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Hello there! Thank you for visiting. My name is Paulo. Did you heard of a psychiatric disorder called SWATCHMANIA? You must have! Don't worry, if you're here you are affected already (sorry!)... If you'd like to know its major signs and effects press    Is a Swatcher a Crazy Person?    immediately and maybe there's still time to avoid it. I started collecting in January 1997...and I'm not satisfied yet. So, if you're looking for any particularly model or have any for trade press  My Trading & Wanted Lists .

Do you know what´s the most western country in Europe? That's right it's Portugal. Now, do you know how many Portuguese Swatch Specials are? If your answer is YES them press    Portuguese Specials    but if your answer is NO press   Portuguese Specials  .

If you're here to learn everything about the LUZERN swatch auctions, press here .

If you'd like to shorcut to the Expo'98 Lisbon Swatch pavillion, press GIL .





This page was last updated on 14-08-1998.

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