What I'm About

Life is a constant unfolding, an unravelling, a never-ending motion *towards* something. Now that I've been on the Planet, in this incarnation, for three decades, I am now *beginning* to feel like I see the path I am on with some clarity. That is comforting and affirming, to know that after some stumbling, bumbling, and a lot of *fun* times, there is some sense, some pattern to my life.

My friend and teacher (an African lion) told me: "When you act, strike with your whole being. Then rest." I like this philosophy and the focus and intensity it implies. Being wishy-washy will get us into a lot of trouble, as I have witnessed first hand.

The reason I wake up in the morning is to follow the path of my spirit. I am not religious, but am highly spiritual. I practice core shamanism, a healing and belief system that has been around as long as humankind. Through shamanism, I get my own healing and healing on behalf of others.

Shamanic healing is my life's work. I have been practicing shamanism for over five years, and when I found this spiritual path, I knew I had found my "home." The way I got the "call" is a story in itself, but I knew right away that I would pursue this path, with all its side-roads and brambles, as long as I walked around in this body. I simply want to be a tool for the spirits, to help them to help others heal. When I say others, I mean not just people. I also mean animals, plants, the Planet. And I mean I want to help with all my heart.

I feel we live in a time of great fragmentation on this Planet, in this realm. There is so much violence and pain. I feel that our society just simply mirrors our state of fragmentation as individual beings. So many of us are survivors of abuse, incest, addiction, and at the very least, dysfunctional families and lack of support and love growing up. A lot of this is perpetuated generation after generation unless people take both control and responsibility for breaking that family karma. And such a break is not easy, as any of us who have attemped this are aware.

Shamanism is only one method to help individuals to heal from such trauman and split-apartness, but it is an extremely effective one, in my opinion. Making people whole again, bringing lost parts of people's spirits/souls home, and then handing them their own spiritual authority are all parts of the process. The more people who are whole, the fewer people who are committing acts of violence or disrespect. When someone is fragmented and walking around with very little soul essence left, then he doesn't care about other people or the planet because he is completely disconnected from the web of life. When someone is more whole, more present, he is less likely to harm others, because he feels his connection and affinity to all life and then realizes that to hurt another is indeed to hurt himself.

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