maniaco's birth
How can i welcome you child?
In this atmosphere where i feel unwelcome
In a strange bed
Surrounded by unfamiliar, hostile faces
The face i know and love shoved aside
The other family faces sit and wait outside
Not allowed to witness your arrival
I feel cut off - dismembered

Harsh white walls and overhead light, glaring, blazing at us.
Am i the enemy - the dirt - the problem to be solved - disolved?
Cold hard steel robs me of my warmth.
Little wonder I want my pain to cease, my labour to stop.
You to remain safe within
Bound to this table we can't escape the brutal prodding;
The fierce gaze of those who would deliver you from me
They bear down on me hoping to force me to expel you.

I become tense when threatened with the knife,
Ensuring it will be wielded upon me;
Why can't they help me relax instead of paralyzing me with fear?
Massage and soothe tense muscles
Instead of cutting through my resistance
At last you show yourself - wanting the ordeal to be over.
Hoping they will leave us alone.
But instead masked bandits wait to take you from me,
Deserted, humiliated, wounded to the heart,
How can i welcome you child?
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