Lewie's Fluorescent Mineral Page
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Lewie's Fluorescent Mineral Page

Rainbow Room
The "Rainbow Room" in Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, NJ
Photo by Lewis Kozlosky, 1992 (Click picture for full size image.)

Welcome! The above photo illustrates the amazing colors of fluorescent minerals. Fluorescent mineral collecting can easily become an obsession because if its beauty and unique appeal.

This page offers pictures of fluorescent minerals and collecting, as well as astronomy and other photos. Links to other interesting sites are provided.
Glad you could visit!


Individual Fluorescent Mineral Photos
More Mineral Pictures
Fluorescent mineral collecting photos
Here's a rare mineral!
Fossil and fossil collecting photos
Astronomical Photos (Hale-Bopp!)
Yellowstone Park Photos
Hawaii Land Pictures, May 2004 - (partial photo listing)
Kauai Na Pali Coast Hike, December 1998 - (photo listing)

Scuba Diving:

National Aquarium in Baltimore Diving Pictures (My "Other" Job)

Spinning Globe Links:

Franklin at Night
Maryland Geological Survey
Chris's Mineral Collecting Page
Charles B. Ward Fluorescent Minerals
Antwerp, Belgium Mineralogy Club Fluorescent Minerals
The Sunnywood Collection
Mineralogical Record
Bob's Rock Shop

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions send me an Moving Email at rokhed*verizon.net (replace * with @)

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Updated 1/17/07