documentation, educational stuff
Non-profit Groups
Charities and societies
Vendors of quality products


Site-of-the-Day/Week Sites
Geek Site of the Day
Cruel Site of the Day
Ridiculous and Sublime sites of the week
Emode personality tests and such
The 100 most-accessed sites of the week
Children's sites
More-or-less daily
The Top 5 List
Your Horoscope and stuff
Comics Houston Chronicle (now requires registration (free))
The Fusco Brothers
The Dilbert Zone
Doctor Fun
News of the Weird
Mr. Smarty Pants Knows strange but true
Annals of Improbable Research
Occasionally Updated
ZUG mischievous merriment (not viewable in Netscape)
Cockroach facts and fun
Pretty Much Static
Prototypical idiot's homepage: don't let this happen to YOUR page
The Mentos FAQ
The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project: pseudoscience explores snack cake properties
Dihydrogen Monoxide: Friend or Foe?
The Bastard Operator From Hell story collection
Electronic Magazines & Columns
The Onion Satirical newspaper
SatireWire Another satirical newspaper
Dave Barry
Computer Games
3D Gamers
Games Domain
Interactive Fiction Page (like Infocom games)
Hobbies and Recreation
Poultry travel guides
Travel resources
Horticulture and Gardening
Internet Directory for Botany, Subject Category List
The Garden Web tips, exchanges, suppliers
The Virtual Garden includes a searchable plant encyclopedia
Texas A&M Horticulture Page
Pete's Pond Page

Information and Personal Improvement

People and businesses
AnyWho: includes people and business by name, reverse phone lookup, toll-free numbers
InfoSpace: much like AnyWho
Yahoo! People Search: find email or phone number from person's name and location
GTE Superpages: business phone numbers and web sites
Road Map for any address in the US (street or domain name), or any city in the world
Web and Usenet Searchers and Reviews
FAST Search World's biggest Internet search engine
Altavista Web/News Text Search
Northern Lights web searcher clusters results by topic
WebCrawler the original web search engine is now a meta-search engine
The Usenet Information Center Launch Pad
Yahoo compendium of Web sites by category
The Internet Tourbus A guide to some of the best the Internet has to offer.
Free Hosting
Home Pages (careful, Javascript may crash Netscape)
Email Addresses
Internet Access (freenets)
Shareware Search Engine
Tucows free- and shareware network
ZDI Publications searchable software reviews
Spam (junk email)
Sam Spade locate-the-spammer tools (some require free registration)
Spam FAQ
Direct Marketing Association (junk mail and phone calls)
General Info (Searchable Databases)
Internet Domain Country Codes
US Telephone Area Codes
Checkdomain: registration information for internet addresses (by name or number)
Smart Whois domain name lookups Internet Service Providers
ZIP codes
See also the Merchandise section
Email Hoaxes
Snopes collection of urban legends
Urban Legends the web site
Medical Info (see also Health, below)
Web MD
Everything else
Writing (in general, and for the Web in particular)
Bartleby if you want to look it up, it's here
Copyright Myths and Facts
Spelling test
Typography: Microsoft and Red Sun weigh in
Choosing good material
International and Special Characters in HTML
Barebones Guide to HTML (turn off JavaScript before viewing)
HTML Validator Service: make sure your HTML is correct
Web Page Layout, as it should be (more or less)
Project Vote Smart: learn about your candidates
Financial Services
Quicken financial news
Yahoo financial news
Government Information
Library of Congress
Consumer Information Catalogs
Government Printing Office document search
Department of Justice
Census Bureau
United Nations
Computer Topics
The Perl Home Page
Photoshop Tips (see also Polykarbon Tutorials for comic-book techniques)
PGP and Cryptography

Non-profit Groups

National Charities Information Bureau
The Nature Conservancy
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
EnviroLink Network links
American Association of Blood Banks
American Cancer Society
American Heart Association
American Lung Association
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Alternative Gifts International: gifts for the world
Habitat For Humanity
Institute for Global Communications: peace, equality, freedom, and stuff like that
Blood Donation Sites in the Houston Area
Special Pals A No-Kill Animal Shelter in the Houston area
Amnesty International (and the USA chapter)
Citizens for an Alternative Tax System: Sales tax instead of income tax
The Libertarian Party
League for Programming Freedom
The Center for Democracy and Technology lobbies for civil liberties in new computer and communications technologies.
American Civil Liberties Union
Project Vote Smart provides information about candidates.


Comparison shopping for just about anything you can buy online Airline tickets, hotel rooms, new cars, home financing where you name your price
PriceScan compare prices of online sellers
Lands' End clothing
Amazon huge searchable database of just about anything you want to buy buy books, CDs, movies used
The Free Site: more free stuff