General Cat Care Natural Cat Care Books Bengal Specific Books Cat Genetics Feline Husbandry Cat Breeding Cat Showing Miscellaneous Search for Books The underlined books are hyperlinked directly to Amazon.Com. If you wish to purchase them click on the book and it will take you to so you can order the book online. Books not underlined may be out of print and harder to find, some of the best sources for these types of books are used book stores.
General Cat Care
The American Animal Hospital Association Encyclopedia of Cat Health and Care, Less Sussman 1996
Aspca Complete Cat Care Manual, Andrew T. Edney, Roger A. Caras 1992
Cat Care, Dagmar Thies 1995
Catlopaedia : A Complete Guide to Cat Care, J. M. Evans, Kay White (Contributor) 1997
Cats! : For Today's Pet Owner, Kate Zentall, Renee Stockdale 1998
Natural Cat Care Books
The New Natural Cat, Anitra Frazier 1990
Natural Health for Dogs & Cats, Richard H. Pitcairn DVM, Susan Hubble Pitcairn 1995
Cat Care, Naturally, Celeste Yarnall, Russell Swift 1995
Bengal Specific Books
Getting to know the Bengal Cat 2nd Edition, Gene Ducote (Formerly Johnson-Ory) 1993
Bengal Cats : Everything About Purchase, Care, Nutrition, Breeding, Health Care, and Behavior (A
Complete Pet Owner's Manual), Dan Rice 1995Guide to Owning a Bengal Cat, Jean S. Mill 1998
Breeding Better Bengals, Jean S. Mill 1994
Cat Genetics
Genetics for Cat Breeders 3rd Edition, Roy Robinson 1991
Cat Genetics, A. C. Jude 1977
Feline Husbandry
Feline Husbandry, Diseases and Management in the Multiple-Cat Environment, Niels C. Pedersen 1991
Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, Delbert G. Carlson, DVM, James M Griffin MD 1995
The Merck Veterinary Manual 8th Edition 1998
Cat Breeding
Breeding Pedigreed Cats, Carolyn Vella and John McGonagle Jr. 1997
A Feline Affair, Guide to Raising & Breeding Purebred Cats, Elaine Wenner Gilbertson 1993
The Complete Book of Cat Breeding, Dan Rice 1997
Cat Showing
In the Spotlight, A guide to Showing Pedigreed and Household Pet Cats, Carolyn M. Vella and John J. McGonagle Jr. 1990
It's Show-Time! : And Here's Everything Cat Fanciers Need to Know About Shows, Phil Maggitti, J. Anne Helgren 1998
Training & Showing Your Cat (Owners Comprehensive Guide), Marie Cahill 1992
Dr. Jane's 30 Days to a Healthier, Happier Cat, Jane R. Bicks, DVM 1996
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