Work-Related Sites
From writing a resume to searching for a job, this page is a collection of many work-related links.  I have included a site that contains
current labour market information that may help you in your career planning.
JobSmart HomeResumes and Cover Letters Resumania! On-Line
Mazemaster It is all here.
The Monster Board. Online Resume Builders
Career Gatewaysresources for writing cover letters and resumes.
Youth Opportunities OntarioHelp with the job hunt.
The EdgeFull of ideas about how to find work.
America's Career InfoNetKeep an eye on American trends in the marketplace
Labour Market Information. What is happening in the jobmarket now.
Research and Labour Market Info. The government's data on this topic
National Graduate Register
JobwebThe catapult on Jobweb site that serves as a springboard to job-related sites.