From the earth my body was called to rise,

Called forth by What, I do not know,  

But called, and filtered through the grass

That covers the moldering compost heap

Of things that clothed the long-forgotten dreams

Of long-forgotten days…    

Dreams once bright as morning, I am sure,

But fallen now, and,

I must admit,

Falling still, 

Into the ever-rocking cradle-grave    

Of universal demise.    


The fairest maiden soon turns to dust,

Lasting little longer than the flowers in her hair

The brightest bird flies but a little way

Scarcely outliving its song upon the air

Wooden ships are swallowed by the waves

And countless warriors, no matter how strong and brave

Hurry from their cradles to their graves

In an endless, monotonous procession. 


From the earth their bodies were called to rise,

Called forth by What, I do not know, 

But called, and filtered through the grass

That covers the moldering compost heap

Of things that clothed the long-forgotten dreams

Of long-forgotten days…   

Dreams once bright as morning, I am sure,

But fallen now, and,

I must admit,

Falling still, 

Into the ever-rocking cradle-grave   

Of universal demise. 





© 2003 G S Hargrave (Yopo)