Making the Transition to Sustainable Farming
Fundamentals of Sustainable Agriculture |
Sustainable farming is a management-intensive method of growing crops
at a profit while concurrently minimizing negative impact on the environment,
improving soil health, increasing biological diversity, and controlling
pests. Sustainable agriculture is dependent on a whole-system approach
having as its focus the long-term health of the land. As such, it
concentrates on long-term solutions to problems instead of short-term treatment
of symptoms. One result of such a strategy is that use of agricultural
chemicals and similar inputs is reduced, though not necessarily eliminated.
As a consequence, the land develops diversity and resiliency that further
reduce the need for agricultural chemicals.
It is widely agreed that a truly sustainable farm system must be sustainable
economically, ecologically and socially:
To be economically sustainable, farms should generate sufficient
equitable returns to support farm families and to provide an economic base
for the surrounding community.
To be ecologically sustainable, farming methods must be modeled
on nature to foster energy flow, effective water and
mineral cycles, and viable community dynamics.
Sustainable agriculture is neither high technology nor low technology,
rather it is appropriate technology; and unlike the conventional
approaches of the late 20th century it varies considerably with each farm
and farmer. In place of the prescriptions characteristic of
conventional agriculture, the modern farmer has access to descriptions
of new, innovative, and highly effective approaches that can be applied
to virtually any farm situation from micro-scale vegetable growers to large-scale
cash crop farmers.
Planning And Decision Making
Because sustainable producers are much more sensitive to the complexity
of healthy natural systems, effective management depends on clear goal-setting
and effective decision making.
Several useful processes for decision making, goal formation, and whole
farm management have been developed. The Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture,
for example, has developed 10 criteria for wholistic evaluation of farming
systems (1). A more comprehensive approach called
Holistic Management® is more widely known
and practiced, however. Both processes (and others like them) guide
the farmer through an evaluation procedure to test the suitability of tools
and enterprises for the operation.
One key element of success in the transition to sustainable farming
is the farmer's ability to monitor both progress towards the goal and the
overall health of the system. It is advisable to assume that one's
plan will not work and develop a system for determining (as soon
as possible) if indeed it isn't working. For example, if the goal
includes increased biodiversity, the farmer needs to know—quickly—if the
grazing management system being used is actually decreasing the number
of plant species per acre; or if hiring a neighbor to combine grain is
more economical than personal combine ownership.
The ability to evaluate and replan is a vital tool for the farmer wishing
to become more
An international organization, the Center for Holistic Management, has
several publications on Holistic Management, and offers a series of courses
that may be quite helpful to farm families moving towards sustainable farming
The transition towards more sustainable farming requires not only more
responsibility for decision making on the part of the farmer, but also
access to appropriate and helpful information. Fortunately, increased
interest in sustainable agriculture has stimulated greater investment in
research and education. As a result, much more usable information
is available today than ever before. Access to this information can
be made through various means, one of them being ATTRA. In addition
to its publications and custom reports on production and marketing, ATTRA
also provides resource lists covering sustainable agriculture organizations,
educational programs, internships, and related resources. Please
consult the ATTRA Materials List for a detailed
publications listing.
Hiring a consultant can also pay off well, especially in the early years
of transition. A study by Iowa State University Extension (3)
reports that 59% of farmers hiring a consultant reported an increase in
profits and attributed that increase to their consultant. However,
be certain to check credentials and ask for references before making a
Rotations And Cover Crops
Crop rotation, the planned sequencing of crops over time on a field,
is one of the cornerstone techniques of sustainable farming. Rotating
crops diversifies farm income, increases the biodiversity of the farm organism
both within and on top of the soil, breaks many weed and other pest life
cycles, improves nutrient cycling and utilizationespecially where legumes are used to fix nitrogenand
provides the opportunity for soil building where sod crops are employed.
Crop rotation improves overall soil health and increases farm system
diversity through time and across space. Good rotations are sufficiently
long and diverse to minimize pressure from weeds, insects, and diseases.
Whereas conventional production seeks to maximize the productivity of an
individual crop with agricultural chemicals, the sustainable approach makes
the whole system more productive through creative use of biodiversity and
recognition of new profit opportunities.
Developing a new rotation cropping mixone
that allows for soil buildingrequires
that some land be used to grow crops that appear less profitable in the
short term. This may be especially challenging on high-priced land
and will, in any case, have a noticeable impact on cash flow; if expenses
do not decrease at least as much as income decreases, there will also be
a negative impact on net income. Therefore, careful planning is essential
to avoid negative results.
In planning rotation options it is also important to consider that cultivated
row crops, such as corn and beans or vegetables, tend, by their nature,
to be soil-degrading cropsespecially
in warmer climates. Since the soil is open and cultivated between
rows, microbes break down soil organic matter at a more rapid pace.
Furthermore, row crops have modest root systems and consequently do not
contribute enough new organic matter to replace that lost from the open
soil between rows; in most cases above-ground crop residues make only minor
contributions to replacing lost organic matter. A continuous CORN-BEAN-CORN-BEAN
"rotation" can, therefore, lead to soil degradation similar to that found
in systems of continuous corn production. Cropping continuous vegetables
has a roughly similar effect.
A noteworthy challenge in sustainable row-crop production is that reduction
of herbicide use may lead to increased tillage (for weed control).
Unless great care is taken, this may actually result in a loss of organic
matter comparable to that of similar conventional systems. Consequently,
it is important to develop production systems that reduce tillage in a
manner consistent with effective weed control. Careful timing,
for example, can substantially reduce the number of cultivations
required each season.
Management of soil organic matter is especially important in sustainable
systems particularly where row cropping
is involved. One recent study (4), for example,
has shown that in sandy soils, raising soil organic matter from 1% to 2%
increased the available water content of that soil by 60% (from 5% of total
soil volume to 8%). Such an improvement in a soil's water-holding
capacity will have a beneficial effect on crop growth, especially during
droughty periods.
Cereals and other crops (such as annual green manures) planted with
a grain drill or broadcast-seeded are more closely spaced and have more
extensive root systems than do row crops, greatly reducing the amount of
soil exposed to degradation. In addition, they receive little or
no cultivation after planting which reduces organic matter loss even more.
As a result, cereals and green manures can be considered neutral crops,
replacing soil organic matter at roughly the same rate at which it breaks
down. Crops that make a perennial sod cover, such as grasses, clovers,
and alfalfa, not only keep the soil entirely covered, but also have massive
root systems, producing far more organic matter than is lost. Sod
crops are the most effective soil-building cropsmaking a major contribution by healing the damage done to soil by row cropping.
Conscientious producers incorporate sod crops as a fundamental part
of their rotation, not only to build soil, but to buttress weed control
strategies. Weed control improves because the types of weeds encouraged
by row cropping systems are usually not adapted to growing in a sod/hay
crop. An ideal rotation might include one year of sod crop for each
year of row crop, and as many years of neutral crops as makes sense in
the circumstances. A common example among sustainable cash crop/livestock
farmers is the CORN-BEANS-OATS-ALFALFA-ALFALFA rotation.
The chief challenge of incorporating sod crops into a rotation is to
include livestock in the system or to find a market for the hay.
Sustainable production is much easier when livestock are present in the
system to recycle wastes and assist in transferring (via manure) nutrients
from one part of the farm to another. Fortunately, land capable of producing
a 100-bushel corn yield will generally be able to produce 5-ton hay yields.
At the $60-$70 per ton prices common for even fairly ordinary hay, gross
revenues per acre from hay will exceed those from corn so long as corn
is under $3.00 per bushel. The net income picture is even more encouraging,
however, because conventional production costs for an acre of corn are
quite a bit higher than for hay. A good crop of alfalfa fixes at
least $50 of nitrogen every year, and by thus reducing fertilizer costs
for the subsequent corn crop, the net income for that crop is improved
Besides equipment costs, the major drawback to selling hay is that the
nutrients it contains are shipped off the farm. Since, however, something
like 75–90% of the minerals going into the front end of cattle come out
the back end, keeping cattle helps retain nutrients on the farm.
Cattle can serve as a very profitable method of adding value to the forage
crops they consume; and when new high tensile electric fencing is employed,
the costs of marketing forage as meat are not prohibitive.
Since row crop farmers are often reluctant to plant perennial and biennial
sod crops, annual green manures and cover crops assume an important role
in soil building in field cropping systems. Hairy vetch, for example,
is not only a soil-conserving cover crop, but is capable of providing all
the nitrogen required by subsequent crops like commercial tomatoes (8).
The soil-building crops most appropriate for a given farm depend not
only on regional factors (harshness of winter, etc.) but also on the type
of production system involved: each farmer will have to determine which
cover crops are most appropriate to his or her system. The ATTRA
publication entitled Cover Crops and Green Manures, which may help
in cover crop evaluation, is available upon request.
Planned crop rotations, cover cropping and green manuring are key elements
in soil building. However, modern production systems place high demands
on land resources, requiring additional attention to soil fertility management.
To better understand the basic concepts involved, ATTRA's Sustainable
Soil Management publication is suggested. It provides practical
information about alternative soil management approaches. Since some
of these approaches may entail the use of various off-farm inputs, two
additional ATTRA publications Nonconventional
Soil Amendments and Sources for Organic Fertilizers & Amendments
are recommended.
Manures and composts, especially those produced on-farm or available
locally at low cost, are ideal resources for soil management. From
the standpoint of overall soil and crop health, composts or aged manures
are preferred. Compost has a unique advantage in comparison to unaged
manure and other organic soil amendments in that it has a (usually) predictable,
and nearly ideal, ratio of carbon to nitrogen (9).
As a result, there is no need to calculate the extra amount of nitrogen
needed to balance the decay process, and farmers need not fear that soil
nitrogen will be tied up by decaying residues. Compost can safely
be applied to row-crop ground at any practical rate; applications of 10
tons per acre (9) are common where quantities are available,
but much higher rates are not unusual, especially when soil is being improved
rather than maintained.
Compost has some particular advantages in row crop production, especially
when used in conjunction with cover crops and green manures. In sandy
soils, compost's stable organic matter is especially effective at absorbing
and retaining water. Fresh plant material incorporated as green manure,
on the other hand, retains its waxy leaf coating and cannot perform the
same function until thoroughly digested by microbes.
Some of the more "environmentally friendly" chemical fertilizers such
as mono-ammonium phosphate (12-50-0), commonly called MAP, may also have
a role in the transition away from the harsher chemical fertilizers.
A very serviceable and affordable 4-16-16 transitional fertilizer with
magnesium, sulfur, and other minor nutrients can be prepared from a combination
of two-thirds sulfate of potash-magnesia and one-third mono-ammonium phosphate.
When used in combination with composts and/or legume plowdowns (for nitrogen),
this 4-16-16 can be banded at seeding or otherwise applied just like the
regular 5-20-20, but with reduced negative impact on soil life.
There are several conventional fertilizers that should be avoided in
sustainable farming due to harmful effects on soil organisms and structure.
These include anhydrous ammonia and potassium chloride. The use of
dolomite ¾ a liming material having a
high magnesium : calcium ratio ¾ has
also been generally discouraged. This results more from the frequent
misuse of dolomite for raising pH on soils already high in magnesium, rather
than innate detrimental qualities. It is certainly appropriate for
use on fields deficient in magnesium as indicated by proper soil tests.
Significant additions of lime, rock phosphate and fertilizers should
be guided by soil testing to avoid soil imbalances and unnecessary expenditure
on inputs. Cooperative Extension offers low-cost soil testing services
in many states. For additional sources, ask for ATTRA's Alternative Soil Testing Laboratories publication.
Weed And Pest Management
In the early years of transition towards sustainable production, farmers
should expect significant fluctuations in pest and weed populations. Farm chemicals
and healthy farm systems each act as powerful dampers on the population
swings of "problem organisms." However, during the period between
reduction of chemical applications and re-establishment of biological equilibrium
neither of those dampers is especially effective. Such fluctuations,
while frightening and frustrating, should be seen not as signs of failure,
but of progress. While dealing with such swings may be challenging,
dealing with the perceptions of other farmers and the larger rural community
may be even more difficult. As one farmer wryly observed during this phase
of the shift, "Right now, the worst weed problem I've got is down at the
coffee shop."
Although the health and environmental difficulties associated with conventional
pesticides justify a significant change of approach, a great deal of improvement
can be made with relatively little risk. Sustainable production goes
far beyond simply reducing the quantities of chemicals applied. It
involves numerous positive steps, many of which can be initiated without
having to make major shifts in pest management strategies at the very beginning.
Weed management is one of the most challenging activities in low-chemical
and sustainable production systems. A basic understanding of weed
ecology and the influence of cropping patterns on weed communities will
help growers refine their use of cultural and mechanical techniques, thereby
reducing the time required for effective weed control.
Because herbicides are used sparingly in sustainable production, prevention
of weed problems is a fundamental component of management. In general
terms, weed prevention is based on developing a sound rotation, thwarting
all attempts by existing weeds to set seed, and by minimizing the arrival
of new weed seeds from outside the field.
While a good weed prevention program will decrease weed pressure substantially,
successful crop production still requires a well-conceived program for
controlling weeds to the point that they have no negative impact on net
income. Weed control programs include a range of carefully timed
cultivations and other mechanical interventions designed to kill as many
young seedlings as possible.
A well-developed sense of timing is essential for effective weed management.
Delayed seeding, for example, can be combined with pre-plant tillage
to control early-germinating weeds. The farmer will need to know
how long seeding can be delayed without compromising yields; also, when
to work the soil to stimulate maximum weed emergence so they can be rapidly
and easily killed. In other instances relatively early seeding may
be preferred (if soil temperatures permit) to get a jump on later-emerging
Unfortunately, the scheduling of weed control operations is often hindered
by unfavorable weather conditions. It may also be complicated by
operational timing intended to thwart other crop pests. ATTRA has
additional information on weed control options for both agronomic and horticultural
crops, available on request, including a recent publication entitled Principles
of Sustainable Weed Management.
Insect pests can have a serious impact on farm income. In balanced
farm production systems, insect pests are always present. However,
massive outbreaks resulting in severe economic damage are minimized.
This results in good part from the presence of natural control agents ¾
especially predatory and parasitic insects, mites and spidersthat keep pest populations in check. Restoring this population of beneficial
arthropods is one of the objectives of a well-planned transition.
The two basic features of transition planning to restore populations of
beneficials are:
Farmers need to consider carefully how to manage the shift to fewer pesticides
during the first few years, before beneficial insect populations have rebuilt
to levels where they can exert significant control of the major pests.
Farmers should plan to work closely with local experts — especially
farmers with transition experience — to ensure as smooth a shift as possible.
Actually, the first step towards preventing serious insect problems
in any cropping system is the production of healthy plants which are, in
turn, nurtured by a microbially active soil enriched with organic matter
and a balanced mineral diet. This belief — that a healthy soil produces
healthy plants more resistant to insect and disease attack — is a fundamental
principle of organic agriculture and has arisen from decades of largely
undocumented field observations by practicing farmers. More recently,
however, this viewpoint has become accepted as fact among many soil scientists
and others in the scientific community (10).
Sooner or later nearly every grower confronts unacceptable pest pressure,
making some method of pest control necessary. Integrated pest management
(IPM) is the basic framework used to decide when and how pests are to be
controlled. The primary goal of IPM is to provide clear pest management
guidelines to growers in order to optimize pest control in an economically
and ecologically sound manner.
IPM integrates habitat modification, cultural, physical, biological,
and chemical practices to minimize crop losses. Monitoring, record
keeping, and life cycle information about pests and their natural enemies
are used to determine which control options are needed to keep pests below
an economically damaging threshold. IPM also involves specific techniques
to manage pests, summarized in the ATTRA publication
Pest Management.
One class of techniques used in pest management, and already discussed
in brief, is biological control. Biological control is the use of
living organisms to control crop pests. Biocontrol agents may be
predatory, parasitic, or pathogenic; they may also be either "natural"
(from naturally occurring organisms such as wild beneficial insects) or
"applied" (meaning the organisms are introduced). Biocontrol agents
include insects, mites, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and nematodes.
Certain beneficial nematodes (Steinernema sp., for example) transmit
pathogens to their prey, and could be seen as a form of indirectly applied
Farms exploring IPM concepts for the first time may limit their involvement
to monitoring levels of one or two pests on a secondary crop, applying
their usual insecticide if the threshold of economic injury is approached.
Others may shift from a broad-spectrum insecticide such as Guthion™ to
a more beneficial-friendly material, such as Imidan™. As operator
comfort with IPM increases, it is common to apply basic concepts to the
primary crop and expand IPM management on the secondary cropperhaps through the introduction of beneficial parasites or predators of
the target pest insect.
As they move towards greater sustainability, IPM programs tend to go
through three phases, with each stage using and building on previous knowledge
and techniques (11):
Because sustainable production depends on such bio-intensive IPM for its
long-term success, a working knowledge of the life cycles of pests and
their natural enemies is very important. The aim is to identify and
exploit the weak link in a pest's life cycle. Several good books
and publications on insect identification are available through Cooperative
Extension; more may be found in local libraries and bookstores.
When all other integrated pest management tactics are unable to maintain
insect pest populations below economic thresholds, insecticide application
to control the pests and prevent economic loss is clearly justified.
In such cases, sustainable farmers will usually attempt to obtain satisfactory
control using one of the "biorational" pesticides.
Biorational pesticides are fairly pest specific and usually non-persistent,
causing a minimal amount of harm to beneficial organisms. Biorational
pesticides may include some conventional synthetic pest control materials,
but more typically embody the microbial insecticides like Bacillus thuringiensis
or Beauveria bassiana; insecticidal soaps; pheromones (for trapping
or mating disruption), and insect growth regulators. Botanical plant extracts
like neem and ryania are also known as least-toxic, narrow-spectrum controls
combining minimal negative impact on beneficial species with very rapid
decomposition in the environment.
Disease management through cultural means is considered the most sustainable
methodology. Techniques and strategies include crop rotation, resistant
cultivars, good soil drainage, adequate air movement , and planting clean
seed. These may be supplemented through the use of biorational fungicides.
As with insect pest management, integrated management principles should
be applied, including monitoring of environmental conditions, to determine
whether preventative fungicidal sprays are required.
With the exception of a few plant extracts used in Biodynamic
farming, fungicides in organic production systems have largely been limited
to copper and sulfur-based products. Most coppers are labeled for
anthracnose, early and late blight, gray leaf mold, and Septoria leaf spot.
Sulfur is labeled for control of powdery mildew and is also effective as
a miticide and mild insecticide. Coppers also function as bactericides
in the control of bacterial diseases such as bacterial spot and bacterial
speck. Several copper formulations are available commercially.
In recent years, some new and interesting disease management materials
have been identified. These include:
Fungal antagonists. Beneficial fungi capable of preventing
colonization of the crop by pathogens.
Baking soda. A least-toxic fungicide against several
diseases and is, apparently, not harmful to beneficials.
Plant extracts. As commonly used in Biodynamic™ agriculture. Key Ideas For Transition to Sustainable Farming:
As mentioned earlier, it is risky to rely on recipes, but that being
said, there is a general transition path that has worked well for many
farmers (5,6,7) over
the years.
It is important to remember that each farm system is unique. The
needs, goals, and abilities of each farm family are distinct; the strengths
and weaknesses of each farm unit are different. Nevertheless, the
skills, abilities, and knowledge acquired in the course of shifting from
a product-focused approach towards a more management-based strategy of
collaboration with nature offer many rewardsfinancial, personal, and
Prepared by Bart Hall & George Kuepper
Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA)
Box 3657
AR 72702
1-800-346-9140 --- FAX: (501) 442-9842
Planning and Decision Making
Rotations and Cover Crops
Weed and Pest Management
Key Ideas for Transition
Final Note
To be socially sustainable, agriculture should promote the physical,
spiritual, cultural, and economic health of farm families and communities.
sustainable. When part of the plan is not working as intended,
it becomes necessary to replan and reflect the new conditions. This
concept—the idea of planning - monitoring - controlling - replanning
— is a key characteristic of Holistic Management and is referred to
as the feedback loop.
Many farmers (5,6,7)
report the best results from focusing on legume sod crops early in the
transition process; after several years of soil-building, more grasses
are planted to prevent the system from becoming too rich in nitrogen.
Compost extracts (also called compost "teas.")
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Available free of charge from:
The Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture
P.O. Box 588
Poteau, OK 74953
1010 Tijeras, M.W.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87102
PO Box 133
Whiting, Kansas, 66552-0133
1001 Y Street, Suite B
Lincoln, Nebraska, 68508-1172
ATTRA Technical Specialists
December 1997
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