SETAC-World Congress
Brighton, England, May 2000
Simplified Multimedia Fate and Exposure Model for Human Health Assessments

D. W. Pennington
ORISE Research Fellow, US EPA, Cincinnati

Multimedia fate and exposure models are used in a number of applications to estimate the partitioning behavior of a chemical, its persistence, average concentrations in each media of a region and associated exposure levels.  However, the number of chemicals that can be modeled is often considered limited by the availability of degradation half-life data, particularly for soils and sediments.  In this presentation, an approach is demonstrated that facilitates the prediction of the multimedia partitioning behavior of a chemical using only the atmospheric, and occasionally aquatic, degradation rates.  An extension of the same multimedia approach is subsequently applied to predict the persistence, concentrations in each media and human health exposure levels.  The introduced error is evaluated using data for 245 organic chemicals.  The predictions are generally conservative with error less than an order of magnitude when compared to the full steady-state model estimates.


Last update: 05/May/2000