How can you help AEHA?

We feel that it is crucial that we investigate the effect of natural gas exposure in triggering acute environmental illness, asthma and allergies in those presently at risk and, as yet, asymptomatic. Immune systems already impaired by chemical exposures may be pushed over the brink by the added insult of gas exposure, thus adding numerous cases of environmental illness, asthma and allergies to Nova Scotia's and New Brunswick's already overburdened health care systems. Cognitive impairment, in which those affected cannot think clearly, is one common-and widespread effect. Schools, institutions, offices and general workplaces can suffer from these effects. If you can offer any information on this subject please Contact us, we need your help!

The token funding AEHA-NS has received for research is completely inadequate to the task at hand. It is especially inadequate to determine which uses of natural gas are unlikely to contribute to environmentally induced illness/chemical sensitivity, asthma or allergies. In order for us to be confident that any uses of natural gas are of proven benefit in our case, we need the help and cooperation of anyone with a stake in the undertaking of this research project.

We need assistance from professionals in the health, environmental, legal, economic and other fields. We need related documents, reports and other evidence. We need leads to those who might be of help. We need case histories and anecdotes of exposures and effects. We could definitely use money, office equipment and supplies. Please help in any way you can, to protecting our common future and the health and well being of ourselves and our children.

Important Areas of Study, a general list:
The following is a list of specific concerns with which we
particularly need information and help, if you can help in
any way please contact AEHA-NS and help us, to help
establish a safer, healthier future for the human race.

Literature research, build documentation, collect library of information and make available World Wide Web information search, also form and operate discussion list on World Wide Web to encourage individuals to contribute and exchange information.

Health professional research/survey.

Contact ill persons to compile their concerns/experiences.

Potential future health effects.

Critique of component reports.

Economic impact evaluation.

Compensation guarantees and fair access to such.

Legal questions, including survey legislation on protecting indoor and outdoor air quality as related to environmentally induced illness/chemical sensitivity, asthma and allergy and determine any legal responsibility for adverse reactions to gas originating from this project.

Determine the advisability of various uses of natural gas, any limitations on acceptable uses, whether the uses can be limited to acceptable uses if the pipeline is built, and if it is ethical to build the pipeline if uses cannot be limited to those for which it can be reasonably determined to be definitely acceptable.

Coordination with other groups also involved in these questions.

Effects on animals and plants.

Concerns of the types mentioned in Theo Colbourn, et. al.'s Our Stolen Future, (e.g. hormone mimics).

Recommend any research that needs to be done.

Recommend any ongoing monitoring specific to this topic.

Recommend any continuing role for AEHA and partners.

Any help that can be offered in any way will be very much appreciated!

We want to especially encourage persons and organizations to send us any literature on the subject of natural gas. Even anecdotal evidence will be vital in documenting the health impact on persons who have been affected by natural gas in their environment.

A Project Coordinator and Research Director, and a Research/Office Assistant are the two key positions which are essential core staff: they will coordinate all studies and activities, write the post-hearing submission, keep financial records, prepare information, conduct information searches, collect library of information and make available, and prepare background and instruction material related to the studies to be undertaken.

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