You who had shared your tears with me
who had laid your warm hands on my body
and let me sing my healing songs to your heart.
You who I'd followed on the path next to the stream,
my bare feet finding
the places yours had just been
You whom I'd cried about on the dark autumn night
as I swayed in the wind, cried about letting you go
letting you go in your red truck back to your life
your life without me, your life before you knew I existed.
And now there you stood, after five days,
after driving two hours to see me.
You stood there, framed in your own light,
smiling at me,
and I think I stopped breathing;
I stopped breathing till I was sure you were real.
It was then I knew we were for each other
for the room went away and the people went away
as all that I call "me" soaked into your chest,
into our embrace, into the truth
you decided not to ignore.
All poems copyrighted by the author, Tracey Besmark 1997©