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  The Organizing Committee for Venezuela Relief

Vancouver, British Columbia


The committee in Vancouver 
is closing activities for now. 
Thank you very much for all your support 
and donations. 

The Canadian Red Cross Society is no longer accepting donations for the "Canadian Red Cross Venezuela Flood Relief Fund". This appeal was closed in the month of July, 2000


The "Comité Organizador de Ayuda a Venezuela" is a small group of Venezuelans living in Canada that has joined efforts for fund-raising to help victims of the disaster of December 1999.

As per information of the Red Cross 
the Venezuela Flood Relief Fund 
raised $30,000 over the Lower Mainland. Our fundraiser group campaign raised $20,000

$ 5 0 , 0 0 0   i n   t o t a l  ! !

Also, we sent a 40 feet container with medical and general supplies with the valuable help of the 
Canadian Rotary Club.

We want to keep this site as a tribute to all the volunteers and the people who helped us. We thank the great effort to bring to some Venezuelans a little bit of hope in a moment of disaster. The memories of this tragedy will be forever in our lives. May God bless you all!


Queremos mantener este espacio web como un tributo a todos los voluntarios y personas que nos ayudaron. Agradecemos el tremendo esfuerzo por hacerle llegar a algunos venezolanos un poquito de esperanza en un momento de tragedia como este. Las memorias de este desastre estarán por siempre en nuestras vidas. 
¡Dios los bendiga!


Our brothers from Venezuela are suffering the worst natural catastrophe to hit Venezuela ever. During the past month of December torrential rain, mudslides and flooding has wiped out entire towns and thousands of homes were destroyed. So far it has caused around 50,000 dead, and still thousands of people are missing. The Civil Defense officials said 400,000 people are homeless. This disaster has affected more than 600,000 people. 

The worst damage was along the Caribbean coast and in Caracas. Most of the victims were buried in avalanches of mud or swept downstream. Survivors, some setting up makeshift tents in the streets, still wait anxiously for missing friends and relatives to appear. Sadly, a lot of people will remain buried, since there is no way of rescuing them due to the hardened mud.

March, 2000 Report

Estimated dead: 

Remain homeless:  400,000
Affected directly by the tragedy:  600,000
Left jobless:  200,000
Student left out of the school system:  18,000
Schools damage:  23
Houses damage:  64,707
Houses totally destroy:  23,200
Hospitals damage:  9 out of 31
Ambulatory Health centers:  251 out of 687

We are asking every one to extend their goodwill to help relief efforts underway in Venezuela as the result of this serious tragedy. You can try to make a difference in these people’s life by helping.

Cash donations can be made at:

- The Canadian Red Cross Society is accepting cash donations for "Canadian Red Cross Venezuela Flood Relief Fund" at its Lower Mainland office at 4750 Oak Street, 3rd Floor. Vancouver. V6H 2N9; credit card contributions through its 24-hour toll free line at

For more information, please call Lower Mainland Red Cross office at: (604) 709-6600.
Red Cross contact: Christine Tokar, International Services (604) 709-6662

- Online donations


Collection centers have been closed, but we still accepting cash donations
The people of Venezuela 
will be forever thankful

Listen to Latino Soy at 96.1FM in Real Audio on the Internet where you will find information about the activities of our committee all the time.
Weekdays from 11am to 1pm

Also, listen to El Bus de Las Siete at 102.7 FM
Tuesday 7am to 9am, and Thursday 7am to 11am


The Organizing Committee for Venezuelan Relief
General, Ricardo Ascanio  
Logistic, Roberto Piñate 
Susana Caballero
Finances, Laura Aveledo  
Media, Patricia Ochoa  
Fundraising, Mari Pighini
Ass.General, Yuriria Lanza
Assistants, Mercedes Mandé
Carolina Contreras
Araceli Saltzman
Abbotsford: Mirtha McBain  
Grand Forks: Valentina Rodríguez  
Calgary: Irene Muller  

The people from Venezuela 
will appreciate your HELP.
Please contribute!

The Organizing Committee for Venezuela Relief
(Comité Organizador de Ayuda a Venezuela)
Vancouver, BC. Canada, 1999-2000.