Ripchi's Diablo 2 Pawn Shop is closed indefinitely.

Instead of trading items I will now post pictures of known hacked/bugged items that I have been able to verify.  Please note I do NOT have these items for trade, I do not use these items, I do not know the method to create these items, nor do I support the creation of these items.  To the best of my knowledge the creation and use of these items is a violation of the Blizzards Terms of Use AgreementIf you know of any player using hacked/bugged items Battlenet asks that you report them to

These pictures are posted for the sole purpose of advising Diablo 2 players of items they may come in contact with in the realms.  If you know of any items that are not posted here, please send screenshots to  Emails must be titled "D2 Screenshots" in order to be received.

Ith Items
I do not currently have a picture of these, but we all know they are out there.
Submitted by Ripchi
X-Factor Armor
Submitted by Ripchi on 8/25/02
Amazon SOJ
Submitted by Ripchi on 9/27/02
Occy Ring
I do not currently have a picture of these, but we all know they are out there.
Submitted by Ripchi