The Lorain County Aquarium Society

The Lorain County Aquarium Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and enjoying the aquarium hobby in all its aspects.

NOTICE: Our meetings are the 3rd Friday of each Month. We have a hobby related program each month. We also have a raffle, refreshments, and some time to talk fish. Come on out and enjoy the fun. Visitors are welcome!    MAP!

In April our speaker will be ... me

Ken McGill

speaking about collecting native fish, why you would want to, and about our collecting trip on May 2nd., part of Ohio's free-fishing week-end!

The meeting will be Friday, April 17th, 2009 at 8:00pm, at the College Hts. Baptist Church 980 N. Abbe Rd. in Elyria. This is our regular meeting location.


The Spring Auction will be
April 18th, 2008

will be at Lorain County Community College
(which is under renovation) So we are not in the usual place. This year we will have our auction at the Spitzer Conference Center. Registration opens at 10:30am. See the flyer for more information.

   flyer with more info:(FLYER)

Hey! All your fish are illegal!
At least that is what it appears that the government is trying to do! They want to outlaw ALL NON-NATIVE ANIMALS!!! Legislation is being discussed that would enact a clean list. So if your fish isn't on it, it's illegal. How stupid. I'm far more concerned about my neighbors dog than his piranha! Go to this website: Send letters and email to your government officials. Tell everybody. Raise a stink. If my hobby gets demolished, I'll have a lot of time to work on their opponent's campaign. This isn't just about fish, this is about everything: hamsters, gerbils, parakeets, bearded-dragons, turtles, etc.

Individual or Family Membership is $10 per year. It includes a monthly newsletter featuring area events, informative articles, program updates, and guest speaker notice.


visitors since 5/1/00
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