ZIPAKTLI:Crocodile, Beginning of evolution of all beings. The Initiator, number One even with no number Two. XOCHIPILLI as TONAKATEKUTLIITONAKAZIUATL - Photosyntesis, Male/Female Rays of the Sun.

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E'EKATL:The Wind, our Breath of life and the medium of all living beings as it also carries the sounds it also symbolizes creativity and harmony. KETZALKOATL E'EKATL - Precious Serpent, precious knowledge, precious twin, our breath of life (giving).

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KALLI: House, our home, refuge and house of thoughts, a safe place for reflection & regrouping for the comprehension of all living beings. TEPEYOLOTLI - Heart of the Mountain, Jaguar, Internal Knowledge of events and of people.

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KUETZPALLI: Lizard, our maternal womb, the Mother Earth, associated with fertility, nuturing and capability of regeneration. UEUEKOYOTL - The old, old Coyote, the game, experience and sensuality. Very, very motherly.

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KOATL: Snake and serpent, our knowledge and wisdom, twin, energy and fertility, the touch. CHALCHIUTLIKUE - Mother earth as the Lady of the Jade skirt, the waters on the earth.

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MIKIZTLI: Skull. Our silence and transformation, reevaluation of life and death and of things done and things left to be done. Don't hesitate! METZTLI -TEKZIZTEKATL- The Moon. Carries the Caracol, evolution, growing cosmic consciousness.

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MAZATL : Deer, our agility, instinct, intuition, perception and sensibility, also symbolizes the Fauna. A messenger of Love and Peace from our grandfathers. TLALOK - What the Earth drinks, principal action to fertilize & produce sustenance. Heat and water.

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TOCHTLI : Rabbit, our multiplicity and taste perception, also the fertility of the earth and all living beings. Very independent yet always giving to and providing for others. MAYAUAL - She lives in the maguey, incalculable ways of producing home, dress, and sustenance.

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ATL: Water, our growth, as it is a vital element it makes life possible and purifies it; duality of the fire and has constant creating activities and is penetrating and perseverant. XIUTEKUTLI - Ultraviolet rays of the Sun and of the Cosmos, image of Ometeotl, the dual creating energy.

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ITZKUINTLI: Dog, our loyalty and fidelity. Best friend and guide with the capabilities to transform himself and that which surrounds him. Loves to travel, won't forget where he's from. MIKTLANTEKUTLI - Guide of the place of transformation & rest before new consciousness/existence.

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OZOMATLI: Monkey, our grasping, comprehension and agility. It also symbolizes recreation and happiness, as it is also the symbol of the dance. XOCHIPILLI-ZENTEOTL - Photosynthesis. The principal generator of our sustenance.

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MALINALLI: Herb, our umbilical cord and the constant regeneration of nature. All the green plants, trees, etc... These are medicinal, utilize them wisely. PATEKATL - The One that cures with Plants. Xiuipatiliztli, study and practice of herbal medicine.

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AKATL: Reed, bamboo, our internal self, conduit of heat and energy. Intelligence, observation, analysis and memory including sub-conscienceness.TEZKATLIPOKA IXKIMILLI - Consciousness and the ability to see without eyes, subconscious activity.

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OZELOTL: Jaguar, our listening, and audacious and tenacious guide.Champion of the just cause. A guardian of the houses of energy, Teokalli. TLAZOTEOTL - TLAZOLTEOTL - Mother Earth, generating by love, & regenerator of creating energy.

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KUAUTLI: Eagle, our vision, a solar symbol and cleansing. Physical and spiritual renovation and purification. The Majestic presence of Liberty. A guardian of the houses of energy, Teokalli. TLATLAUKI TEZKATLIPOKA/XIPE TOTEK - Red Consciousness/Transmutation, organizer of time & space.

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KOZKAKUAUTLI : Condor, our youth, moment of reflection and remedy. Reflection to find the teachings and remedy the faults. Find life where there apparently is no life. ITZPAPALOTL - Obsidian Butterfly, Female essence of earth's energy, strength & decision of warriors.

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OLLIN: Movement, our lips, our heart. The essence of life and of existence, directly related to activity and creativity. XOLOTL- Companion, Venus as the evening star, twin of the morning star, helps measure movement in cosmos.

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TEKPATL:Flint, our tongue, the word, profound, pointed and sharp. Profound method of study and analysis to truly comprehend things and then produce enduring concepts. CHALCHIUTOTOLIN - Jade Turkey, must sacrifice Eyes to overcome the ego and be a mirror for others.

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KIAUITL: Rain, Our teardrops, peaceful and furious at its time. The concrete concept of TLALOK, Tlal = earth, Ok a drink = What the earth drinks, to give us life. TONATIU -Sun, principle generating element of life on earth, he who gives us light and warmth.

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XOCHITL : Flower, our completion, maturity, artistic and spiritual creativity, ready to produce fruit and seed. Practical and scientific knowledge. XOCHIKETZALLI - Precious Flower, what is accomplished by love & beauty and positive endurance.

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