Anemometer: It is a device used to measure wind speed.
4 paper cups, thumbtack, tape, pin, pen tube, 2 pieces of wood, wire,
shoebox, thead, clay.
Bend a loop at the end of a length of stiff wire; file the other end flat.
Tape the loop to the bottom of a shoebox. Put stones in the box to steady
it, and place the lid on, making a hole for the wire.
Tape two thin pieces of wood into a cross. Push 4 paper cups onto the ends
of the wood, all facing in the same direction ?either left or right.
Securely fix the center of the cross to the top of an empty ballpoint pen tube
with a thumbtack and cellophane tape.
Push a pin through the tiny hole in the side of the tube, and place it on the
flat end of the wire, so that it pivots easily on the pin.
Tie a length of thread to the pin in the side of the tube, leading it sideways over a roller. Let it hang down at the side of the table.
Fix a small modeling clay weight at the end of the thread.
Let the cups go, and they should swing around in the wind.
Use a watch to time how long the clay weight takes to rise from the ground to the edge of the table.
Take readings several times a day, does the wind speed change?