Welcome to my Guestbook!

02/18/00 05:35:27
Name: Chrystal My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: Barrie Favorite movie: Anything Winnie the Pooh Favorite animal: Hamsters
Favorite site: ummmm.....too many to name Rate my site out of 10: 10

Hey love your site... it helped a lot with the gem stuff and the dream catcher legend. :) See you at work. :)

02/14/00 14:56:32
Name: siouxmoux My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite movie: attack of the killer tomatoes Favorite animal: cat Favorite site: www.zdtv.com
Anything you would like to see more of??: yes Rate my site out of 10: 12

Now for something completely different. Well i knew that will one day this happen. I'm the first geek in Silicon Valley ever to make a site about cultural and history of Indigenous People of North, South and Central Americas, called Indigenous 5 8 6. This section of my site devoted to this th me have become so popular.I have decided to start a new webring call the Indigenous Geek Webring. (yes that is the actual name of the ring. People Living here in Silicon Valley are allways cutting edge on Technology). the main goal of my ring is to conne t sites that focus on preserving Indigenous cultural and history on the net. So if are interested in joining my ring goto to my site and click on the link goes to the Indigenous geek. info page. Fill out the form. once you get the html code to your page. mail me, and you are in. This Free Public Service is brought to by... TV 200 Adventures in Personal Webcasting Proving just about anyone can be a Webcaster. Now for something completely different. Well i knew that will one day this happen. I'm the first geek in Silicon Valley ever to make a site about cultural and history of Indigenous People of North, South and Central Americas, called Indigenous 5 8 6. This section of my site devoted to this th me have become so popular.I have decided to start a new webring call the Indigenous Geek Webring. (yes that is the actual name of the ring. People Living here in Silicon Valley are allways cutting edge on Technology). the main goal of my ring is to conne t sites that focus on preserving Indigenous cultural and history on the net. So if are interested in joining my ring goto to my site and click on the link goes to the Indigenous geek. info page. Fill out the form. once you get the html code to your page. mail me, and you are in. This Free Public Service is brought to by... TV 200 Adventures in Personal Webcasting Proving just about anyone can be a Webcaster.

02/04/00 15:11:30
Name: paul My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: halifax ns canada Favorite animal: wolf dog Anything you would like to see more of??: some pictures of the white wolf
Rate my site out of 10: 10

hi dear had to take alook after i got your email been awhile since i been to your site i love it,i use to raise wolf dogs when i was younger take care paul

01/08/00 19:07:35
Name: Nimchira My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: Livingston, Texas Favorite movie: Dances with Wolves Favorite animal: wolf/eagle
Rate my site out of 10: 10 1/2

3 years ago I found out I am of the Mescalero Apache Wolf Clan, a branch of the Mud Clan. I enjoyed cruising you webpage very much. I have been a spirit walker all my life and now I know why. It is a gift passed down to me by my father who I never knew, a d yet I do know him through spirit connection. You have a good site here. Keep the good work and maybe put in something about spirit walking with the wolves. That would be very interesting. Akututa Kola (Take care, Friend) Nimcha K'awa (Nimchira)

11/27/99 21:40:46
Name: Holly S My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: Cleveland USA Favorite movie: Pow Wow Highway Favorite animal: Wolf
Favorite site: Haven't found it Rate my site out of 10: 10

I love your site, my grandmother just passed and I enjoyed the prayer page the most right now. I'll be back.

11/20/99 16:26:36
Name: siouxmoux My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: san jose Favorite movie: attack of hte killer tomatoes Favorite animal: cat
Favorite site: www.zdtv.com Rate my site out of 10: 10

I would like to say, you have put together an great looking site. Last year i was looking for some information about Native / Indigenous people of the world. After A Mouth of Searching I was quite surprise how much info is out there on the net. As Mouth ago I have added a section to my site, linking to all of these great resources. if you don't mind asking you what was your inspiration in making your site and what roll does technology plays in Native American and Indigenous People, History, Cultural and Their Issues. I have seen allot of great talent out there on the net and worth your time visit these sites. I do sometime feel worry about further we go down in the future that some of Native Americans and Indigenous people of the world may be left behind in the technology revolution. Honestly I hope this does not happen. Whos knows in a couple of years from now maybe new Native American / Indigenous silicon valley out there in would? For now they can get started Ecommerces Business and offer an great IPO for their workers. Any ways for now good luck on your site and have good 2000! siouxmoux

11/15/99 03:34:34
Name: Carrie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country/Province-State/City: Bangor, Maine
Favorite site: www.nativeworld.com Rate my site out of 10: 10

Great site you have here!!!!

11/04/99 04:38:29
Name: Marco Colonna My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: Italy/Viterbo Favorite animal: Dragon Anything you would like to see more of??: Keiyapo
Rate my site out of 10: 10

Please, write to me about Keiyapo Stones and where can I get it. Please, I've alredy write to you and it's very important to me to find my pair of Keiyapo. Help me please!

10/06/99 02:55:01
Name: Fox My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: Ohio Favorite animal: wolves, dogs, horses Anything you would like to see more of??: wolf pictures, never enough
Rate my site out of 10: 10+


What a BEAUTIFUL site.You have done an awesome job with your backgrounds and graphics. The poems are wonderful and there is so much great information. Your site is outstanding.

09/18/99 01:49:03
Name: AzureFawn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: Florida Favorite movie: Last of the Dog Men Favorite animal: All
Rate my site out of 10: 10

I enjoyed your site and the reading was easy and pleasent. The pictures out of this world. Thank you for a enjoyable evening.

09/10/99 03:41:55
Name: Steve My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: Wa state Favorite movie: Total Recall Favorite animal: owl
Rate my site out of 10: 9.9

I have bookmarked your site, thank you.

09/03/99 14:17:27
Name: Kim Grey Wolf My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: Vermont Favorite movie: Dances with Wolves Favorite animal: Wolf
Favorite site: Dances with Wolves Anything you would like to see more of??: Wolf Lore

I would like to know where you got the music file of "Dances with Wolves". I really like that music piece. I have music on my site and I'm looking for another native american piece for page 2 of my gallery. If possible, I would like permission to use your "dances with wolves" midi file.I have "quicktime",so it will sound pretty much the same as it does on your site. Please drop me an email to: Thank you in advance! You have a beautiful site! Kim Grey Wolf

08/21/99 04:37:17
Name: Pheebs My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: can/man/win Favorite movie: lots of them Favorite animal: horse
Favorite site: i dunno...hamsterdance? lol Anything you would like to see more of??: muzik

Awesome lady!

08/20/99 02:13:15
Name: fizzy(Blaine) My URL: Visit Me
Country/Province-State/City: ont. canada Rate my site out of 10: 100

very impressive!!!!!!!!!

08/17/99 03:19:56
Name: Peter the Saint My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: woodbridge, ont Favorite movie: the saint Favorite animal: artic wolf
Anything you would like to see more of??: just keep up with the information

RED-WOLF this is has given me great information that i have been looking for. keep up the great work. if you need help just ask...... THE SAINT

08/17/99 03:15:01
Name: Peter the
My URL: Visit Me


07/25/99 23:55:47
Name: William Gray Thunder My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: Houston Favorite movie: N/A Favorite animal: N/A
Favorite site: N/A Anything you would like to see more of??: like to see Medicne Man Supplys for sale


07/22/99 01:59:39
Name: Autumn Rayne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country/Province-State/City: USA
Rate my site out of 10: 10+

This page is very beautiful. With your permission I would like to creat a link to your page so others may see the beautiful work.

06/09/99 05:53:12
Name: Light My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: Louisiana USA Favorite movie: The Sound of Music Favorite animal: Dog
Favorite site: Yours is Fantastic!!! Anything you would like to see more of??: Love & Brotherhood For ALL Mankind Rate my site out of 10: 10

Dear One, I Am SO PROUD of YOU, for the FANTASTIC JOB you have Done on this Web Page!!! I will Check back often, Dear Heart, to see all of the New Treasures & Wisdom that you have added to your Wonderful Pages!!! :o) CONGRATULATIONS on the MARVELOUS JOB that You are doing!!! :o) What a Great GIFT!!! Light, Love & Blessings!!! Light

05/26/99 22:47:00
Name: Didahnedi Gakanehoi My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country/Province-State/City: carolina
Favorite animal: wolves Rate my site out of 10: 9.5

Osiyo, Grapics are wonderful, very osda information. Enjoyed it very much. Donadagohvi, Didahnedi Gakanehoi

05/13/99 21:14:46
Name: Di-Ye-Ni My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: CA Favorite movie: Dances with Wolves Favorite animal: Waya
Favorite site: many

O'siyo! You have a very good site....enjoyed reading about the gemstones....good use of graphic....Donada'govi! Hello

05/09/99 06:59:32
Name: Canpaza My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country/Province-State/City: Mother Earth
Favorite movie: PowWow Highway Favorite animal: dog

What a wonderful site. Would like to link you off mine. You have so much to say and have said it well. The graphics are lovely!

05/06/99 20:48:16
Name: Lone White Wolf -[Jessica] My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: USA/New Jersey Favorite movie: Titanic Favorite animal: Wolves
Rate my site out of 10: 10

I love your webpage. More people need to know to know the truth about wolves and how important they are in keeping the balance of nature.They are more than just animals to me I feel like they are the reason I'm here. Wolves are my purpose in life. Thanks or creating this webpage. Now more people will find out the truth about these wonderful animals. I will visit again soon. Keep up the wonderful work! May the spirit of the wolf always walk by your side. Hugs-n-Howls From Lone White Wolf ^..^

04/30/99 21:08:39
Name: Sue "The Dancer" My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Country/Province-State/City: Your City Silly Favorite movie: How Stella Got Her Grove Back Favorite animal: Brown Bear
Favorite site: not sure yet Anything you would like to see more of??: Ya! Brown Bears Rate my site out of 10: Big 10 my friend!

Hey lady wolf! Loved the hat, Nick's looks great on you. Should'a worn mine, cause mine is real mean!! Hope you are having fun, love the wolves! Keep up the great site! See you next thursday.

04/27/99 02:40:55
Name: Nicole Norris My URL: Visit Me Country/Province-State/City: Alliston, Ontario, Canada
Favorite movie: Themla and Lousie Favorite animal: Rubber Chicken Favorite site: www.startrek.com
Anything you would like to see more of??: Animal Tottems Rate my site out of 10: 9.5

Great info and I love the backgrounds. The whole site has a wonderful feel, so inviting. Keep up the great work!!!

04/06/99 02:36:15
Name: LadyHawke
My URL: Visit Me

I have finally fixed the guestbook...sorry for any inconveniances.......

Gray Wolf - 03/29/99 00:14:25
My Email:LKHinFL@aol.com
Favorite animal: Wolf
Favorite movie: Dances With Wolves
enjoyed my visit and plan to come back again soon

Michael - 03/28/99 13:16:38
My Email:Sailor45@aol.com
Favorite animal: Wolf
Favorite movie: Dances with Wolf
Would like to leaen more about wolf's.

Michael - 03/25/99 03:09:09
My URL:http://people.ne.mediaone.net/hawkdrum/
My Email:hawkdrum@mediaone.net
Favorite animal: bear
Favorite movie: pow wow highway
Your site has much spirit. Had a howling good visit. Visit us (see the wolf page) SunHawk Banner

- 03/24/99 02:25:38
My Email:tangledhair@webtv.net
Favorite animal: mountain lion
This is a great site. You have done well, I hope you will honor us with some more in the future. I will be back to check later

- 03/24/99 02:25:29
My Email:tangledhair@webtv.net
Favorite animal: mountain lion
This is a great site. You have done well, I hope you will honor us with some more in the future. I will be back to check later

Joanna - 03/23/99 00:56:11
My Email:bev12@webtv.net
Favorite animal: eagle, wolf
Favorite movie: too man
thank you for your website, its beautiful!!

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 05:42:43

Ich besuchte Geocites und oben auf Ihnen homepage irgendwie beendet. Wieviel Zeit haben Sie in Ihrem Internet-Aufstellungsort investiert? Ich hoffe, meine Selbst zu haben bald. /a>

linstars - 03/18/99 21:20:31
My Email:lsmeyer@seidata.com
What a GREAT web-site! Just surfed in & like what I see.

Mike - 03/18/99 08:43:11
My Email:majpark@netcom.ca
Favorite animal: all kinds
Favorite movie: too many to list
Awesome site, wish I could learn to do it as well as you. Maybe you can teach me one day

A4J - 03/16/99 03:28:37
My Email:grell@innova.net
Favorite animal: i would have to go with wolf
Favorite movie: oh i like alot of films...
Lady, just want to say, you are very special to me. I am really impressed with the work you have put into this page. I am kinda jealous though. I want a page, and don't know where to begin. Anyway, I love our nightly chats. You stay sweet, and I hope that one day we can meet.

Tsali Lame Deer - 03/09/99 15:31:31
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/RainForest/Andes/4167
My Email:tache_ushte@hotmail.com
Hello. Your page was sent to me by White Horse. I am a member of Earth Circle. Your page was nice. Hetch-etu-yelo. Mitakuye Oyasin, Lame Deer

Katie - 02/28/99 13:41:23
Favorite animal: The dog
Love it......

netnanny - 02/27/99 23:23:25
My Email:netnanny@sympatico.ca
Favorite animal: horse
Enjoyed your site and all the prayers. wisdom for all...

Nadra - 02/27/99 21:54:12
My URL:http://Nadra's_potpourri
My Email:nadra@zavi java.com
Favorite animal: dog,wolf,& ALL animals great & small
Favorite movie: Somewhere in Time
O'siyo Lady Hawk, Welcome to Earth Circle! You do wonder's with your Wolf pages, Plus! Thank you for being here! You are an added treasure!

Shadow - 02/27/99 18:56:23
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/shadow411/visions
My Email:flusnb@earthlink.net
Favorite animal: Eagles,Crows,Wolves
Favorite movie: Like all of them
There is only one word to describe your pages..WOW I really like everything I see.:-)) WhiteHorse sent me your page,and I shall be voting for U.. I have also bookmarked Your page so I can return and really check it over..Good Luck and keep up all the good work.

Wolf Song - 02/27/99 14:11:16
My URL:http://members.spree.com/sip/wolfsong
My Email:wolfsong@totcon.com
Favorite animal: wolves and horses
Favorite movie: too many to list
Nicely done, Lady Hawke. Enjoyed your poems and the graphics tied in to them very nicely. White Horse sent me, by the way, and I will be telling him I recommend your site. ;>)

WolfMedicine - 02/26/99 21:56:45
My URL:http://pubweb.nwu.edu/~keo373/Enter.html
My Email:k-owen@nwu.edu
Favorite animal: Wolf
Favorite movie: Dances with wolves,Brave Heart, and Princess Bride
What a beautiful page. You have done a tremendous job educating people as to what wolves really are. The wolf has made a wonderful impact on your spirit and I'm very glad that you are able to share that with others. I really enjoyed going through it. I ll be sure to come back again. Great job!!!

Ladywolf in Mo - 02/26/99 21:02:15
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/marina/shoreside/124/LadywolfinMo2.html
My Email:spangler@pbmo.net
Favorite animal: Wolves
Favorite movie: Dances with Wolves & True Grit
Hi just popped in to check out your site looking good.Keep up the work.

Jessica[-aka [Lone]White Wolf - 01/16/99 19:47:49
My Email:harrysz@netlabs.net
Favorite animal: wolf :)
Favorite movie: Titanic [I saw it 19 times in the theater
I really love your page. It's wonderful to see that you're trying to teach people the truth about wolves. I have a strong connection to them and I think that they're the most magnificent animals on this earth. Keep up the great work. I will visit your pag again soon. Keep in touch! May the spirit of the wolf always guide and protect you. HOWWLLLLLL! Hugs-n-Howls Lone White Wolf

Wolffen - 12/28/98 05:42:34
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~wolffen/index.html
My Email:shewolf@wtp.net
Favorite animal: Wolf
Favorite movie: I love movies don't have a fav.
Beautiful well done Page LadyHawke...I love the graphics where did you get them? I have some of them the same, only they are very very small *g* May you always hear and see the Heart and Spirit of the Wolf.

La Louve - 12/24/98 22:26:51
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Area51/Nebula/9694
My Email:pro.street@videotron.ca
Favorite animal: WOLF and WOLF ...
Favorite movie: I have a lot!
Very good den, i'm really happy to know you! Don't stop your good Work!

My1Wolf - 12/23/98 16:09:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/wolvesworld
My Email:My1Wolf@aol.com
Favorite animal: Wolf
You have a beautiful page, you can tell alot of hard work has gone into it. Keep up the good work. My1Wolf member of Heart of the Wolf

Tina M - 12/23/98 09:12:52
My URL:http://members.aol.com/WngsLdyWlf/wolf.html
My Email:RWLadyWolf@aol.com
Favorite animal: wolf
Favorite movie: gone with the wind
Very well done page and very informative be proud of yourself

Debbie aka Nevada Native - 12/23/98 06:00:20
My URL:http://www.whisperingwomen.com/nevnative
My Email:debbie@whisperingwomen.com
Favorite animal: Wolf
Favorite movie: Dances With Wolves
Love the Page.. Beautiful Pictures and enlightening poems. May the Spirit of the Shadow WOlf Walk with you in Peace.

Dalova - 12/23/98 05:48:40
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/~dalova/Wolf
My Email:Rosie@Newsome.net
Favorite animal: Wolf
Favorite movie: The Crow
I am glad I got to visit your site. Your pages are very nice & the graphics are great. You have really done a good job on making your site look great. I love the Indian Prayer a lot.

Dax Damon - 12/09/98 18:36:40
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/tallahassee/~daxdamon/lakota
My Email:daxdamon@yahoo.com
Favorite animal: wolf
Favorite movie: Crazy Horse
A very nice site! A correction: "Dances With Wolves" in the Lakota language (as also used in the movie) is "Sung'manitu-tanka-owaci".

Light - 11/24/98 16:33:19
My URL:http://http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Ridge/1738
My Email:elainem@i-55.com
Favorite animal: I have Several.. Wolf, Dog, Hummingbird, & Owl
Favorite movie: The Sound of Music
Dear One!!! I Love your Beautiful Web Site!!! Your Graphics are beautiful, but I love the legends & Wise Words that you have quoted there. :o) It is Very Special!!! Thank you for inviting me to visit. I have Bookmarked it again. I also have it saved in my ICQ bookmarks. I should be able to find it easily now!!! :o)Light & Love & Blessings!!! Light :o)

Perky - 11/24/98 00:16:44
My Email:nfmoreau@flash.lakeheadu.ca
Favorite animal: cat
Favorite movie: anything with Brad Pitt
Hello there Lady, I thought that i would write in your guest book again. It is very nice and i like the poems. U should help me do a homepage one day.. U are very creative. Have a great day. Talk to u soon

JJ - 11/07/98 02:52:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/TheBlackEagle/index.html
My Email:N0tned@BTInternet.com
Favorite animal: Eagle
Favorite movie: Titanic
Wow - very impressive indeed my friend!!! Extremely interesting, and I love the poems and prayers so much!! Beautiful pics of beautiful animals too!! In short... I LOVE IT!! hehehe!! (((((hugs)))))

Shawn - 10/05/98 03:23:34
My Email:shawnw@planeteer.com
Favorite animal: My dog!
Favorite movie: Days of Thunder!
Great Page! Looks great!

tizwaz - 09/28/98 01:03:44
My Email:alison.turner@cableol.co.uk
Favorite animal: horse
Favorite movie: titanic
L/H ur a great lady inside and out ..u have a great page and im thankful for meeting u xoxo

Jayce - 09/26/98 02:28:43
Favorite animal: Tiger
Favorite movie: Breakfast Club
Awesome page Nuff said

Blackheart - 09/25/98 03:03:50
My Email:cougar3@hotmail.com
Favorite animal: Wolf
Favorite movie: RUSH HOUR
Good Page LH. Very impressive. Stay stout

Joel(Pal) - 09/24/98 04:53:51
My Email:Pal199@aol.com
Favorite animal: LadyHawkelol
Favorite movie: The River Wild
impressive, great job Lady. love ya sweetie. ur a great friend.

phish - 09/24/98 02:46:33
My Email:scb91@hotmail.com
Favorite animal: dog (no specifics)
Favorite movie: A Few Good Men
Ladyhawke this is a wonderful page. You are a very sprititual and caring person. I hope that life offers you nothing but the best. Your buddy, Phish

Linda Reed - 09/24/98 01:10:57
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/RainForest/Vines/6782/
My Email:caringwolf@hotmail.com
Favorite animal: Wolf and German Shepherds
Favorite movie: Dances With Wolves
I really loved you site. You are doing a great job! I loved your wolf pictures. I was really interested in your animal totems. I have bookmarked your site so that I can visit again. Keep up the great job!! Linda

Stardust - 09/23/98 01:46:50
My Email:mcathy@i-55.com
Favorite animal: Owl
Favorite movie: The Thorn Birds
I loved it!!!!! It Was Wonderful!!!!! Especially the Basckground.!!!!!! Cathy

NiXie - 09/22/98 06:07:17
My URL:http://www.dontgotsone.com.net.yah
My Email:Thats a secret
Favorite animal: Panther
Favorite movie: Halloween.....EEeeek!!
WOW lady....tis a great page!!Told you i'd come see it, Nixie never lies!!Well, okay, sometimes, but thats besides the point...Geez lady...I was a little disappointed to find NO PLUMBERS!!! lol... But i am sure you had them on your mind the whole time you was making this page!! It really is a great page and cant wait to see what else you add to it!! okay I'm done takin up all of your space, I think i should leave some room for other people to write some things...it would be rather rude of me to take up a b nch of space on you guestbook with nuttin but my jibberish, so i will be nice and not do that...this time...hee hee...whoops, there i go lying!! I took up lotsa space!! HAHAHA But it sure was fun reading all this hunh?! hunh?! Eh?! Anyhoo..okay i am now done....honest!! Talk to you soon lady!! =o)

Snoopy - 09/22/98 03:34:57
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Matthew_Neely/index.html
My Email:ummm
Favorite animal: woman hee hee
Favorite movie: one about women LOL
hiya lady!!!!greatpage!!!you did such a wonderful job! wow!!! i am impressed!!!oh yeah,,,shhhhhhhhh!! hee hee and also, you always know...anytime,,,, anywhere LOL luv ya Snoopy

Perky - 09/21/98 20:44:52
My Email:nfmoreau@ice.lakeheadu.ca
Favorite animal: Not quite sure maybe u can find out what my totem is and write me back
Favorite movie: When a Man loves a Woman
Very nice Ladyhawke. I enjoyed the information Talk to u soon. HAve a good day.

Patrick Lee - 09/21/98 03:58:55
My Email:eagle@fundy.net
Favorite animal: eagle
Favorite movie: Titanic
Hi hon, luv ya. GREAT PAGE!! if this is under construction, i wanna see the finished product!! wow!

BEN - 09/21/98 03:37:37
My Email:ben144@hotmail.com
Favorite animal: Dog
Favorite movie: XXX Movie
I Love it It was Great. Good Work Lady

Chrystal McLean - 09/21/98 01:16:50
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Hollywood/Picture/3800
My Email:fairmaidencm@hotmail.com
Favorite animal: butterfly
Favorite movie: The Fox and the Hound
Kewl page. If you ever need help just ask!

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