HART - Hudson Alliance for Rational Transportation
HART - Hudson Alliance for Rational Transportation
- Hudson County, New Jersey -
(updated Sept 15, 2002)
Contact Information:
   Steve Lanset, (201) 860-9870

Who we are, our objectives, disclaimer
  - Mission Statement

Policy Perspectives
- The Trouble with Cars
- Want to cut gas use? Raise taxes.

Questionable Highway Projects
- Bergen Arches/Route 139 in Jersey City
  - Description
  - History of Bergen Arches Study (Mia Scanga)
  - NJ DOT - Bergen Arches Task Force
  - Proposal for Bergen Arches Light Rail
- Jersey Avenue extension - 11-20-01
- Stealth Highway: Concept to Reality - 10-26-01

Mass Transit
- Hudson Bergen Light Rail - 05-05-02
- The PATH System - 09-15-02
- Water Transportation - 12-19-01

Biking and Walking - 12-31-01

NYC Trash Transfer to/thru Hudson - 02-21-00

Other Hudson transportation news - 09-05-02

Access to the Region's Core - 01-01-01

The Larger Region
  - Regional Transport Issues - 02-21-02
  - Pollution & Health - 04-01-01
  - NJ Finance & Planning - 03-08-02

Links! - Resources for Citizen Activists
Especially Recommended:
  - Tri-State Transportation Campaign
  - NJ Association of Rail Passengers

You may report burned out street lights in
Hudson County to PSE&G at 1-800-352-8666.

  - 03-18-01: County computer recycling program

Other Hudson Environmental News
  - Liberty State Park - 09-14-02
  - Hackensack Meadowlands - 07-14-02
  - Other Issues - 09-05-02

NJ Open Public Records Act - eff. 07-08-02
NJ Government Records Council
NJ State League of Municipalities
07-12-02: Open Government Shut
07-18-02: Criticism of McGreevey EO 21

Bergen Arches gallery - Click on pixes for full views

Upper Erie tunnel/cut (four tracks),
western entrance

BERGEN ARCHES: Some Comments Sent to NJTPA
(North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority), 2/15/99

* * *
Good news (2/22/99): TIP (Transportation Improvement Program) FY 1998-2002 description of Bergen Arches needs assessment/ development study has been revised to consider "improved east-west transit" as well as "vehicular access" to the Hudson County Waterfront. Thanks to all for their letters to the NJTPA! We still have plenty of work cut out for us!

Mayor Bret Schundler, Jersey City
CSX and Norfolk Southern Railroads
Hudson Alliance for Rational Transportation
Committee for Better Transit, NJ
Paul DiMaria (CBT)
NJ Association of Rail Passengers
Transit Comittee of Bergen County
Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association
Rutgers Environmental Law Clinic
Tri-State Transportation Campaign
Susan O'Kane
Monica Abels Stabin
Yvonne Balcer
William J. Carroll
John V. Lyon
Louis Massano

URL: http://www.hartwheels.org