The Sumatran is the brightest in their markings. The coat is a beautiful bright orange, with dense stripes, more stripes along the shoulders, and forelegs, and very little white on their belly. Less fat, and less thicker coat is needed on this subspecies, as the jungles they roam, does not require them to survive brutal winters. Again showing how each individual subspecies markings aid them in the camouflage technique for their habitat.
Again, the mark of the Chinese wang, or King is present on the Sumatran's head, but may be a little more noticeable due to the contrast in their markings.
AVERAGE SIZE: Sumatran Tiger
Weight: 165 lbs. to 243 lbs.
Length: 7 ft. 1 in. to 7 ft 7 in.
Weight: 221 lbs. to 309 lbs.
Length: 7 ft 3 in. to 8 ft. 8 in.
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