In May last year the leaders of the eight most industralised nations of the world - the "G8" - met in Birmingham. With the aim of a single economic unit, they hoped their meeting would pass unnoticed and unopposed. This wa s not to be - with Reclaim The Street parties taking place in 30 locations in over 20 different countries, whilst thousands were on the streets in Hyderabad, India and Brasilia. This year the G8 will be meeting in Koln, Germany - and this time we will be taking our action to the heart of the capitalist beast - the financial and banking districts and the multinational corporation power bases of the world! Autonomous, yet co-ordinated, actions will be taking place simultaneously across the planet. Groups as diverse as Earth First!, Campaign Against the Arms Trade and Reclaim the Streets will be amongst those in the UK, whilst Chikoko in Nigeria, Green Action in Israel and the North Sumatra Peasants Union in Indonesia will be targeting their own financial centres. Actions as diverse as strikes, pickets, hacktivism, occupations, sabotage, carniva= l and blockades will be taking place across the globe - transforming centres of profit & plunder into sites of protest & pleasure. In the UK there are plans to transform the City of London_ however, to maximise the potential of this action we ALL need to begin organising NOW! Regular open networking meetings are taking place in London each month. On February 27th there will be a conference for self-education on the global economy - and global resistance to it. More details from

Reclaim The Streets. More info: http://www.gn.apc.org/june18/ - or

join the e-mail discussion list - listproc@gn.apc.org For

international info and contacts email pga@agp.org or frank@aseed.antenna.nl.