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The WEB site BiosPsychéZoé, dedicated to a multidisciplinar study of the concept of life, contains this page about life from the viewpoint of biology.
Papers about life, living entities and related concepts, announcements about current initiatives, links to other WEB sites, book reviews will appear on it. The BiosPsychéZoé staff is glad to invite you to visit the site, and will carefully examine papers, comments, suggestions, announcements which will be sent to
Authors should submit an e-mail file of their paper, possibly in .html format, or as a Word (up to Word 6) file. Consult previously published articles of this site for style. Add at least one abstract, in English, with the title of the paper, and a list of key-words.
Authors whose papers will be accepted will receive a request of agreement about the publication of the paper on this site.
A tip. The Web is a highly dynamical entity. Files continuously appear, change and disappear. It is possible that some of the titles quoted below have changed address. Try then to give a search engine the title of the paper, and hope to obtain the updated URL.


Abarca, R. R. 1996. Vida celular, vida humana, vitalismo, vivir

Bedau, M., A. Lazcano, S. L. Miller and T. Ray. Life - What exactly is it?

Cappelletti, V. 1998. Evoluzione, Evoluzionismo, Creazione

Cercignani, G. Le proprietà dei viventi

Continenza, B. La biologia e l'unificazione della scienza

Danchin, A. 1999. Qu'est-ce que la vie? In: Une question centrale: Comment les génes s'expriment-ils collectivement?

De Sousa, R. Qu'est-ce que la vie?

Emmeche, C. 1993. Is Life as a Multiverse Phenomenon?

Emmeche, C. 1994. The Computational Notion of Life

Emmeche, C., and J. Hoffmeyer. 1991. From Language to Nature - The Semiotic Metaphor in Biology

Engelhardt, R., and F. Stjernfelt. Livets spontane orden

Galleni, L. 1999. Il problema della specie negli animali

Kalmykov, V. L. 1998. The Generalized Theory of Life

Kampis, G. 1995. The Inside and Outside Views of Life

Klyce, B. What is Life?

Kull, K. 1998. Organism as a self-reading text: anticipation and semiosis

Maher, M. 1913. Life

Nieri, L. 1999. Sinergismi e vita

Parisi, G. La nuova fisica statistica e la biologia

Potter, S. M. 1986. The Meaning of "Life"

Ramellini, P. 1997. La vita sull'orlo del millennio: le concezioni di Miller, Maturana e Varela, Ageno

Ramellini, P. 1998. Definizione e organizzazione concettuale: alcune riflessioni sul termine "entità vivente"

Sahtouris, E. 1995. Defining and Diagnosing Living Systems

Scapini, F. 1997. L'oggetto biologico: livelli di realtà e metodologie di ricerca


Collier, J. 1999. Autonomy in Anticipatory Systems: Significance for Functionality, Intentionality and Meaning

Cull, J. 1998. The Boundary of Autopoietic Living Systems

MacMullin, B., and F. J. Varela. 1997. Rediscovering Computational Autopoiesis

Palmer, K. 1996. The Ontological Foundation of Autopoietic Theory

Ramellini, P. 1998. Some remarks on Maturana & Varela's 'Autopoiesis and Cognition'

Ramellini, P. 1998. Le autoproprietà come paradigma del vivente?

Schatz, G. 1998. Cytoplasmic Organelles: What DNA cannot tell us

Encyclopaedia Autopoietica


De Sousa, R. 1997. Biological Individuality

Ramellini, P. 1998. Reality challenges Concepts: the Case of Biological Individuality

Ramellini, P. 1999. L'individualità biologica secondo Norman Ford

Rosati, G. 1999. Le teorie sull'evoluzione cellulare ed il caso degli epixenosomi di Euplotidium itoi


Kimball, J. W. 1998. Apoptosis


Awramik, S. 1997. Astrobiology and the Origins of Life

Forterre, P. A la Recherche de LUCA

Klyce, B. The RNA World

Matsuno, K. 1995. Competence of Natural Languages for Describing the Physical Origin of Life

Morchio, R., e S. Traverso. The Hydrophobic Superficial Layer: the Primordial Cradle of Life?

Orgel, L. E. The Origin of Life on Earth

Pesce, G. L. 1999. L'origine della vita

Wilson, F. L. 1996. Biology and the Origin of Life


Kauffman, S. A. 1996. Self-replication: Even Peptides do it

Kupiec, J.-J., e P. Sonigo. 1999. From Genotype to Phenotype: Instruction or Selection?

Sharov, A. A. 1991. Self-Reproducing Systems


Doolittle, W. F. Patterns of Phylogeny: Symbiosis, Chimaerism and Gene Transfer

Lovelock, J. E. The Earth as a Living Organism

Pesce, G. L. 1999. La coevoluzione

Ramellini, P. 1988. Note sulla classificazione e sulla evoluzione dei Licheni


Bush, B. O. 1997. The current State of the Art in Artificial Minimalist Living Systems

Doyle, R. Artificial Life Support: Nodes in the Alife Ribotype

Pattee, H. Artificial Life needs a real Epistemology

Rocha, L. M. 1997. Evolutionary Systems and Artificial Life

Sipper, M. 1995. An Introduction to Artificial Life

Artificial Life Online


Associazione Italiana di Biologia Teorica

Biomathematics News

Formenti's Links: Biology

Heraclitean Biology Group

Kull, K., & U. Sutrop. 1985. Theoretical Biology in Estonia

Levin's Theoretical Biology Page

Salvi, M. La biologia come scienza non-paradigmatica

The MIT Biology Hypertext

BOOKS (1990-2000)

Ass. It. Biol. Teor. 1998. I Nuovi Paradigmi della Biologia. Ancona, peQuod. [Send your order to: peQuod Ed., v. Palestro, 27 - 60121 Ancona Italy]
Continenza, B., e E. Gagliasso (eds.). 1998. L'informazione nelle Scienze della Vita. Milano, FrancoAngeli.
Giorello, G., e A. Grieco (eds.). 1998. Goethe scienziato. Torino, Einaudi.
Mayr, E. 1998. Il Modello Biologico. Milano, McGraw-Hill Italia.
Rizzotti, M. (ed.). 1996. Defining Life. University of Padova.


Florence, February 11-13, 1999: 7° Incontro di Biologia Evoluzionistica

Oaxaca, July 7-11, 1999: International Society of History, Philosophy and Social Studies in Biology Meeting

Arcidosso, September 1-3, 1999: II Workshop internazionale di biologia teorica.

Rome, 2000. Second International Simposium on Autopoiesis

Marburg, August 13-19, 2000: Third International Congress on Symbiosis

Firenze, September 22-24, 2000: Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana di Biologia Teorica

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