On the day you read this, the population of our planet will increase by 230,000 people. Overall, the world population is increasing by more than 86 million people every year. Current population trends are cause for both optimism and concern. Some developing countries are moving rapidly toward population stability. But other countries are experiencing rapid population growth, usually accompanied and accentuated by high levels of poverty, limited progress for women, and high levels of internal and international migration. Such rapid growth places enormous pressure on natural resources, urban infrastructure and services, and governments at all levels.
North America
Population Action International
Population Action International (PAI) is dedicated to advancing policies and programs that slow population growth in order to enhance the quality of life for all people. PAI advocates the expansion of voluntary family planning, other reproductive health services, and educational and economic opportunities for girls and women. These strategies promise to improve the lives of individual women and their families while slowing the world's population growth.
Population Council
The Population Council, a nonprofit, nongovernmental research organization established in 1952, seeks to improve the wellbeing and reproductive health of current and future generations around the world and to help achieve a humane, equitable, and sustainable balance between people and resources. The Council analyzes population issues and trends; conducts research in the social and reproductive sciences; develops new contraceptives; works with public and private agencies to improve the quality and outreach of family planning and reproductive health services; helps governments design and implement effective population policies; communicates the results of research in the population field to diverse audiences; and helps strengthen professional resources in developing countries through collaborative research and programs, technical exchange, awards, and fellowships.
Population Institute
The mission of The Population Institute is to provide essential leadership in creating national and international awareness of the social, economic and environmental implications of rapid population growth. The Institute is dedicated to bringing about global population stabilization and a future generation of population activists. The Institute advocates U.S. support for international, national and private population programs, especially in areas of the world where problems of overpopulation are most critical.
Population Reference Bureau
The Population Reference Bureau is a nonprofit, nonadvocacy, educational organization. They work with both public-sector and private-sector partners to increase the amount, accuracy, and usefulness of information about population trends and their implications.
Population Services International
Population Services International (PSI) is an unusual nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the health of low-income people worldwide. They seek to improve world health through social marketing -- a cost-efficient, results-oriented approach more akin to private businesses than to other non-profits. Social marketing uses commercial distribution and advertising techniques to make essential health products easily available at affordable prices and to promote healthier behavior.
UN Population Information Network
The goal if this site is to identify, establish, strengthen and coordinate population information activities at international, regional and national levels; to facilitate and enhance the availability of population information in collaboration with the regional commissions, the specialized agencies and the NGO population community; and to provide a forum for the exchange of experiences among developed and developing countries on population information issues.
North America
Zero Population Growth
Zero Population Growth is a national nonprofit organization working to slow population growth and achieve a sustainable balance between the Earth's people and its resources. They seek to protect the environment and ensure a high quality of life for present and future generations. ZPG's education and advocacy programs aim to influence public policies, attitudes, and behavior on national and global population issues and related concerns.