North American Multiracial Life and Survival Basics (Triracial, Tri-Racial & Biracial)


Multiracial Survival; Triracial, Tri-Racial & Biracial Life

Almost all Multiracials understand, and pray for long life and peaceful prosperity for each of the equally beautiful offspring of our Mother the Earth; and for the continued existence of the ancient bloodlines and cultures of our Planet's many endangered groups.

And it warms our hearts that we are now seeing more and more folks increasingly wishing the same happiness for us Biracial (bi-racial), Triracial (tri-racial), and other type Multiracial male and female Multiethnics.

Well hello there (haha); my name is Leo.

As of 2007, I'm 63, still working on myself, and still a long way from being even half perfect. Believe me (smile), I need a lot of work. Even so, I'm hoping at least a bit of what I have to share can be of use to you and your loved ones.

Yes, that's right (chuckle), this page is for and about you and your loved ones, not about me; so let's hurry and get started.

*big smile*

Okay (smile), here we go. Let's make the fun choice (chuckle), you and I, to keep counting our blessings; and enjoying life, our loved ones, and our nations to the fullest; no matter how rough life may sometimes get.

We race transcending North American Biracials (bi-racials), Triracials (tri-racials), and other types of Multi-Ethnic American Multiracials come in all varieties of ethnic and racial backgrounds; and in every equally beautiful human color from Scandinavia Snow to India Ink.

So for some goofball pinhead to consider me and those like me to belong to only one of our ancestral races (smile); when one or another type of Triracial (tri-racial), Biracial (bi-racial), or other Multi-Racial is the way we have chosen to openly self-identify; is now clearly un-American; and it’s no longer cute (heehee).

There are almost 300 million people in the USA. Wow, that's a lot of people. Do we Biracial (bi-racial), Triracial (tri-racial), and other type Multiracial male and female Multiethnics really need each and every one of them to lovingly care for or about us (smile).

I don't think so (giggle); not unless we're beggars or conquerors. Just how many friends and sweethearts do we Biracial (bi-racial), Triracial (tri-racial), and other type Multiracial Multi-Ethnics really need (heehee).

We've always seemed to do pretty good, thank you very much (blush); with just that certain wonderfully special very small percentage of our American people who do choose to be kind and caring toward us Biracials (bi-racials) and Triracials (tri-racials). We don't need them all (heehee).

*big smile*

And down through the years our humble yet classy White, Black, and Red North American Triracial (tri-racial) survival; and also our Biracial (bi-racial) and other type Multi-Racial male and female survival has proven that if need be, with Life's help, we can be isolated and alone and still manage to find a way to lead a fulfilling and happy life.

I quess that's why today our Biracial (bi-racial) and Triracial (tri-racial) type of Multiracial blood is carried by large numbers of Native American Indians, huge numbers of African Americans, and as quiet as it's kept; multitudes of supposedly "pure" White Americans.

And even with all the secret race mixing that historically went on in our wonderful USA; somehow, our country has survived and even thrived; and it doesn't seem to have been hurt by Triracial (tri-racial), Biracial (bi-racial), and other types of Multi-Racial Multiethnic mixing in the least.

I'm happy for that, because I want the best not only for North American Triracials (tri-racials), Biracials (bi-racials), and other types of Multiracial folks; but this old nuzzler also wants it for all my other male and female fellow Americans, too (smile); even for the ones who are against our race transcending Multi-Racial mixing.

There has to be a future in our country for thriving survival of both the Multiracial and the Monoracial. Because just as Biracial (bi-racial), Triracial (tri-racial), and other Multi-Racial mixing is beautiful; so is staying just one thing. And we must respect the freedoms of those who want to remain so (smile); at least that's what I think.

So this humble Triracial (tri-racial) type Multi-Ethnic Multiracial has no complaint about the present, and I certainly have no complaint about the past.

No matter how rough life may sometimes get (heehee), we Triracials (tri-racials) and Biracials (bi-racials) each have so much for which to be grateful; our eyes, our fingers; stuff like that (smile). How can we complain and whine.

It seems to this humble North American Triracial (tri-racial) type Multiracial spry uncle or spry cousin of yours, that every land is a blessing from our dear Mother Earth to her kids (heehee).

But that's only if we're grateful enough to open our eyes and appreciate the bountiful inheritance that surrounds us. At least, that's what this ol' Triracial (tri-racial) boy thinks.

Whether you openly self-identify as being someone who belongs to only one of Mother Earth's many equally beautiful races; or as being someone like us Triracial (tri-racial), Biracial (bi-racial), and other Multi-Racial Multi-Ethnics; we human children of our dear Mother the Earth, usually end up being no more or less happy or sad, than we make up our minds to be.

And believe it or not (heehee), life's turning out to not be so bad for us race transcending North American Biracial (bi-racial), Triracial (tri-racial), and other Multi-Ethnic middle people after all.

This fun amazing page is here for the health, happiness, and prosperity of you and those dear to you; and it's important to remember that you don't have to be a Biracial (bi-racial), a Triracial (tri-racial), or any other variety of us Multi-Racial Multi-Ethnics; either (Awwwww, heehee). Who knows, maybe it's not you, but your loved ones who are Mixed-Race (((your choice of a big hug, handshake, or pat on the back, hahaha))).

Okay (yuk yuk yuk), let's have some fun. I'm not all that smart (blush), and too much serious talk makes my gentle old Triracial (tri-racial) type Multiethnic Multiracial brain sore (hahaha). A rocket scientist, I am not (hahaha).

Now this North American White, Black, and Red "Mutt" may be wrong about the stuff I'm about to share with you and your loved ones, because this grateful old Triracial (tri-racial) type of Multi-Ethnic Multiracial boy is often wrong about a lot of things (chuckle).

But all seriousness aside, I think I'm talking sense here today, especially about these Triracial (tri-racial) and Biracial (bi-racial) type Multiracial survival basics; and I'm ready to share.

Let's you and I make up our minds to never allow some knucklehead to ruin our day.

And this race transcending gentle old Multiethnic guy has to admit that there have been times when life has knocked my Triracial (tri-racial) type Multi-Racial tail-feathers down so low (hahaha), that getting back up no longer even crossed my mind.

Yet regardless of the particular nation, gender, age, race, color, creed, or other personal situation in which we human beings find ourselves; to be happy or sad is our choice. It's up to us (SMILE), and I think I can prove it.

We children of Mother Earth can't allow our setbacks to threaten our survival by fooling us into thinking life is all screwed up (heehee). With all it's apparent pain and misery, this is still a great big beautiful world in which we Multiracials (multi-racials) and our loved ones live. And if we can just somehow find a way to keep counting our blessings, I have a feeling that we race transcending Biracials (bi-racials), Triracials (tri-racials), and other types of Multiethnic American Multiracials will find all kinds of good honest ways to get along pretty well in this life; no matter what's thrown our way.

Anyway, what good would it do us to get our blood pressure all up (hahaha), worrying ourselves into ill health over some foolishness (giggle)!

Forever onward and upward; forever growing better, never growing bitter; that's one of the simple keys to a wonderfully fullfilling life not only for North American Triracial (tri-racial) old nuzzlers like me; but for all types of Triracial (tri-racial), Biracial (bi-racial), and other Multi-Racial Multi-Ethnics as well.

There is so much grateful happiness waiting for us right here under our Biracial (bi-racial) and Triracial (tri-racial) noses; right here in our very own wonderful North and South American homeland, this pre-destined central meeting place for all the world's many continents and their equally beautiful human colors.

Come to think of it, I guess in actuality this is really just one great big at least Tri-Racial (Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, etc.) Multiracial Multiethnic planet; and that all of us human beings are in some way or another, Multi-Racials; if we go far enough back in human history and if that's the way we choose to see ourselves.

But as free human beings, we also have the choice to not see ourselves as Triracial (tri-racial), Biracial (bi-racial), or other type of Multiracial. And that choice is a good one, too (smile).

My Triracial (tri-racial) type North American Multi-Racial way is not the only way or even the best way (heehee).

Life is all about "live and let live"; all about open self-identification and respect for one another on this lovely Triracial (tri-racial) planet we share.

And it's just as beautiful and honorable for a person to make the choice to openly self-identify with just one race, as it is to make the choice to openly self-identify with more than one race; as we race transcending openly self-identified Biracials (bi-racials), Triracials (tri-racials), and other Multi-Ethnic American Multiracials do.

Yes (chuckle), this gentle old North American Triracial (tri-racial) type Multiracial fellow has a feeling that life is a wonderful adventure for all of us human beings, Biracial (bi-racial) and Triracial (tri-racial) type Multi-Racials or not.

And that a healthy, happy, and prosperous life is merely the old story of the glass being seen to be half full, or half empty.

Sure, survival in our beloved USA used to be a crushing nightmare for us Triracials (tri-racials), Biracials (bi-racials), and other Multi-Racials; and that was up to just a couple decades ago; however, fortunately, those days are almost completely gone.

And today our nation's beautiful American people of all genders, ages, appearances, races, colors, creeds, and national origins are much more free to be the loving, caring, and kind people they have always secretly wanted to be.

Our beloved USA is still just a young country, and with all its faults, it's getting better all the time (smile).

And what's especially wonderful is that it's getting better for each and every gender, age, race, color, creed, and national origin (hahaha); not just for those of us who openly self-identify as Biracials (bi-racials), Triracials (tri-racials), or other types of Multi-Racials.

All young things need a chance to make mistakes and to grow, and nations are no different (chuckle).

The various nation's in which we North American Triracials (tri-racials), Biracials (bi-racials), and other human beings live; often just need for us to be loving and patient with them as they stumble through their growing pains.

At least that's what this humble Triracial (tri-racial) type Multi-Racial old nuzzler has found to be true (giggle).

And it seems to be paying off that almost every last one of our North American Triracials (tri-racials), Biracials (bi-racials), and other types of Multiethnic American Multiracials have made the choice to keep loving this soil of our beautiful Americas on which our Mother Earth has made the choice to place us; no matter how rough survival has sometimes gotten for us.

And there's no doubt that it's been rough for us race transcending openly self-identified Triracials (tri-racials), Biracials (bi-racials), and other Multi-Racials from time to time. Yet, what does it matter? We're tough, we can take it; and anyway, we promised we wouldn't cry (heehee).

Let's just hope we North American Triracials (tri-racials), Biracials (bi-racials), and other Multiracial bridge people can find a way to be much more of a unifying blessing of peace, prosperity, and happiness to all of America's people; and also to all of our dear Mother Earth's offspring, no matter where they live in this world.

I guess maybe that's the important thing (giggle). Just like most race transcending openly self-identified Triracials (tri-racials), Biracials (bi-racials), and other Multi-Ethnic Americans; I don't think it matters so much how badly we've been treated by others in the past.

I think what matters most is how much of a valuable service we ourselves can be right now, today.

I have a feeling that one of the main secrets of a gratefully happy life, is for us to try our best to devote our lives to offering valuable service to others. At least that's what I and most North American Biracials (bi-racials), Triracials (tri-racials), and other types of American Multiracials are finding to be true (teehee).

Yes (blush), under the names Mestizo and Mestiza; our very first Biracials (bi-racials), Triracials (tri-racials) (remember most of the Spanish had Moorish blood in them), and other Multi-Racial babies of the Americas were quickly initially produced right next door to the USA, in the Caribbean Islands, by our Sacred Mother Earth (smile); as a brand new additional type of indigenous American people.

And it happened just about nine short Multiracial Multiethnic months after destiny had our Spain sponsored ol' Daddy Chris Columbus and his crowd accidently wander into the Caribbean Islands part of these wonderful Americas of ours.

Yes it's true; sadly our Daddy Chris Columbus' character needed a whole lot of work. And that's putting it mildly.

In their ignorance, our Daddy Chris and those who came here after him did horrible things to our Native American Indian ancestors and to our indigenous heritage (sigh).

What they did was vicious and uncaring bigotry; and there are no two ways about it. And there's no way to excuse it or cover it up.

All we can hope is that they meant well, and that they did it only out of ignorance. And that if he had known better, he would have done better.

Yet, he's still Daddy Chris, and he's only what Life created him to be. So may that poor ignorant, hopefully only misguided, Daddy of ours dance in peace; because if it had not been for old Daddy Chris and the support he got from Spain; we Triracials (tri-racials), Biracials (bi-racials), and other kinds of American Multi-Racials wouldn't even exist on this earth (gosh).

Now, of course, the Vikings arrived here in our beautiful Americas even before Daddy Chris did; but from what I can gather, they were much more interested in warfare than in making Biracial (bi-racial) and Triracial (tri-racial) types of Multi-Racial babies; so as far as I know, we can't give the Vikings any credit for getting us American Multiracials started (giggle).

As of now, that honor still belongs to Daddy Chris and his crowd.

Yes, life often looks screwed up and our survival as Native and/or Biracial (bi-racial) and Triracial (tri-racial) Multiracial Multi-Ethnics has sometimes seemed almost unbearably painful; yet decades later when we look back with a patiently humble heart, we can usually see that Life once again knew best, and that as the honorable William Shakespeare once said, "All's well that ends well".

And life is and will turn out well; for all of North, South, and Central America's people; Native American Indians and Mixed Native American Indians included; because Life is always a good Life, and Life sees clearly the hidden good we human beings can often not see, and Life never makes any mistakes.

For better or for worse; it was Papa Chris Columbus' accidental arrival in the Caribbean Islands that began bringing the major branches of humanity (the Mongoloid, Negroid, Caucasoid, etc.) all back together; as an at least Triracial (tri-racial) type of reunited Multiracial (multi-racial) human family.

Wherever Daddy Chris and his crowd are going, they should be there by now. I don't know whether to look up or to look down, but wherever ol' Daddy Chris Columbus' Spain sponsored naughty soul is, may he and his crowd dance in peace.

Now of course, we race transcending North American Biracials (bi-racials), Triracials (tri-racials), and other Multi-Ethnic Multi-Racials have our family infighting, too (chuckle); just like everybody else.

And there's nothing wrong with Biracial (bi-racial) or Triracial (tri-racial) American Multiracials and other human beings wanting to feel important, after all, we human beings are only human.

I guess a wee bit of even Multi-Racial family infighting can be permitted, and admired as just good healthy ego and self-esteem (smile); but only as long as that good healthy ego and self-esteem is carefully kept within moderate boundries and not allowed to ruin anybody's day.

Life's too short to allow anyone, no matter how special and beloved, to ruin another person's day; not even the most beloved of family (heehee).

At least that's what this White, Black, and Red Triracial (tri-racial) type Multiethnic guy thinks. And that's how I half-way try to survive in style and even gratefully thrive a tad, as a North American Triracial (tri-racial) type of Multiracial American guy (giggle); and so far it seems to be working pretty good, knock on wood.

The wonderfully challenging events of my race transcending Triracial (tri-racial) type of Multiethnic Multiracial life in my beloved USA, have convinced me that for all of us human beings, our grateful happiness is pretty much up to us (smile); and I believe I'm right about that, don't you?

And that's why this humble old White, Black, and Red North American Triracial (tri-racial) type Multi-Ethnic boy felt as though I had to share this with you and your loved ones.

Because race transcending Triracial (tri-racial) or Biracial (bi-racial); or not; and regardless of your gender, race, color, creed, age, looks, or national origin; you and those dear to you deserve to know how to enjoy this life to the fullest (heehee); at least that's what this gentle old Triracial (tri-racial) type Multiethnic guy thinks.

And what about that inconsiderate goofball knucklehead, seeking to ruin your or my day?

Well, I guess he or she will just have to find somebody else's day to ruin (giggle); because be we Biracial (bi-racial) or Triracial (tri-racial) or not, we're surely not going to allow him or her to ruin ours, are we? No way (hahaha).

Okay (chuckle), you've been kind enough to allow this still young at heart Triracial (tri-racial) type Multi-Ethnic American guy to share a few of my race transcending Multi-Racial survival in style tips (grin), and now I'll get down off my White, Black, and Red North American Triracial (tri-racial) soap box.

That's my story and I'm sticking with it (heehee).

Thank you, thank you very much, thank you. Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you very much. The name's Leo Y. "Ireland" Abdulmalik, and I'll be here all week. Thank you, thank you very much (giggle), thank you, thank you very much.

Yes, Dear Reader; like most race transcending openly self-identified Biracials (bi-racials), Triracials (tri-racials), and other Multiethnic American Multiracials; I'm convinced that this is a wonderful world we live in.

And I think all we human beings have to do is just make the simple easy choice to gratefully open our eyes, to never allow some knucklehead to ruin our day, and to never stop counting our blessings.

And this applies to all of Mother Earth's children throughout our entire world (heehee); not just to us North American Triracials (tri-racials), Biracials (bi-racials), and other types of Multiethnics.

Most of all, however, I hope these Triracial (tri-racial) and Biracial (bi-racial) type Multi-Racial American survival basics of mine are helpful enough to be useful to you and all those dear to you (big warm smile); Multi-Ethnic Multi-Racials or not.

Regardless of your gender, race, color, creed, age, looks, or national origin (((your choice of a big friendly hug, handshake, or pat on the back, hahaha))); you and your loved ones deserve a grateful life of health, happiness, and prosperity.

Sir or Ma'am, respect and best wishes for you and all those dear to you (SMILE); from me; your fun grateful race transcending kinda North American White, Black, and Red Triracial (tri-racial) Multiethnic type of Multiracial American friend and earth-kinsperson:

Leo Y. "Ireland" Abdulmalik
(humbly grateful North American)

Let's make the choice, you and I (heehee), to keep counting our blessings and enjoying our nations, our loved ones, and our lives to the fullest.

Here are some more pictures and here's also some more fun foolishness for you.

In loving respect and gratitude for my dear Mother the Earth; and for all of my other ancestors; and for you and your loved ones.

And all the rest of your and my over six billion equally beautiful fellow human earth-kinspersons of every gender, age, appearance, race, color, creed, and nationality; Biracial (bi-racial) Multiracials; or White, Black, and Red Triracial (tri-racial) Multiracials; or not.

*big smile*

Have a great day; and be you a race transcending Biracial (bi-racial) or Triracial (tri-racial), or not; don't allow some inconsiderate knucklehead to ruin it for you.

Sir or Ma'am, bye for now (blush), from me; Leo Y. "Ireland" Abdulmalik (hahaha); a humbly grateful North American kinda fun grateful Mixed-Race White, Black, and Red Triracial Ethnic friend of yours; who wishes you and your people, and each of your loved ones (no matter who and what you are and where you may be); all the thriving survival in style best that our fun and beautiful world has to offer.

It's been a joy being of service to you and your loved ones. Thanks a bunch for stopping by.

Copyright © Leo Y. "Ireland" Abdulmalik (Leosprycat); 2001, 2006, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright includes all wording, but not the pictures. All pictures are copyrighted by others and/or used by kind permission or other legality. Adjustments with happiness if mistaken.