The Return of KETZALKOATL and the Ancient Mexican Calendar System
KHETZAL means "Precious" as in XochiKetzall, Precious Flower, and KOATL is the name for serpent and it means Twin as in Cuate, and represents knowledge. We live in the time of the return of the "Precious Knowledge",of our twin, of ourself' Our young and beloved, grandfather KUAUTEMOKTZIN promised us this day would come in his last message to the Confederation of Anauak. But the recuperation of our individual, national and cosmic identity will only become a reality when we turn to, and claim,our ancestral inheritance!
Do it now by keeping the count of the days of the Sun, as our new year begins.The ancient Mexican calendar system was designed by our ancestors for the purpose of guiding their children towards a more productive life. It is not superstition nor a horoscope, but rather a system reached after hundreds and even thousands of years of careful and patient observation of the cosmos. Because our forefathers had a cosmovision they were able to learn to live in harmony with everything and everybody that surrounded them.They set in stone more than 30,000 years of culture and tradition in what has come to be known as the AZTEK CALENDAR,or SUN STONE, what has been proven by moderm science to be the most accurate calendar system ever invented by mankind.
It worked then, it works now,
and you too can find the name of the day and year you were born to meet
your destiny!
Find Your Tonalli!
The Mexika year begins on March 12 and on Leap Years on March 11
(if you were born before this date move back I year on the year graph). It has 18 months of 20 days and one period of 5 1/4 days, totalling 365 1/4 days. Each day has its owm Symbol and number. They begin with Zipaktli, Crocodile, and are read counter clock-wise on the stone,ending in Xochitl, Flower.
Four of The 20 day signs also count the years, they are: Tochtli,Rabbit-measured from 6 6 a.m.; Akatl, Reed- from 12 p.m. to 12 p.m.; Tekpatl, Flint -from 6 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Kalli, House from 12 a.m. to 12 a.m. The Nemontemi, 5 1/4 days, have symbols and numbers also but they are not in the same sequence and in each year only 5 of the 20 days are used: the
1st 5 for Tochtli; the 2nd for Akatl-, the 3rd for Tekpatl; the 4th for Kalli. The 1/4 day is added at the end of the year making the next year begin 6 hours later, eliminating the need for a leap year. To find the name of the day you were born, just find your birthdate on the calendar
graph, keeping' in mind the year you were born and the time those days begin to be measured. If you were born before that time move back one day.