EarthWay TLC II
The Natural Way
How many times have you heard someone say 'things just aren't the way they use to be? We are so far away from natural these days. Everything is processed, microwaved,lazered....... On this page I would like to put some of my favorite links for those of you who might be interested in doing things the natural way. This page is under construction, one day I will figure out how to put all of these cool links on this page. Until then........please bare with me, and keep checking in to see the new changes....
Did you know that if you rub a piece of garlic on the bottom of your foot that within minutes you can taste it in your mouth.

Did you know that merely smelling a fragrance can influence us physically and mentally by altering hormone production, stress levels, motabolism and brain chemistry.

Did you know that Essential oils are what gives a plant its particular odor.

Did you know that If you are pregnant some oils that may not be harmful at any other time can be harmful to your unborn baby. Same goes for Nursing mothers.
~*~Touching most of the pictures on this page will either take you to some GREAT links or they will surprise you!!

The Baby takes you to a Link called - Midwife Archives.-- You get info on Homebirth, C-sections, Prenatal issues from A - Z, Labor and Birth issues from A - Z and Prenatal includes info on Herbs and Homeopathy. If you are PREGNANT this site is a must.

The Moon and Lake take you to a Great site on Aromatherapy called Aroma Vitae.

The Moon and Snow Takes you to a site called LOG CABIN HERBS. One of my very favorite sites, you learn what each Herb is for and how to use it and you can even purchase them at a great price.

Touch EVERYTHING and have fun....!!!!
EarthWay II - next page
EarthWay TLC -Links to the Natural way of living...Homemake Soaps,Herbs,Aromatherapy,Candles,Accupressure and much more....
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