Amos Batto's Humble Home Page.

I have decided to make a grace of minimalist ascetism. In other words, I am too lazy to work up a fancy home page. You will have to stare at boring ASCII text.

Christmas, 2008
Back in Greencastle, Indiana bothering my lovely parents once again. I should be back to La Paz, Bolivia after January 18 to work on our project to translate OpenOffice, Mozilla FireFox and AbiWord in Quechua, Aymara and Guarani. I am supposed to be programing up the web page to make all of this possible! To see what occupies my time check out Runasimipi Qespisqa Software.

Christmas, 2004
Two years in graduate school is enough to drive anyone crazy or just plain make you an eccentric soul who thinks life revolves around obscure dusty books and the jewels of wisdom contained therein. I keep trying to convince myself that I am the latter type of person and not the the former, but probably I am both crazy and eccentric. Of course the former can't make a judgement on the matter and the latter hardly cares to judge--so I will never know! :-)

Christmas, 2002
I just finished my first semester of graduate school, weary and bedraggled. I'm holed up in my parent's abode until I can gather to gether the reserves to start tackling that load of books I lugged home. I have discovered that school is much more difficult than I had ever imagined. Who ever thought that Foucault or Joan Scott would be important to someone wanting to get a PhD in Latin American history!

August, 2002
I just returned from South America, weary and bedraggled. I'll be holing up in my parents abode until I can gather together the resources to strike out on my own again. Let's go and see what Manpower has to offer!

Current Address:
Amos Batto
(don't have an address yet)
La Paz, Bolivia
Cel: (591)76280954
Skype: amosbatto
Project: Runasimipi Qespisqa Software
Perminant Address:
Amos Batto
636 E. Seminary St.
Greencastle, IN 46135
tel: (765)653-7411
email: amosbatto AT yahoo DOT com

May peace guide your compass on the path to justice.
Thank you for gracing my humble site.


My Essays

Life Updates

My old Home Page

The Matrix script